The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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every version of KD, Harden, Russ trio has been tried and failed.

KD, Harden, AND Russ in OKC
KD, Harden, no Russ in Brooklyn
KD, Russ, no Harden in OKC

Russ and KD, no Harden in OKC
Russ and Harden, no KD in Houston

Harden, Russ no KD in Houston
Harden, KD no Russ in Brooklyn

Yes, due to the transitive properties some of those are repeats.
I have my fair share of struggles with mental health, especially over the last two years. In my personal experience, I'm not just laying in bed sulking all day. I'll still go out with friends. I'll smile, laugh, have a good time. I'll still go to the gym. You'd probably never know unless I told you.

The best way I could describe my personal case is a dark cloud over everything. I could be having the best night but I'll eventually look up and see that rain cloud coming. There's no way to tell how long until it starts raining but in my mind, I know it will eventually.

Like others have said, it's a spectrum & your placement could change month to month, week to week, or hour to hour.
I also think it’s silly for people to act like your job/location doesn’t play a huge factor in your mental well being. Dude needed to get out of the city and off the team. Heck I’ve needed to quit jobs for my sanity and feel 100% better after removing myself

Steve Nash better not do this or Ben will be leaving hours late.

**** like this always come out after a trade.

"I've always loved the fans." "The fans and city are the best." "During FA I wanted this team first but it didn't happen" yadda yadda
Yeah but I’m this case it’s actually true. Dumas confirmed it and he’s spot on with all things Philly. And the morey, Rubin connection cannot be overlooked
Embiid really shouldn’t be worried bout what Ben does in his free time, thats not the issue
When it’s your second best teammate and he’s not getting better and it consistently gets exposed during crunch time, he absolutely should.

Imagine having a big presentation at work and it bombs because your coworker was playing video games instead of working on the presentation

Ben was THE cancer in Philly. He was prescribed shooting and workout regimens. The team gave him all the resources needed to improve. And he treated the workouts like a joke and instead used his own brother as his coach.
Speaking of Russ, Y’all gave MVP MVP grief over his thread participation but the other Russ fan, @tyisla, really disappeared as soon as it became apparent that this wasn’t gonna work out :lol:

TyisLA only stanned for Westbrook when he was playing for *OTHER* teams. Only took him 24 days to realize it's a lot different when Russ plays for the team he actually roots for to win games.


Man officially had enough when Russ wasn't moved at the deadline.

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