The Official Photography Thread - Vol. 3

Here's a few pics of the pups. I've started messing around more with my D40 lately. Looking to upgrade to a better lens than the kit one.


mjbetch - I love the first one. Great capture!

A couple messing around with bokeh

Color or black and white??

And of course a couple sneaker shots

Good stuff everyone. Havent posted in a while.

A few pics from my nephews birthday
Canon XT and Nifty Fifty.





ps- good to see you here butchie
I looked through this entire post ... You guys are NICE
I really want to get into photography ... All of these photos a very inspiring
lol nice. added you on flickr too. good stuff.


found a little space to take some pics,
I'm going to B&H Tuesday for a black background for my white items,
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Was hoping for some[/color] (inexpensive) [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]helpful suggestions as far as additional lighting and setup[/color]

thanks in advance!

think this is what I have currently http://www.bhphotovideo.c...ight_Mini_Boom_Kit_.html
Originally Posted by DenisHot

Here's a few pics of the pups. I've started messing around more with my D40 lately. Looking to upgrade to a better lens than the kit one.

Cute! My son's name is Skyler... Lol.
Dope photos everyone. I've been wanting to get into photography for a while now and might have to take the plunge and buy a camera. Just wondering what thebest would be consumer quality wise, around 1000 to 1500 dollars or so. I'm thinking Canon, probably DSLR cos I've played around with some of themthrough work and am amazed at the picture quality. Any help would be much appreciated.

^^^^Wow...good stuff again dude. Really gives me more of a push to go back to Canon.


One more holiday pic.
^ Thanks airjordanjack... BTW, I replied back to your posting on the "other" shoe board... Hehehhehehhe...

- airbutchie

PS. Thanks for the comment, too, Mr Fong$tarr!!!
that looks like my lineup .. just have the 85LII and a few other .... nice .... love it when you can open the lens and the rest is effortless!
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