The Official PlayStation 3 | ViTA Thread Vol. Plenty of Life Left

Originally Posted by Joe Billionaire

Originally Posted by Grimey

is mass effect like fallout?

kinda but 3rd person and not as long i think i ended at around 30ish are going to war with some people and you have to recruit characters to ur squad...u go to their location either fight them or almost fight or help them in some way and they join you then u start your way on to the big battle...u can choose to start the fight and not recruit everyone also... decisions you make effect the outcome in the end so u can play over and say or do different stuff but i wasnt gonna do that 

games great but after playing skyrim (yeah two different kinds of games i guess) its just whatevs to me now, was well worth the 10$ i spent on the game tho 

Great game but the main story ends real fast, too fast IMO. No similarities to fallout except both being shooter-rpgs. This game has a much smoother shooting mechanic than Fallout though but I think Fallout was a better RPG. Get both games man, you won't regret it (By fallout I'm assuming you're referring to 3)
mind blown with the resident evil 6 trailer. going to start reserving tomorrow
Originally Posted by salbah3

Originally Posted by Joe Billionaire

Originally Posted by Grimey

is mass effect like fallout?

kinda but 3rd person and not as long i think i ended at around 30ish are going to war with some people and you have to recruit characters to ur squad...u go to their location either fight them or almost fight or help them in some way and they join you then u start your way on to the big battle...u can choose to start the fight and not recruit everyone also... decisions you make effect the outcome in the end so u can play over and say or do different stuff but i wasnt gonna do that 

games great but after playing skyrim (yeah two different kinds of games i guess) its just whatevs to me now, was well worth the 10$ i spent on the game tho 

Great game but the main story ends real fast, too fast IMO. No similarities to fallout except both being shooter-rpgs. This game has a much smoother shooting mechanic than Fallout though but I think Fallout was a better RPG. Get both games man, you won't regret it (By fallout I'm assuming you're referring to 3)

This. Mass Effect is 3rd person (I played Fallout 3 and NV in 1st person). Mass Effect doesn't have the same number of missions. One thing they share is different actions have different consequences. 
Mass Effect is an amazing western RPG that doesn't have the crazy detail that Fallout or Skyrim have in weapons/items/NPC's, ect. I think in that aspect it makes it a little more approachable to your average person.

I like Mass Effect 2, but recruiting members got pretty repetitive and finding minerals for upgrades was very, very boring. Also I felt there should have been more side-quests. The universe it's set in is very cool, but you dont see a ton of it.

If you want to try it, I'd suggest trying it soon, as all your saves and decisions will carry over to Mass Effect 3 dropping pretty soon here.
Via Joystiq

Rumor: Kilik and Elysium added to Soulcalibur 5

SoulCalibur 5's character roster has, historically, been chock-full of leaks. Clandestine screenshots were responsible for revealing Ezio and Raphael, and now it looks as though three new fighters may have been uncovered in an extremely similar fashion.

Two images, culled from NeoGAF's depths, show the most hated man in the world fan-favorite Kilik (sporting a shiny new bird hat), as well as newcomer Elysium, an angelic female of some kind who sports very little of anything. Speculation suggests that both characters will be "mimic characters" who are able to emulate the fighting styles of any other character, but at this point that appears to be unfounded.

Considering SC5's track record with character selection screenshots, however, we're cautiously optimistic regarding the validity of these photos. Check out the gallery below for high-resolution versions.

Bethesda Details Skyrim Patch 1.4

There’s no doubt that The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is a truly remarkable game, with an unparallelled level of scale and depth – but it is also a very buggy game. Since launch, Bethesda have released a slew of patches to try and fix the problems that plague the game, and have now detailed the next patch, v1.4.

Over on the Bethblog, the developer listed the changes and fixes for patch 1.4, which is currently undergoing testing:

Current 1.4 Changelog (all platforms unless noted)


Skyrim launcher support for Steam Workshop (PC)

General optimizations for memory and performance
Fixed occasional issue with armor and clothing not displaying properly when placed on mannequin’s in player’s house. (PS3)
Improved compiler optimization settings (PC)
Long term play optimizations for memory and performance (PS3)
Memory optimizations related to scripting
Fixed crashes related to pathing and AI
Fixed crash in Haemar’s Shame if player had already completed “A Daedra’s Best Friendâ€
resident evil 6 trailer looks good, but i'll have to wait and see

operation racoon city will be copped

Tetsuya Nomura Reveals More Final Fantasy Versus XIII Information

Many RPG fans were left dissapointed after Final Fantasy Versus XIII failed to show up at Tokyo Game Show 2011. Square Enix has not provided much information regarding the game since then, or even going as far back as the 2006 announcement. The game is still shrouded in mystery almost a full six years later. However, today, the producer of Final Fantasy Versus XIII Tetsuya Nomura has broken his silence.

