The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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I mean I have no doubt harden will figure it out. It's just struggle bus for him at this second. But I've watched all of those guys play this season so far and refs just swallowing whistles when they getting fouled. Some are hella blatant too. It's really like they changed the rule and then told the refs not to call **** unless there's blood
I mean I have no doubt harden will figure it out. It's just struggle bus for him at this second. But I've watched all of those guys play this season so far and refs just swallowing whistles when they getting fouled. Some are hella blatant too. It's really like they changed the rule and then told the refs not to call **** unless there's blood
idk, I haven't noticed as much I guess. Curry either. I've seen Trae kinda get mugged a few times but that makes up for all the b.s. he did last year

Overall I don't think it's promoting giving a defender the advantage or an unfair strategy. It's not handcuffing anyone in the least imo
The worst part is now defenders can foul him with no punishment. James was always getting fouled. It wasn't his fault for drawing fouls, it was the defenders for being undisciplined. Now he can get hacked and held and bump with no recourse. Same as curry and trae. This new rule rewards bad defenders and hurts genius offensive players.

Nobody said **** when Chauncey used to size up and pump fake guys into fouling him all the time.

They rewrite the rules for KD's rip through some yrs back and rewrote the rules to limit Shaq.

The league don't want dudes to be great forreal.
So you support this type of offense?
League won’t change nothing long term.
Once the stars start to sit more due to foul trouble it’ll all go back to normal
Agree with your first sentence, unfortunately I don't have faith in them upholding this

Second sentence- I don't think this rule promotes stars giving fouls, so that wouldn't be the reason it goes back to normal
Enes pretty much calling everyone out. league definitely not happy with him
china already pulled celtics gm if i read correctly
interpol red notice still on him from the turkish govt?

enes asking phil knight, mj and lebron to fly to china with him
would not be surprised if enes had an "accident" in china
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Ben reminds me of the scammer dudes I used to work with at a unionized supermarket in Long Island

Dudes would sprain their ankle and be out like 3 months, full pay

Coming in the store with crutches and a walking cast talking about the doctor's still running test, docs think they might need platelet-rich therapy....but they gonna think about getting it, after they come back from their vaca in the DR
Ben reminds me of the scammer dudes I used to work with at a unionized supermarket in Long Island

Dudes would sprain their ankle and be out like 3 months, full pay

Coming in the store with crutches and a walking cast talking about the doctor's still running test, docs think they might need platelet-rich therapy....but they gonna think about getting it, after they come back from their vaca in the DR

Yeah working with those "light duty" folks you know are milking it is the worst :lol:
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