The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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Not once did we say #FeagueLucked

If I ever get jammed up for a crime that I committed, I need a lawyer that will defend me the way X xxpizzo defended Benjamin. Son wasn't tolerating any sort of the truth from the opposing side :lol:
i was obnoxious no doubt but when i tell ya i ride or die for my team and players i mean it

same for the homies irl

now i get to do it with harden lol
Yeah I was on your side with the Ben saga, didn’t think it was imperative to trade him. At the same time, he ended up overpaying for harden

So, idk

All I’m saying is the “omg if you don’t think harden is gonna work…” comments is classic setting yourself up

I don't know. I think if we do win a chip, this "overpaying" narrative will be quickly forgotten. For context, we went from "We should have accepted Brogdon" and "We should be happy to get a decent role player and picks" to overpaying for Harden.

And personally, I've had Harden as #3 after Lillard and Beal and had my concerns with him, but he's here now, Embiid and Maxey are sponges right now learning from him, he seems bought in, so we are excited and enjoying the moment.
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