The Official Photography Thread - Vol. 3

I've never used filters before on any of my photos except an ND like twice back when used to only do landscapes. I will look into it!

Its a pretty decked out bright blue BMW M4. Dude is actually an NTer :lol:

I've shot out at mare island a couple times for car shoots. Nothing too incredible though. I am hoping to get some really fire stuff like your level ish. Always impressed by your car photos.

Is it @Retro707 :nerd: If so some shots of his TE37s are a must!...I mainly use a polarizer to cut reflections off the windshield and paint since I suck at cloning lol.

Just street viewed mare island, kinda like treasure island with the buildings. Should make for some dope shots! Look forward to seeing them.
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I've never used filters before on any of my photos except an ND like twice back when used to only do landscapes. I will look into it!

Its a pretty decked out bright blue BMW M4. Dude is actually an NTer :lol:

I've shot out at mare island a couple times for car shoots. Nothing too incredible though. I am hoping to get some really fire stuff like your level ish. Always impressed by your car photos.

Is it @Retro707 :nerd: If so some shots of his TE37s are a must!...I mainly use a polarizer to cut reflections off the windshield and paint since I suck at cloning lol.

Just street viewed mare island, kinda like treasure island with the buildings. Should make for some dope shots! Look forward to seeing them.

Yeah its retro707 :pimp:

Detail rim shots are a must

and yeah mare island is a lot like treasure island.

I've done 5-6 car shoots so far.

One of my favorites

Yeah its retro707 :pimp:

Detail rim shots are a must

and yeah mare island is a lot like treasure island.

I've done 5-6 car shoots so far.

One of my favorites

Nice! How come I've never seen any of your car shots before?! lol


Because they were all a while ago. When I got into portraiture I pretty much stopped posting photos of landscapes and non-people :lol:

I did some shots with a motorcycle and a model recently too. I'm not finished processing and retouching though so i havent posted much at all about this either.


Because they were all a while ago. When I got into portraiture I pretty much stopped posting photos of landscapes and non-people :lol:

I did some shots with a motorcycle and a model recently too. I'm not finished processing and retouching though so i havent posted much at all about this either.

lol I see.
Hey guys

Shot another kid's bday party (2nd ever) and seem to keep picking up jobs from other parents that were at the parties and saw the pics.

Couple questions for you guys who've done similar shoots...

How much do you guys charge? For a 2-3 hr shoot? I only charged $200 since I didnt even have a portfolio and figured more jobs could come from shooting this 1...which it did. lol but I feel i gotta start bumping it up quick.

How many pics/do u edit and send over?

Turnaround time?

Lol I went OD and editted up 200 pictures for them in 2 days and thinking thats not the norm.

really making it a point to bring my cam with me wherever i go. been in kind of a rut recently, not venturing out much, seeing and passing the same things over and over again. plus the weather being upwards of 110 farenheit til 6pm makes me not want to go outside.

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didn't know that, how many exposure do you get with a roll on pano cam? also is that hasselblad medium format?

On a normal 36 exposure roll, I get about 20-21 shots in pano. On a 24 exposure roll, about 12. Not technically medium format.

Dope shots btw, homie!
The Fred Miranda B/S section is a dangerous place. After picking up a used A7, picked up a Ona The Bowery bag and Sigma 60mm f/2.8 for my a6000. Definitely getting the Vanguard Alta Pro 263AB next time it goes on sale. Have my eye on the Sigma 105mm macro for my 550D for macro/portrait work and an alternative until Canon releases a new 85mm f/1.8 with hopefully IS. Interested in a used 70D as well, prices starting to look really good, but I think that $$$ is better served for getting the Sony Zeiss 35 and 55 for my A7.

FM is a trap :lol:

That 55mm is an absolute must-have.
Hey guys

Shot another kid's bday party (2nd ever) and seem to keep picking up jobs from other parents that were at the parties and saw the pics.

Couple questions for you guys who've done similar shoots...

How much do you guys charge? For a 2-3 hr shoot? I only charged $200 since I didnt even have a portfolio and figured more jobs could come from shooting this 1...which it did. lol but I feel i gotta start bumping it up quick.

How many pics/do u edit and send over?

Turnaround time?

Lol I went OD and editted up 200 pictures for them in 2 days and thinking thats not the norm.


When I started seriously I was doing $100 an hour, minimum of 2 hours for a party and 1 hour for a workshop. This was bare minimum for non-wedding events. If I had to travel more than 25 miles from the city center, that adds a travel charge on top. 25 miles was enough for me to include the city, beltway region and outer suburbs, so that's a fair charge.

I try to my best to give around 50-75 images (100 for longer events), but it really depends on the event. A speaker/panel workshop won't need that much. As long as you capture the speakers, presenters, crowd shots, "thank you for coming, here's a plaque", and maybe some networking shots, you're covered.

Parties tend to get more shots since a lot is going on. You can fluff space with shots of decorations and food, and "person-x wants pictures with aunt-a and uncle-b" photos, etc. Still I'll have that closer to the 75 image range because:

  • That's a lot even for minor editing on my part -- I wouldn't want to spend time on 200 photos.
  • It makes me better at culling shots, picking quality ones, and learning to take good photos -- If I'm ending up with 500 photos after an event, but only kept 50 of them, I'm doing a lot of wasteful shooting.
  • Gives me enough time to edit and deliver in 3 days.
Hey guys

Shot another kid's bday party (2nd ever) and seem to keep picking up jobs from other parents that were at the parties and saw the pics.

Couple questions for you guys who've done similar shoots...

How much do you guys charge? For a 2-3 hr shoot? I only charged $200 since I didnt even have a portfolio and figured more jobs could come from shooting this 1...which it did. lol but I feel i gotta start bumping it up quick.

How many pics/do u edit and send over?

Turnaround time?

Lol I went OD and editted up 200 pictures for them in 2 days and thinking thats not the norm.


Keep you prices low enough land jobs but to also feel respected for your current level of experience.

If its a shoot i've never done before, i actually charge very little to nothing as I have no portfolio to point to w/ consistent work to show a potentially unhappy client. Some people are out here looking for a reason to be upset / are out for something for free. Having a consistent portfolio to point to and say "The photos you received are in line with the photos in my portfolio" is a huge way to ward off unhappy people. Thankfully, I haven't had anyone unhappy, YET.

I cull, edit, and deliver basically every "usable" (sharp, properly exposed, subject in the frame doesn't look awkward / fat, etc) photo. That could mean 50 - 500 depending on the length of the event, how many individual events are at the event etc. I dont really "cap" the amount of photos I deliver. If I took it and its usable, it'll probably get delivered. It doesn't do my any good to not deliver a photo. The exception to this is obvious duplicates. I frequently take 3-5 shots per pose to make sure the eyes are perfect.

One thing I really hate about events is dancing. I hate when clients have me there for 2-3 hours of dancing. After about a dozen dancing shots, they all start to look the same IMO.
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Photo I shot a while but edited late. I pushed the RAW file to the extreme and surprisingly it help up decently. I was watching some youtube clips on editing night shots with RAW files and it helped a bit.

Need that road pic for a wallpaper [emoji]128293[/emoji][emoji]128293[/emoji][emoji]128293[/emoji]
Starter camera for shoe pics? Something decent that gets the job done and is tasteful and moderately priced
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