The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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What makes you say it’s a pipe dream for Nurse?
The job just isn’t attractive enough for a tier one candidate.

You can cite injuries for why you failed to win a title, but you lose 50 games in a season then you have deeper problems.

Team has no draft picks for several years, LeBron leaving to play with his son in ‘24, which leaves AD as the face & he’ll likely need more from his supporting cast than the franchise is able to provide.

Living in LA absolutely has it perks, but ever since Phil Jackson that franchise has changed coaches like underwear. Not as bad as the Kings, but they don’t give their coaches much of a leash.

Vogel won a title, within 2 years ownership & the front office stripped the roster & fired him on Twitter.

You got Kurt Rambis of all people micromanaging you too? :lol:

Pipedream man
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