The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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I was joking about the Adams part but I definitely think Kyrie will be playing home games by the playoffs.

Adam Silver will make it happen.

Things are different now storm2006 storm2006

Last two days have been coordinated by Kyrie to make Adams look bad nationally. :lol:

Kyrie played this beautifully.

We shall see. If this was purely an issue with the NBA, I would agree. Given the large scale and what we’re actually contesting (a private sector mandate within NYC), I think it’s a coin toss. The only reason talks are heating up is because the playoffs are approaching and that isn’t a legitimate reason for a change here :lol:
It’s not a foul in actual basketball but it’s always been a foul in the NBA.

Guess they changed it? IDK :lol:
Clearly they aren't interested in protecting people if they're letting unvaxxed people in the building.

They need to take the L and let him play at this point.
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