The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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Yeah for all the IT2 jokes, you really have to take a step and applaud that man for fighting to do what he loves and believes he can do over the past few years. Most people never find something they are that passionate about. Props to him being back in the L :nthat:
Agree with all of this. But I really wonder what in his mind is the conclusion to his NBA career that he’s looking for/can accept.
wherever Lebron goes, he screws up everything. Cleveland, Miami and now the Lakers. also, mind you that players ending up without him, have better careers. Lebron just sucks up everyone and everything around him.

oh for sure. we've all seen it. i wish people spoke about it more though.
whoever can help him win and inflate his stats. hardly ever the other way around though

I dont watch college ball at all so I dont know much about any of these kats other than Chet crossing Curry up at his camp and I know who Banchero is and that he loses 7lbs of sweat per game.
Where were the Lakers going before LeBron decided to come? You got a champioship out of it. Getting LeBron is an all in for now type move, due to his age, the cost of acquisition (usually younger players and draft assets plus lux tax) and what he brings with him in terms of gravity and his crew, etc. So it was funny that in order to move Westbrook for Wall (which may or may not have been a lateral move but everyone in the world agreed something needed to be done), all of a sudden the Lakes are tight on the purse strings and won't part with a 2027 frp. 2027 FRP is probably a ninth grader right now.
Reminds me of CP3. He said they had to put him under to get MRI for his shoulder during the finals because he's claustrophobic.

Otherwise he flies to LA to get MRIs because they have one where your whole body doesn't have to go in.

he screamed like Alicia Keyes singing please go easy on meee tonighttttt
man lebron really screwed up the lakers

Bron joined in 18-19. They were garbage 5 years straight before he joined. C’mon man.
wherever Lebron goes, he screws up everything. Cleveland, Miami and now the Lakers. also, mind you that players ending up without him, have better careers. Lebron just sucks up everyone and everything around him.

This is not true. He has a character flaw with regards to his passive aggressiveness over the past few years but most elite, winning players exhibit this. I think in the twilight of his career he's getting frustrated more easily and he's more blatant about it with his on-court play also.
Agree with all of this. But I really wonder what in his mind is the conclusion to his NBA career that he’s looking for/can accept.

I agree with you here. He could have made a killing in any other league right now but instead, he's been working on 10 day contracts for 4 years now.

Brinks truck ain't in America.
Is it Bron's fault AD can't stay on the court? Is he the guy ultimately pulling the trigger on the deals they've made (or like with Caruso, not made) over the last couple of offseasons?

That is, ultimately, kind of the beginning and end of the conversation for me.

He undoubtedly deserves some blame for the roster structure around him, meddling too much in forcing the Russ move, etc. But someone in that organization somewhere along the way could've had the balls to just say no.

Calling him a franchise killer is cornball **** at best.
EYE am not attempting to embroil myself in this debate but I believe they were talking about the state in which LeBron leaves your franchise upon exit due to all the roster moves to fit Bron Ball. However, Miami survived and Cleveland is having a miraculous emergence this season, so it takes a strong FO and a great deal of luck IMO.
EYE am not attempting to embroil myself in this debate but I believe they were talking about the state in which LeBron leaves your franchise upon exit due to all the roster moves to fit Bron Ball. However, Miami survived and Cleveland is having a miraculous emergence this season, so it takes a strong FO and a great deal of luck IMO.

He left Miami with Wade and Bosh. There wasn’t anything to leave in Cleveland the first time around. The second Myrie left before he did. He didn’t make the Cavs cash out Kevin love.

What franchise is equipped to succeed if their best player left? The bucks would barely be a play in team. The Mavs would be a lottery team if Luka left. Same with the nuggets
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