The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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They have a track record of thinking they gonna get stars....
A fan of any NBA team probably should wait until Zion has actually played the majority of games in a season before getting excited bout the prospect of possibly getting him.
Feelings were definitely hurt.
This move wreaks of what OKC used to do when the local media wrote something bad about him. Or when a rebound or assist was taken away they would petition the league to review it, if it caused him a triple double. As bad as he’s playing, if the laker and or Klutch organization made this call, that’s wild.
Knicks traded a protected late round pick for a flyer on a disappointing first rounder…. What are people going crazy about exactly?

Best wing the Knicks have had since Allan Houston


Hell of a statement. Hope you’re right.

Why is it like this? Why is he so polarizing?

People either really believe in him or they don’t.

(Those stats about of Cam without Trae is something tho)
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