The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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Uh, wait a min. I just checked, Allen was absent starting March 8

3/8 - 3/30 the Cavs have a 116 Def Rating, which is 20th overall


Someone gotta fact check the Hater account but nonetheless I support their energy
Out and doubtful are good words to describe their Playoff chances

Spurs lead the tie breaker (conf W/L) by 4 games right now and still has TWO games left against Portland :lol:

Utah has struggled with the Lakers matchup so it would’ve been a good game to try to bank but nothing you can do if Bron’s ankle is still too swollen/sore
There aint no way any team is worse defensively than Portland recently. Hater Muse, we need answers!
On one hand, I wanna find hatermuse funny. On the other hand, they just stole Statmuse’s bit. We all hated statmuse when they started doing this :lol:
Good to see Brandon Knight get one more 10 day due to Spencer not playing b2b's

Knight had 2 good games as a Mav in December when he first came and then got COVID... never heard from him again until tonight
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