The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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Still wasnt a dirty play.

NT proving to me that there is a good chance they call 3 seconds in the key and offensive fouls when they play pick up.

I don’t think Kyrie called it dirty. He called it bad/unnecessary. That was the epitome of bad/unnecessary :lol:

He cost his team a possession in a close game. And injured a player in the process.
Don't think it was unnecessary. Those are the types of plays coaches remember. Hustle plays and effort stand out when you're not good at anything else.
So shouldn't Kyrie just have touched the ball & ended the possession instead of watching it go out of bounds?

Clearly Kyrie thought Nas could have made a play on that ball or else he wouldn't have tried to block him

And If Nas is an idiot for "costing his team" a possession (which they never had) Kyrie a genius for getting his team the ball back while nearly ending his season in the process? :lol:
That's what I'm saying. But the resident Bostons fans are still upset with Kyrie since his departure, so they defending the dive.
Lol it doesn’t have anything to do with that. It’s just a normal hustle play. This isn’t Pat Bev face to face diving at Russ knees while he’s dribbling. Folks are just getting sensitive in here because it’s Qyrie, who has an injury history.

Can you explain what Qyrie was doing on this play though? And why Little is “in the wrong”?
That's what I'm saying. But the resident Bostons fans are still upset with Kyrie since his departure, so they defending the dive.

It's not even all Boston fans siding with Nas's play though.

It's people defending trying to make a play on a loose basketball in a close 4th quarter. Like you're taught to do when you're 9.
Prime Boston Rondo was that dude :pimp:


defending little in that video is yikes.. was no need to dive for the ball at all. dude had no chance of making a play on it to receive possession for this team.
another funny thing is dudes acting like nas little is Clint capela or John collins or some ****. dude could be out the league easily after his contract is up.
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