The Official Photography Thread - Vol. 3

The main gripe for the D600 is the flash sync and shutter speed maxing out at 4000 per second. Also the focusing system is really bad and something that I am sort of regretting with even the Mark 2. If you watch the video above, the guy does say that the D800 and D600 aren't too far off from each other. I think the D800 might have a better focusing system but ISO is just as good or if not better. by the end of it, it comes down to preference on things. If you shoot for web and are on a budget, then I say get the D600 but if you do shooting some what professional with printing images and what not, then it might be worth getting the D800. If money is not an option, then get the Nikon D3S cause that camera kills!

Thanks for the video. I browsed that guys reviews and he had exactly what I wanted: Nikon 5100 vs Canon T3i. He is also kinda entertaining.
got this in the mail today


will post some pics tomorrow when i get a chance to take it out in the daylight
Why is there a white border around my image?

Maybe it's because I uploaded directly from my laptop and not an image hosting site.

Why am I answering my own question?

Who the truck is this?

Paging me at 5:46 in the mornin'

Crack of dawn and

Now I'm yawnin'
Why is there a white border around my image?

Maybe it's because I uploaded directly from my laptop and not an image hosting site.

Why am I answering my own question?

Who the truck is this?

Paging me at 5:46 in the mornin'

Crack of dawn and

Now I'm yawnin'
I believe it's the NT layout. Don't worry, it does it to mine as well, but it might be from the hosting site that you forgot to take out when posting. 
ill be part of a team tomorrow shooting photos tomorrow.. any tips on wedding photog? aaand what should i expect?

its gonna be my first time so im really excited/nervous
Anticipate key moments to give yourself an idea of how that moment would best be framed...

Shoot in burst mode. Anticipate key moments.
ill be part of a team tomorrow shooting photos tomorrow.. any tips on wedding photog? aaand what should i expect?
its gonna be my first time so im really excited/nervous
I did my first wedding last year around this time. A quick write up that you can find HERE

A few things I might add for those who never shot a wedding, have one coming up, or tips in general.

- Majority of the shots were taken with a wide angle lens using Eric's Tamron 17-35mm F/2.8-4. For me, not only do I have fun, but the perspective of a wide angle can get more then you are striving for. The lens was sharp wide open, although I never used it passed 17mm, only because of two reasons; One, I wanted my shots wide because it will make it easier for me to crop if I needed to. Two: Going pass 17mm isn't at f stop 2.8 any more which may be more of a hassle shooting natural low light. This is probably going to be my new next lens.

- Invest or rent fast lens. The 50mm F/1.4 & 85mm F/1.4 did very well. This will not only help you get shots your going for, but it will benefit you and make it a lot easier getting results.

- Arrive early. Not only will you have time to prepare, but its makes it a lot easier for yourself not to rush because when you rush, you tend to forget and most importantly miss detail key photos that is needed.

- Keep shooting, keep shooting, keep shooting. Don't stop taking photos. You can review them later because moments that you aren't capturing, will probably never happen again. Bring extra memory cards.

One photo from that night, you can find more in the link above. Good luck!
ill be part of a team tomorrow shooting photos tomorrow.. any tips on wedding photog? aaand what should i expect?
its gonna be my first time so im really excited/nervous

look out for the key moments, make sure you dont miss those, like Rolo said a WA if you are not shy can give you great perspective, just know you have to play your subjects closer....keep an eye open for the small details, have a list set up of the family members to fascilitate the family formals, make sure you shoot Raw and keep a good count of how many pictures fit into your memory card, the worst thing is being lined up for say the first kiss and running out of memory right before the kiss....a small mistake that will kill you...dont get caught up shooting wide open, stay at an aperture that will minimize missed focus, once you make it to the reception, you are home free, thats the easiest part, just bounce your flash, bump up the iso to about 1600, and drop down to around f2.0 if possible and your shutter within 140-200....these are my go to settings and 90% they work in pretty much any fast on your feet and try not to get too caught up reviewing your shots.
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want to go back to shooting everyday. i think get wrapped up into trying to take pictures of stuff i think other people would like, instead of stuff i actually enjoy ya know? you guys act impulsively on that 'this would be a cool picture' thing or do you have set plans on what you want to shoot? pls respond
want to go back to shooting everyday. i think get wrapped up into trying to take pictures of stuff i think other people would like, instead of stuff i actually enjoy ya know? you guys act impulsively on that 'this would be a cool picture' thing or do you have set plans on what you want to shoot? pls respond

when i bring my camera out i shoot at everything that catches my eye. im trying to work on bringing it everywhere with me...
want to go back to shooting everyday. i think get wrapped up into trying to take pictures of stuff i think other people would like, instead of stuff i actually enjoy ya know? you guys act impulsively on that 'this would be a cool picture' thing or do you have set plans on what you want to shoot? pls respond

when i bring my camera out i shoot at everything that catches my eye. im trying to work on bringing it everywhere with me...

i have this same problem. my camera barely sees the light of the day :smh:
thanks guys! really appreciate it

done with the wedding.. not so happy with my shots.. took over 700+ photos and i think i've got less than a 100 good ones

will def go for another wedding if given a chance just to redeem myself

thanks again for the help nt fam :pimp:
want to go back to shooting everyday. i think get wrapped up into trying to take pictures of stuff i think other people would like, instead of stuff i actually enjoy ya know? you guys act impulsively on that 'this would be a cool picture' thing or do you have set plans on what you want to shoot? pls respond
For me, the more I shot, the more I realized what worked, and what didn't...

this is all subjective of course.

Now I walk around with my cam and hardly find things to take a picture of.

Whenever I do find something worth taking a picture of, I take a couple shots,

get home, view the files on my laptop and realize that I don't have anything to work with.

My approach/mentality is that I am trying to create a "photograph", not a picture. Don't know

if you'll understand me, as there is a personal connotation that I relate with the word "photograph".
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