The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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first round picks are held to a high standard even its heavily protected... its like well at least we got a first round pick :lol:
Man wtf. Did the team just find out today too?

Man wtf. Did the team just find out today too?

Think they found out at least 10 minutes ago
I know it’s early with Klay, but this is what I wondered about when he got back, would he still commit as hard on defense and fight through screens to get back to his defensive assignment? So far he has, that’s good to see.
Hell of a statement. Hope you’re right.

Why is it like this? Why is he so polarizing?

People either really believe in him or they don’t.

(Those stats about of Cam without Trae is something tho)
Don’t read too much into those stats tbh. They bloated by those games when everyone had Covid on the team except him. He was getting all the shots cause it was either gonna be him or some 10 day guys.
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