The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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so the Nets solution to being decimated by covid is to bring on an unvaccinated player?
that supposedly principled stance they took went right out the window ha?
Not trying to be dramatic but I wonder if LeBron is regretting his move to the Lakers. Not sure he had any better options as promising, though.
His fragile *** alright . I think they’re playing it safe like with Bron and that ab injury.

There's always a level of precaution at hand with projecting guys injury time, so I agree with that.

They are saying AT LEAST 4 weeks though. You are not alright if your knee injury has you projected out for 4 weeks minimum.
The only other team that could've realistically signed LeBron and elevated to contender status was the Sixers. But he and his family were never going there.
Nothing to regret when he got a title out of it .
plus Space Jam and his kids at a top prep school

wasn't that the plan all along, go to hollywood and be a family man?
The only other team that could've realistically signed LeBron and elevated to contender status was the Sixers. But he and his family were never going there.

Very good points - I briefly forgot the move was largely family/lifestyle oriented. I was thinking purely from a basketball perspective. And even though he won, there’s the whole “Mickey Mouse COVID Invitational” thing attached (I don’t agree with it but I’m not sure if he cared either).

It’s just been unideal on the court from the jump, unfortunately and for reasons outside of his control (besides trading for Rust).
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