The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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Season 2 of The Wire is underrated.

The writing in season 2 is some of the best in TV history. Like a Greek or Shakespearean tragedy translated to a modern city. Gives the entire series its foundation on why the drug trade even exists and begins almost every major direction the show heads in (the co-op, Stringer branching off, major crimes becoming a real unit, etc).

I will admit when you rewatch season 2 after you've finished the entire series and have more context it's even more appreciated.
JJ's been getting mad love

OG Tweet:

And the Suns have more road wins than seven teams have total wins. We deserve seven games of a healthy Suns vs. GSW.

The clutch/close games stuff is equal parts amazing and also unsustainably lucky.

They’re obviously great, but that screams some regression to the mean is forthcoming.
The clutch/close games stuff is equal parts amazing and also unsustainably lucky.

They’re obviously great, but that screams some regression to the mean is forthcoming.
CP's teams always perform well in the clutch during the regular season. Then they have unforgettable debacles in the playoffs. :lol:
The writing in season 2 is some of the best in TV history. Like a Greek or Shakespearean tragedy translated to a modern city. Gives the entire series its foundation on why the drug trade even exists and begins almost every major direction the show heads in (the co-op, Stringer branching off, major crimes becoming a real unit, etc).

I will admit when you rewatch season 2 after you've finished the entire series and have more context it's even more appreciated.


Eye….remember when BIG LEEMELONE BIG LEEMELONE suggested Jokic couldn’t keep this up….

It only takes one bad game to drop this bigly :lol:. There's been 12 games

i didn’t write the stat/tweet. Just showing Jokic ballin outta control over a 12 game stretch :pimp:

Of course it will come down some. Still think he’ll maintain a historically great PER over the season if healthy. He’s done so before

Alright then I feel you on that. Russell Westbrook is shooting 50% from 3 in his last 3 games. That would set the record for 3 point % and it's not even close :pimp:
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