The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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KD would he livid if it was just him and Jim
Livid because of a trade or livid because it'll only be he and Jim half the szn anyways

This shh ain’t it

aint no legit doctors coming out and voicing there opinions but I’m supposed to respect the opinion of someone whose actions could direct affect me or the people I care about

if this wasn’t transmitted how it is, I wouldn’t give a shh.. but the stupidity of others can directly impact my life and my family’s life and you ask people to explain shh and they talking about HIPAA
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Bron kinda not as smart as I once thought he was :lol:
He been exposing himself since the China situation :smh:

him constantly holding books without creases in them wasnt a clue or him just naming a movie as one of his favorites while getting sh about the movie wrong
In efforts to sound logical dudes end up sounding worse. Is it just me that realizes 600k+ and counting Americans have died because of this or does it really not matter? I can't be the only person that resonates with more than whatever other reason, optics, politics, tribalism, contrarianism the need to sound right etc. That's an absurd number of dead people in a short time for 1 country. Like how can you be more empathetic to the illusion of choice more than the fact of death? The internet is too powerful for some of these mental weaklings.

Its just the classic rise of anti-intellectualism promoted by fascist today.

Not knowing history has really failed the world. We’re back to this point again. 2 steps forward…3 Steps back then another step forward.

Social media and access to information was never meant for what it has become. It’s wild to see and be living in it in real time.
Most of these guys never answer thats private when a reporter asks how their rehab is going, how their surgery went , how the injury is going but vaccination is all of a sudden so much more private .

I need reporters to start doing their damn job and checking these dudes

ask them what the hell HIPAA actually is when they say that dumb shh

since they all of a sudden got this concern about science and doctors, reference dates they’ve received medical treatment.. hell ask them what they do when they get a cold or a headache
Just ask them how they conducted their research. Should shut them up quick.

at this point, I want more than that

tell me the research you have done into the other things you regularly consume without zero question

At this point we know a shh ton of people have died from this thing.. how many have died directly from the vaccine?
I thought Draymond's WNBA comments were bad. This guy is on fire.

i mean we’ve gone through this whole thing with smoking and cigarettes

we get how sick those things can make you and if YOU decide that’s what you wanna do that’s your prerogative

but we as a society don’t want to be affected by it, so you just won’t be able to do it everywhere like you once were able to (like on an airplane)

nothing about taking vaccines is new.. we have to take them for school and travel
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