The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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Kawhi next.


We gonna kill teams for ducking the Clippers/Nets like y’all did last year? 🤔 Or will we use logic now?
Yea not even close. This Laker team has a TON of talent. Remember LeBron’s cringey IG post about “keep that same energy”


Wizards were 19-63 in the 2001 season.

MJ after three years of sitting on a couch, drinking booze and smoking cigars, compiling atrophy and becoming ridiculously out of shape decided to come down to the floor to lace them up again.

Come back trail gets delayed in summer due to Artest breaking his ribs. Where it was reported he was playing like his old self before the set back.

38 - 39 year old Yoda Floor Jordan was the ONLY player besides prime 23 year old Kobe to average 25/5/5 with elite defense.

Old Jordan (2 years older than Bron is now) had the Wiz on pace to make the playoffs before a season and ultimately career derailment knee injury which limited his effectiveness and even then he improved the Wizards record by 18 games. Yet only played 60 games.

37-45 final record.

His talent on the roster?
Hamilton - 20/3/3 on 44% - 63 games
Whitney - 10/2/4 on 42%
Alexander - 10/3/2 on 47% - 56 games

No HOFers, no perennial all stars, no 3rd best PER player of all time, no Triple Double King, no former scoring champs.

2022 Lakers

Davis - 23/10/2 on 53% - 40 games
Westbrook - 19/7/7 on 44%
Monk - 13/3/3 on 47%
Anthony - 13/4/1 on 44%

37 y/o LeBron - 30/8/6 on 52% - 56 games
39 y/o Jordan - 23/6/5 on 42% - 60 games

Now, statistically LeBron was better. To the untrained eye. Late 90s through early 2000s is the most physical, slow and difficult scoring climate basketball has seen.

23 ppg in that league could easily be 28-30 ppg in todays open, pace and space, no physicality and no rim protection league.

But the reason Mike’s team, although severely less talented by comparison did better? Jordan played defense, LeBron doesn’t. Bron sand bags and hides himself on defense so he can chase accumulation stats or in this years case a scoring average at the expense of playing winning team basketball.

LeBron’s much maligned and scapegoat third option, IE Westbrick, is LEAPS and BOUNDS better than 2002 RIP Hamilton. And Westbrick has been durable enough to be there for basically every game.

LeBron is quite the talent but he’s a competitive coward and ultimately a loser.

Jordan messed his knee up being two years older than current LeBron, 3 years of atrophy and being out of shape, and even after his injury came back to try and help the Wiz. Dropping his averages and efficiency in the process statistically.

Meanwhile LeBeta protected his averages at the expense of his team. Sat out games for a meaningful playoff push. Dropped hints at AS break about leaving another team. And just the way he quit and folded in last years first round, or as he’s always done. Turns and runs like the coward he is with his tail between his legs.

When the going gets tough, LeBron gets to quitting and leaving.

IDK how anyone with any discernible eye for character not only respects but could even like this clown?

Holy Reddit post Batman
yet KD got all the hate when he joined the Warriors while Lebby got a free pass for getting superstars around him.
Facts are facts. It was the same level of cowardice.

Slim Reaper can redeem himself now though.

Especially now that BK doesn’t have the deck stacked with Harden.

Just him and his buddy Kyrie against the most difficult conference in basketball, including the defending champs.

East hasn’t been this stacked since a brief period of 2011 and 2012 pre Derrick Rose injury. It’s basically been since the duration of the 90s that it was the most difficult conference in pro basketball.
Probably no one. Non-regulars coming out the woodwork to post is an NT NBA thread tradition this time of year.
joined in February to get all that hate out lol

Bron really rent free in these dudes minds
joined in February to get all that hate out lol

Bron really rent free in these dudes minds
I joined to talk about the new Kyrie model and find out when it was releasing because I needed a new quality hoop shoe. That’s where the majority of my posts go.

I’m just laughing at LeBozo right now, and followed up someone’s inaccurate post about the comparison between 2022 Lakers with LeBron and the 2002 Wizards with even older Jordan.

Why are you so mad I gave quality context and basketball analysis on the differences between the two?

You’re just upset LeBron headed to Cabo and NOT the play in tournament

All that while playing with a former MVP, scoring champ, and #3 ranked player EVER according to PER? Another LeBron Laker Fail season? Must be rough man. Pathetic.
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