The Official Photography Thread - Vol. 3

Can anyone offer insight into the difference between the Canon 600D and the 60D?

Is the price difference worth it for a beginning photographer?

Any input would be greatly appreciated. I have to buy a DSLR for a Digital Photography class ASAP.
Nevermind did some more research and the 60D seems to blow away the 600D in most face to face reviews.
Going with the 60D.
It's been a little while.

Great stuff as always everyone.

If you get a chance send me some "Like" Love -

Some randoms from the past few months













Originally Posted by spacerace

ive decided to forgo my D90 (just got it a couple weeks ago 
 ) and get me one of these:

Sony Nex-5 with the18-55mm lens. 
Any feedback on the Nex spacerace?
Can someone please recommend a good walk-around/blogging lens for the 7D? Preferably something I can take good widescreen photos with, sub $800.

Much appreciated.
Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Can someone please recommend a good walk-around/blogging lens for the 7D? Preferably something I can take good widescreen photos with, sub $800.

Much appreciated.

I say go with the Tokina 11-16mm f/2.8. It's my latest lens and it made me realize how I missed a wide angle lens. Depending on where you can get it, should be around $600-650.
Thanks a lot Burstmode.

Heading to Adorama now.Anyone have any feedback on the Canon EF-S 15-85mm f/3.5-5.6 IS USM?
Originally Posted by burstmode7d

Originally Posted by denverairforce

man, looking at these pictures makes me realize I have so much yet to learn. and this gets me excited! great stuff. love the jellyfish shots, are those at an aquarium? spectacular stuff all around fellas.

couldn't agree with you more. everytime i have a brain lock or get lazy and don't want to shoot, all i gotta do is come to this thread and get inspired. and yep, the jellyfish shots are from an aquarium. i wanted a different look and not the prototypical orange/yellow jellyfish shot. the b/w ended up looking pretty nice.
fur real dough. this thread = hidden gem. nt photog team? count me in.

boys noize (i love that 'yeah' track btw), denver, nystateofmind, okplayer
and the rest of the usual suspects

been trying to focus on technique/consistency/whitebalance/most correct exposures these past few's what i've come up with:






oversaturated? undersaturated? too much pp? probably. tell me what u think yall, good or bad, i want to progress.
Question for you experienced photographers. Ive switched to shooting manual mode only now and have started to figure out what the exposure meter is trying to tell me. How much do you guys depend on that to helping you create quality consistent shots? If not a hassle please give a scenario where you ignore it or use it as a crutch either way.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

What's this photography team talk??...I'm all in!
Hell yeah I'm in! I gotta be honest, I'm one of those "I add you as a contact, then 3 months later I take you out" kind of a guy. Got an OCD thing going on! But I figure if we make a list and add each other as contacts it'll help all of us get to know each other and learn each other's specialties. I mean, I got a flash, do I know how to use it...NOPE!
 I gotta learn from someone! So what should we call this "Team"? and the Sig?
Originally Posted by Predata08

Question for you experienced photographers. Ive switched to shooting manual mode only now and have started to figure out what the exposure meter is trying to tell me. How much do you guys depend on that to helping you create quality consistent shots? If not a hassle please give a scenario where you ignore it or use it as a crutch either way.

I depend on it FULLY, it's the only way I know I'm correctly wxposig my subject, keep in mind the meter will vary depending on what your focal point is, are outside and focus on the sky, the meter will assist you on exposing that instead of your subject.
Originally Posted by burstmode7d

Originally Posted by ksteezy

What's this photography team talk??...I'm all in!
Hell yeah I'm in! I gotta be honest, I'm one of those "I add you as a contact, then 3 months later I take you out" kind of a guy. Got an OCD thing going on! But I figure if we make a list and add each other as contacts it'll help all of us get to know each other and learn each other's specialties. I mean, I got a flash, do I know how to use it...NOPE!
 I gotta learn from someone! So what should we call this "Team"? and the Sig?

chyeah lehhgo lol. throw some names/sigs out there, i don't have any good aperture: we got that good glass. lol

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by Predata08

Question for you experienced photographers. Ive switched to shooting manual mode only now and have started to figure out what the exposure meter is trying to tell me. How much do you guys depend on that to helping you create quality consistent shots? If not a hassle please give a scenario where you ignore it or use it as a crutch either way.

I depend on it FULLY, it's the only way I know I'm correctly wxposig my subject, keep in mind the meter will vary depending on what your focal point is, are outside and focus on the sky, the meter will assist you on exposing that instead of your subject.

hmm...when i shoot manual, exp meter is everything. ur exp meter will determine what changes need to be made to shutter speed/aperture. i'm really NOT good at explaining/learning by reading lol, more of a hands on/do it myself/let me show u type person...

attempting to touch base with what ksteezy said, i'll try to explain what i did for this pic:


shot it on manual. pointed cam at sky for exposure metering. i didn't want the sky blown out/overexposed, this made the car come out dark/underexposed tho. used an on camera flash to "fill" in the light of the underexposed car. took me several attempts of differnt flash output power to get a pic i thought was decent.
^^^^You have an external flash? Wow....I literally did not ever to think about shooting like that since I am such a noob at shooting with flash.
Adobo hit it on the head, if you want that dramatic exposed sky, you will need some sort of fill flash, you meter out your exposure for the sky and allow your flash to expose your subject, boom!!!...of course like Adobo said, the best way to learn is to go out and experiment, great shot Adobo, I'll post some of the "strobist" stuf I've done in the past later, posting from phone while
Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Originally Posted by spacerace

ive decided to forgo my D90 (just got it a couple weeks ago 
 ) and get me one of these:
Sony Nex-5 with the18-55mm lens. 
Any feedback on the Nex spacerace?
i played with it for ~10 days and coming from the Nikon D90, i just wasn't satisfied with both the image quality and the lack of control over your shot; ended up returning it and getting a Nikon D5100. i would recommend it to those who want to take decent pictures without doing a lot of work. 
Originally Posted by adob0

shot it on manual. pointed cam at sky for exposure metering. i didn't want the sky blown out/overexposed, this made the car come out dark/underexposed tho. used an on camera flash to "fill" in the light of the underexposed car. took me several attempts of differnt flash output power to get a pic i thought was decent.
If you have lightroom you can use a graduated filter to adjust certain parts of the picture too
Thanks alot KSteezy and Adobo. I understand exactly what u guys are saying. I needed a little reassurance.
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