The Official Photography Thread - Vol. 3

some double exposure portraits

Went to Kayford, West Virginia on a trip with Towson students & faculty (I'm an alumnus). Crazy situation there due to mountaintop removal (MTR) methods of removing coal.

(Water sample)

What the mountain looks like now.

Graves dedicated to miners and family members of the area - some go back to the 1800's.
About to shoot my first sunset tonight. Any tips? My plan is to have the f stop at about 16-22 while the sun is still up above the horizon then once it sets bring the f stop down to about 5.6 and increase the shutter speed to about 1/640?

btw I think a new topic needs to be posted in the flickr group.
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^How did you get that water effect on the first 2 photos? :nerd:

It's an ND filter. Think of it as putting a tint over your lens so when you shoot in the day time, it looks darker then normal. Then just set it up as a long exposure shot and the water should look smooth after. They are also good for shooting high ISO during the daytime as well.


Good for clouds too:

Anyone thinking about picking up the SL1 after the price drops a bit? I've much needed a smaller frame. I love the idea of caring it around everywhere as we'll as using it as a back up.
^How did you get that water effect on the first 2 photos?
^How did you get that water effect on the first 2 photos?

I've always wondered that and never thought to ask.
^How did you get that water effect on the first 2 photos?
It's an ND filter. Think of it as putting a tint over your lens so when you shoot in the day time, it looks darker then normal. Then just set it up as a long exposure shot and the water should look smooth after. They are also good for shooting high ISO during the daytime as well.

This... Mine is a B+W 10 stop filter. Its VERY dark, you almost cant see through it unless its really bright out... the camera wont even focus with it on lol.

Those were 30 second exposures.  All pics in that post were with the filter on.
Yea thats dope. Do the filters have an universal fit for lenses,or do you have to buy a diff one for each lens pending the lens size? *Noob question*
Can someone please point me in the right direction, as to which camera is the best D-SLR camera I can buy in 2013 for around 7-$900?

It's my first camera, so if you guys can help me as to which lenses i can buy as well. I want to take great pictures and would prefer not to buy an entry-level D-SLR (even if the non entry-level may exceed my current price range).

Also, where would be the best place to shop for these specific cameras?
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

I swear I just read somewhere that the Canon 7D body is going for like $700 since a new one is coming out soon. Unfortunately that price is on sites that I can't really justify for. Honestly if that is the case, I would jump on that. Canon 7D is practically the best crop camera that is out even right now. ISO is pretty good and the focusing system is what is current on the Canon Mark 3. If you get that and a simple prime lens ranging in the 35mm or 50mm area, you should have a nice setup that beats most entry level cameras out there and for the same price or even cheaper.

And for lenses and if you are not that stingy of a guy, you can even get great deals on Craigslist. All lenses might not be brand new condition but you can get a way better deal on a used one and the optics should pretty much be the same if the glass is not tampered with.
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