The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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That Simmons presser :lol:

Malika was the only one who asked a real question

Ben was so full of bleep is it's flowing over! What a liar.

He filed an exemption to get paid for missing games due to mental health and during the presser he said it wasn't about mental health. Dude lied right there.

Philly fans were so patient with him gave him year after year after year to get a jumper and hit 70% of his FTs, but we were the bad ones!

Said he had the game taken away from him! NO, you chose to NOT participate at practice the day you got kicked out. You moaped around & was so disinterested you got kicked out. Ben's a fraud and he will not be any different in NY. What a fraud!!
Lakers Could Have Traded Russell Westbrook Without Outright Giving Up Pick, Not Ready To Give Up On Him

The Los Angeles Lakers had an offer from the Houston Rockets of John Wall for Russell Westbrook that would not have included their 2027 first round pick. The Lakers reportedly were not ready to give up on the idea of the team figuring out to play with Westbrook, and may even be ready to do so heading into next season.

"The way I heard it was it could have been done for a first round pick, but it was even suggested they could have done it for a pick swap," said Ramona Shelburne on The Hoop Collective podcast. "I don't know the details of what that swap could be like, or how that would even work.

"It would have been John Wall for Russell Westbrook and a draft consideration," said Brian Windhorst. "There could have been first rounders moving, but it wouldn't have been losing a first rounder maybe?"

"Let's put it this way," continued Shelburne. "They would have had to incentivize Houston to do the trade with some kind of draft compensation. I think it was even less than what people have assumed.

"But I think the Lakers are not ready to pull the ripcord on that Russell Westbrook experiment. I think they feel like the team, the coach, the coaching staff, everything has not done enough to say this isn't going to work. Russell Westbrook is a future Hall of Famer. There are different ways of being used. And some of this is on Russ too. Russ can still change more too. But I think they feel they gave up so much to get him and he is a really talented player if used correctly. And he has not been used in any kind of way that's he comfortable with, or has been used, or been good before. We can argue forever whose fault that is. I think it's a lot of both. I think both sides take some... And some of it's just reality of playing with LeBron now. It's a different setup than he's ever been in.

"I think they just feel like you can't keep changing all the time. Especially just change for just change sake. That's kind of the phrasing I've heard. Let's not make a change just to make a change. Let's make a change when we know it's going to make us a lot better.

"I've even heard this phrasing of this is probably going to be the roster next year too. Obviously a lot of the minimum contract guys will change, but I think this is what they've got. There was a couple of weird signals I've seen since that. I don't think LeBron has been a situation where he just gets told no, flat out, very often."
Why are people so intent on those 2 liking each other. The don’t F with each other especially after Joel’s twitter pic

And Joel shouldn't be mad and pissed at him? Joel has been grinding in the gym getting better yearly and Ben is at Wimbledon, on IG posting his newest Ferrari and posting the occasional jump shot. Dude isn't committed. Joel got so much better every year when Ben has regressed! Glad Joel was honest.
i mean is john wall better than westbrook?

both turnover machines and both cant hit the 3.

giving up second round picks for the same damn player?
James Harden isn't the pentacle of commitment and offseason improvement/grinding either though. Fam gonna have to figure out how he can fly back to Houston to party after games and still be in Brooklyn in the AM for shootarounds

noblekane noblekane exact same contract too.
And Joel shouldn't be mad and pissed at him? Joel has been grinding in the gym getting better yearly and Ben is at Wimbledon, on IG posting his newest Ferrari and posting the occasional jump shot. Dude isn't committed. Joel got so much better every year when Ben has regressed! Glad Joel was honest.
joel embiid has always been a douche bag. remember when him and ben was picking on lil zo for no reason?
i honestly hope ben simmons does well.

but hes gotta get a jumper

I don't. And I know I'm not alone with wanting him to fail. Every year I kept saying, he'll get a jumper, he'll be better at the line. And we got snowed every year. Wasn't committed.

When your offered to have one of the best shooting coaches in the sport, offered to you BY YOUR EMPLOYER, the legendary Herb Magee, and he said, Nah, I'm good. My brother is my shooting coach, that's all you need to hear. Dude doesn't give a damn. Just wants the $$$ and the fame. Doesn't care about winning. And that goes back to not going to the NIT when he was at LSU! TOTAL FRAUD!!
James Harden isn't the pentacle of commitment and offseason improvement/grinding either though. Fam gonna have to figure out how he can fly back to Houston to party after games and still be in Brooklyn in the AM for shootarounds

noblekane noblekane exact same contract too.

I think harden works on his game, not his fitness. He’s like the opposite of Westbrook
joel embiid has always been a douche bag. remember when him and ben was picking on lil zo for no reason?

Yeah, he WAS. He was also a worse player than now. He's now an MVP candidate, and he has grown up A LOT. Ask the reporters who covered him and trashed him as a rookie and early in his career. He didn't give it his all. Having a kid has matured him. But he was also over dealing with all this crap that was hovering over the team, hence the tweet. Final nail in the coffin. Now the team can move forward.
And Joel shouldn't be mad and pissed at him? Joel has been grinding in the gym getting better yearly and Ben is at Wimbledon, on IG posting his newest Ferrari and posting the occasional jump shot. Dude isn't committed. Joel got so much better every year when Ben has regressed! Glad Joel was honest.
I’m specifically talking about the question of them speaking. Why would Ben talk to him after that. I said nothing of how Joel feels
If Simmons just starts draining jump shots :lol:

RRRIIIGGGHHHTTT!! And it's gonna rain $100 bills the next storm!! NEVER HAPPEN! Until he realizes he's shooting with the wrong hand (he's ambidextrous, and should shoot right handed but won't) he'll never learn.
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