The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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So it looks like Tatum will replace KD as a starter since KD won’t be playing but I can’t remember… Does KD still get to pick the team? Or does it go to the next highest vote getter in the East?
So it looks like Tatum will replace KD as a starter since KD won’t be playing but I can’t remember… Does KD still get to pick the team? Or does it go to the next highest vote getter in the East?

Tomorrow finna be nasty in here
Their thought process is beyond simple when it comes to stuff like that

I've been called worse makes it ok? Like huh :lol:

Bro he just called you a *****.

Meh...I've been called worse.

Oh...ok...but like...look at it this way...he just called you a *****. So like.. what about that?
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