The Official Photography Thread - Vol. 3

From today, 264 of 365.





Originally Posted by SaNTi0321

God damn I want a Fisheye lens. Dope shots, Fong.
 I wanna fish-eye too just so I can attempt to try those.... doubt I'd be successful though 

I'd need to find a view like that first, of course. 
Hey I'm flying out to the Cupertino/San Jose area this weekend. Can anyone point me to some good spots to take some pictures at? I'll only have about a half a day free so it cant be too far away.
Originally Posted by Air Freshh 23

Hey, does anyone know if sigma lens are good? I was thinkin about the 18-200mm...does anyone have that one?

Sigmas are great, built quality is superb, I think that's the best thing about them...however unless you are goin to use that lense for shootin outdoors with good available light, I would save my money and get a Tamron 28-75 2.8 for everyday use, walk around affordable lense...tamrons have good built quality as well, the cons with these 3rd party lenses is the resale value..they tend to lose value their value
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by Air Freshh 23

Hey, does anyone know if sigma lens are good? I was thinkin about the 18-200mm...does anyone have that one?

Sigmas are great, built quality is superb, I think that's the best thing about them...however unless you are goin to use that lense for shootin outdoors with good available light, I would save my money and get a Tamron 28-75 2.8 for everyday use, walk around affordable lense...tamrons have good built quality as well, the cons with these 3rd party lenses is the resale value..they tend to lose value their value
Heard things good about sigma as well. I want to get the 30mm 1.4. or something since I have an 18-200.
My friend has that tamron and it's pretty nice.
my baby mama singing along to the end of otis
sup quick


all the fisheye talk/pics made me want to take mine out yesterday...
really love how this one came out. it's a single exposure. no hdr effects added, very minimal editing in camera raw. only thing added in pshop was my watermark:


here i attempted the brenizer method, came across it surfing thru all the blogs/flickr'rs. the comp of this pic isn't the greatest to really make this effect show tho...i gotta practice this one alot more


one more fisheye from yest:
you don't know nnnnnn




Originally Posted by Helow

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by Air Freshh 23

Hey, does anyone know if sigma lens are good? I was thinkin about the 18-200mm...does anyone have that one?

Sigmas are great, built quality is superb, I think that's the best thing about them...however unless you are goin to use that lense for shootin outdoors with good available light, I would save my money and get a Tamron 28-75 2.8 for everyday use, walk around affordable lense...tamrons have good built quality as well, the cons with these 3rd party lenses is the resale value..they tend to lose value their value
Heard things good about sigma as well. I want to get the 30mm 1.4. or something since I have an 18-200.
My friend has that tamron and it's pretty nice.
guy i shoot for has the sigma 85mm.....lens outperforms the 85L which is about 1000$ more.....
i didn't know there was a sigma i wouldn't know, but i owned the 28-75 and it was an awesome walk around lens.
Well, the Sigma's a 24-70 2.8 I think...

I guess it comes down to build/quality of the Tam vs Sig?

I wanted the 24-70 2.8 Nikkor... till I saw the price.
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