The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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Luka was too fat to start season to deserve 1st team and I don’t want him to get it as a fan.

They keep rewarding him for getting in shape in season and he’ll keep doing it. Notice he started cooking after not being a all star starter, I need that battery in his back

Yea, he’s got to stop that.

But I told the gamblers in here to bet on Luka come January. That 24 percent 3FG wasn’t going to last.

He does this every year. :lol:
Work on his game in ideal conditions, don't think he was league ready

He has all the access and $ to improve his game. College doesn’t get you ready for the league like that. His stock was high coming out HS and he was shielded by Zion and RJ. A year by himself and he’s a late first round pick. Coach K isn’t getting you ready for the league he’s getting you ready for the ACC

He just wasn’t really like that.
They don't love you like that is Top 50

Dwight made a list




Win or lose, I typically check in with my guy to get his takes & analysis. I knew son would start the video cheesin!!!


Before the season started, predicted the Knicks would be near the top o the league in offense and have to take a hit defensively. No exceptional take by any means, but he’s got 50+ years of basketball to reference so I trust the takes as informed at the very least. My dude is very knowledgeable about the game and history too.

Last year’s Knicks could never finish that game last night with a dub. I only see the defense getting better. I only see Kemba & the team gelling better to score even better.

Thibbs always preaching about turnovers so that late game sequence leading to the tie will be corrected.

The plan is going accordingly….

1) Zion gets fat, hates New Orleans, ends up at MSG declining the Rookie deal.

2) Mavs continue to blow it, Luka gets angrier each year, eventually asks to go to the Knicks.

What a time to be alive :pimp:


Knicks finishing top 4 and I'll put money on that

Feel like Randle is pressing to prove he can be 'the guy' & live up to his contract instead of just playing his game.

He can have four seasons of the exact same as last season and all will be good.

How the turntables

Thibs just yelling, doing nothing

Westchester Knicks > New York Knicks

I really think they’d win. No lie.

I just want the national media to obliterate the Knicks tonight and tomorrow so the FO hurries up and fires Thibs.
It’s one thing to have big buc em buc em energy trying with your shirt off

Not once did we say #FeagueLucked

But optimism is insufferable when you a Sixers fan

Luka was too fat to start season to deserve 1st team and I don’t want him to get it as a fan.

They keep rewarding him for getting in shape in season and he’ll keep doing it. Notice he started cooking after not being a all star starter, I need that battery in his back

Yea, he’s got to stop that.

But I told the gamblers in here to bet on Luka come January. That 24 percent 3FG wasn’t going to last.

He does this every year. :lol:
He's gotta grow up and figure that stuff out.

When they lose the division to Memphis despite pretty well beating their brains in this year and are locked into the 5th seed and going on the road instead of hosting a Round 1 series again, it'll be on him as much as anything else.

Can't be coming in and shooting 24% from three for two and a half months to start every season and missing games because of nicks and dings from being outta shape.
I got quoted off a joke post from the first game of the season?

Cmon man :lol: I've had some funnier ones, quote those :lol:
My SN is Based Jesus and I have an avy in February of Lil B with presents and a santa hat

You take me seriously if you want to :lol:
Fam I never did :lol:

Jokes or not, don’t come call us insufferable (not you) then act like everything is fine and dandy in Bing bong land
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