The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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Yo! RJ Jefferson should have been had this job. Dude is a natural asf and funny too!

Warriors some some holes. It’s gone be a dog fight on both coasts to get to the finals but honestly right now…philly got that it factor to take it all the way. I think they will have that hunger bucks had last year that will be less this year just because they have won one already.
i could see doc getting outcoached by bud and spo
"Playoff God" Deandre Jordan
sabu (1).png
Feeling like we in the last days of the Bron/Steph/KD era…

Ready be Giannis, Jokic, Embiid…and whoever rey compete with these guys

Interesting times

If you mean last days you mean last years then yeah. Steph and KD gonna stick around a little longer than Bron.
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