Tetsuya Nomura had a lengthy interview with Famitsu regarding his various projects ranging from Kingdom Heart 3DS to Theatrhythm Final Fantasy. During the interview, he shed some information about the development of Final Fantasy Versus XIII. When asked about the mythical game, he said the following:

Nomura recently did the latest check of the game. The visual expression capability has improved from the trailer that was released last year.
The game has a mix of real time and Visual Works pre-rendered CG. The ratio is 7 real-time to 3 pre-rendered.
The scene where Noctus and Stella meet for the first time has been made into a pre-rendered scene. This is because it’s an example of an area where adding player control would not have a big effect.
Square Enix won’t be holding an event ala last year’s January press conference this year. However, Nomura said that he’d like to make some sort Versus related announcement/showing this year, although he can’t say when or where.
The next time we see Versus XIII, we will get a look at it being controlled on actual hardware.
Surprisingly, Nomura also commented on the development of Final Fantasy X HD for PS3 and Vita. He confirmed a rumor that the game is only in early phase of development, which means it won’t release anytime soon.

Well, there you go guys, apparently Final Fantasy Versus XIII is still a video game. Any guesses on when it is coming out?
I picked up the last brawlstick at my local gamestop.  Pretty cool, heavier than I imagined.   I'm gonna try change the buttons and stick since it looks easy to do.
Also, lol at Ashley.  Good God.  Also Leon slashing zombie with that fireaxe 
 and his vanquish-like gun skills.
IHeartBoost wrote:

Not sure if Im gonna pick this up yet.

Pre-ordered my copy of FF XIII-2 today. I'll let you know how it is.
Havent touched Skyrim since Dec 26th. I hope this patch works out.
I don't know for some reason the past 2 months I've just been in a lazy gaming rut and stopped playing games and used my PS3 more for watching blu-ray's and high quality bootleg movies that I download off torrents.
Seriously the rips and encodes done in MP4,AVC formats of 720P or 1080P blu-ray ripped moves are so damn good that you can hardly tell the difference. After I download them and play them off my external hard drive that is connected to my PS3.

Last night & tonight I got back into playing and beat God Of War Chains Of Olympus in the HD Collection. Like with all of the GOW games it was 

I still have in my back log from Oct-Dec last year: Uncharted 3, Batman Arkham City, Ico & Shadow Of The Colossus HD collection, Dead Island, Resistance 3.

Oh yeah and I haven't even played Skyrim in over a month.

That's why I'm glad it sort of slowed down this year as far as game releases go.

Right now the only games I know I'll be getting for sure are: Twisted Metal & Max Payne 3 and hopefully GTA V if it releases in the fall this year.

SSX looks cool but that is going to be a wait & rent at Redbox first for me.

New Metal Gear just not feeling it. Same with Starhawk.

PS Vita I was HYPED for but now with the price & cost of a memory card. I'm also going to wait since I'm trying to save some money for a vacation to the Philippines this summer.
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost


Tetsuya Nomura Reveals More Final Fantasy Versus XIII Information
Well, there you go guys, apparently Final Fantasy Versus XIII is still a video game. Any guesses on when it is coming out?

2014. At the earliest. 
Got a $100 Future Shop gift card that was burning a hole in my pocket, so I went in and grabbed 6 games.


Star Wars: Clone Wars Republic Heroes

Dante's Inferno


... and NT's very own, MIND JACK! (Like two people will know what I mean by that. 

None were used; I'm trying to steer away from buying used.
Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

Am I the only one with a 60 gig left? My ++!# still plays PS2 games!
Mine just got stolen in November. Was definitely nearing it's last days.
I was just in Vegas this past weekend and if you want to cop a PS3 hella cheap. Check out the pawn shops

The have a bunch of the old fat 80GB, 60GB, 40GB PS3 just sitting there and a couple of the PS3 Slim's.

Of course it's buyer beware & buy at your own risk when shopping at a pawn shop.
Originally Posted by Grimey

GTA VC & SA with trophies?

Did you even read the article 

It's GTA III & GTA Vice City. GTA San Andreas was no where in that article.

Also knowing how R* works it's not going to be a HD remastered collection and will just be a PS2 Classics release on PSN.
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