The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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Be careful, WASHED KING WASHED KING is about to scold you for having the official phone of unattractive women :rolleyes
That backlog **** made me reconsider at my last job. Had my **** setup for some web testing and was getting 5 emails every 5 minutes…..had to turn that off after a day
When I used to work as a help desk tech, I would work on government employee's computers. They should always have hundreds, if not thousands of unread emails. At that point, I understood why it takes forever to get **** done on the government side.
My girl is one of those people with 11,000 unread email notifications on her mail icon on her phone. What’a the point of even having an email address. She can never find **** :lol:
I feel attacked
EYE am the same way.

Still get everything done and everyone what they need, though 🤷‍♂️ As indicated by the screenshot, I also rock the stock photo background/wallpaper too
I keep my work email super clean but my personal email is basically a spam repository

damni got 78k emails

straight dirtball status
#BacklogBoyz checking in
I've got all yall beat, I have 83,412 unread emails :lol:

Worst part is I checked my email today so the number was higher earlier :rofl:
We can't just skip over this. He got called out for faking the funk?
I must have missed this.

Say it ain so.

They were just an accusation and there were a few plausible explanations, but some folks were not buying it. Here is the history:

Damn yall paying 2500 to rent a prewar building studio with Barbie playhouse sized appliances and aint even safe? Where is all the tax money going?

That's about how much my mortgage is on my 5,000sqft loft in the West Village. Property appreciated almost 40% since I bought it.

This is a MASSIVE lie :lol:

Unless you’ve been paying down the principle for 15+ years or you put down 50%+ out the gate then there is no way in hell your mortgage would be $2.5K on a 5,000 sq ft loft in WV. And more than likely you’re dealing with a co-op and the HOA fees alone would run you $2.5k-$3.5K, on top of the mortgage.

You weren’t even prompted for any of this information yet you chose to volunteer a nasty fib. Why tho?

This man been feeding y’all tall tales & fables for years now. This is wild BS :lol:

Bless his lil’ insecure heart if coming online and crafting a fake persona is his way of coping tho.

Help me understand your logic behind putting down a “significant down payment” vs. the standard 20%.

Most folks who are financially savvy or understand real estate know where I’m going with this but I’m trying to see something here...

He also claimed to be a participant at an ABCD camp which I imagine would have been sometime in the late 90s to mid-00s:

The revelation led to this photoshop:

He is still around but hasn't really posted since this all went down six weeks ago.

By the way - EYE come in peace. I am a third-party that is simply summarizing the events in question.
Young cats with no fear for their elders (see Jalen green) ain’t just in hoops. It’s in these LA street gangs too. No regards whatsoever…anyone can get it.
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