The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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Ain't eeem mad. That's one of those moments we all dreamt about.

3ball in curry face from the right wing for game...where have I seen that before...


Y’all wanna wash y’all face for when I said Simmons was gonna be a franchise piece for the blazers and cj was gonna have to move over?

Y’all laughed at me.

The pushback wasn't with WHAT you said but with WHEN you said it would actually happen.

I know you know that though.

Exactly why they should of traded him. Getting assurances from Kyrie is worse than James Harden saying he isn't looking for a trade.
Bejlicia and Chioza and Moody for KD and Seth. Who says no. Sounds even to me.
JESUS. Not even a Warriors fan but having the best 3 PT shooting duo in history only to follow it up with the best 3PT shooting family in history. Curry going in for Curry.
What if, and this is just my opinion, but what if Ben isn’t really the biggest addition to the Nets. I’m not downplaying what he brings defensively and the distribution, got it, he’s good. But to me, again, just my opinion, but Curry and Drummond have been huge. I know that it’s only 2 games in, but Seth is playing and shooting with unrestrained confidence, and Drummond is the big they needed since they traded Jared. I’m not ready to count Brooklyn out, Seth and Drummond are the best pieces, I can’t even imagine how big those pieces are once everyone is in the fold.

Only downfall is that Drummond can’t play late in the 4th, they’d foul him, and he can’t shoot the free throws, neither can Ben, maybe.
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Ain't eeem mad. That's one of those moments we all dreamt about.

3ball in curry face from the right wing for game...where have I seen that before...

This is nowhere to be seen in the front page of BR...
What if, and this is just my opinion, but what if Ben isn’t really the biggest addition to the Nets. I’m not downplaying what he brings defensively and the distribution, got it, he’s good. But to me, again, just my opinion, but Curry and Drummond have been huge. I know that it’s only 2 games in, but Seth is playing and shooting with unrestrained confidence, and Drummond is the big they needed since they traded Jared. I’m not ready to count Brooklyn out, Seth and Drummond are the best pieces, I can’t even imagine how big those pieces are once everyone is in the fold.

Only downfall is that Drummond can’t play late in the 4th, they’d foul him, and he can’t shoot the free throws, neither can Ben, maybe.
The thing with Seth is that he’ll have games where he’s jacking up 9+ 3s, then there will be a game he’ll take only 2
The thing with Seth is that he’ll have games where he’s jacking up 9+ 3s, then there will be a game he’ll take only 2
Now he’s got the green light. Until everyone comes back he’s kind of the focal point on offense, so he shouldn’t (not saying he won’t) have anymore of those games with low shot attempts, hell, Nash should tell him to shoot more
That was one of the nastiest turned ankles I've seen. Dudes ankle went 90° and then his whole body twisted. At first I thought it was a Gordon Hayward situation. Thankfully it seems like it's just a really bad sprain. Scary though.
Exactly why they should of traded him. Getting assurances from Kyrie is worse than James Harden saying he isn't looking for a trade.

JESUS. Not even a Warriors fan but having the best 3 PT shooting duo in history only to follow it up with the best 3PT shooting family in history. Curry going in for Curry.

Yup. Boston should've in hindsight and BK should have last week. Cleveland was smart enough to pull the trigger in 2017.
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