The Official PlayStation 3 | ViTA Thread Vol. Plenty of Life Left

oh, before i forget. im relatively new to chess, played only a couple games in my life so im certainly not up on all the intricacies of the game.  i am, however,  aware of the fact that in order to win u must capture the opponents king.  now last week i copped PURE CHESS for the PS3 and it's BREATH-TAKING.  visually, musically, it is such a really cool game.  haven't tried online yet, but i heard its pretty bush.

anywho, tell me NT why this (my first PURE CHESS game) went down as a stalemate?  if that white king moves up my queen gets hims, move diagnolly up and to the left and my king or queen gets him, move to the left my king, diagnolly down-left my queen and straight down my knight.  i chased his punk-*** across the board and got him right where i want him so why don't i get the W?  now i know a king cannot put himself in check and that's all well and fine but when he's the last piece, with no possible help or outside intervention, it should be registered as a W.  i forget who moved last and from where but how could i have gotten him?  i thought the point of chess was to capture the king or make it so he can't move, no?

aye CS:GO is only $15 man.

what are the chances of running some tourneys on NT with it?

this is more COD4 competitive play vs. MW2/3 with all those goofy killstreaks.
oh, before i forget. im relatively new to chess, played only a couple games in my life so im certainly not up on all the intricacies of the game.  i am, however,  aware of the fact that in order to win u must capture the opponents king.  now last week i copped PURE CHESS for the PS3 and it's BREATH-TAKING.  visually, musically, it is such a really cool game.  haven't tried online yet, but i heard its pretty bush.

anywho, tell me NT why this (my first PURE CHESS game) went down as a stalemate?  if that white king moves up my queen gets hims, move diagnolly up and to the left and my king or queen gets him, move to the left my king, diagnolly down-left my queen and straight down my knight.  i chased his punk-*** across the board and got him right where i want him so why don't i get the W?  now i know a king cannot put himself in check and that's all well and fine but when he's the last piece, with no possible help or outside intervention, it should be registered as a W.  i forget who moved last and from where but how could i have gotten him?  i thought the point of chess was to capture the king or make it so he can't move, no?


I think you pretty much answered you're own question..since the king can't put himself in check and its his move and he isnt in check now, then there is mo legit move for him to make which is a stalemate.. Whatever your last move was pretty mich justessed you up lol
[h1]GTA 5 screens show cycling, fighter jets and sports cars[/h1]
GTA 5 gets new screens and they’re good. Fighter jets, sports cars and a man’s cycling bum are the order of the day.

Rockstar has revealed three new screens from GTA 5 over at the publisher’s site. The cycling shot shows someone riding a bike towards a pier, which is a take on the real-life Santa Monica pier – Ferris wheel and all.

The fighter jet on the other hand looks insane, with a heavy payload of missiles. Can you fire them on the streets below? We’re not sure, but that’d be fun right?

The new shots show a man cycling, a fighter jet soaring over San Andreas and a sporty Cheeta car.

Here they are:



Fallout 4 to take place in The Hub of The Universe.  The one, the only, Boston, Massachusetts

if we can travel as far north as salem, Bethesda could do some pretty interesting stuff with the salem witch trial history......

my body is not ready
Fallout 4 to take place in The Hub of The Universe.  The one, the only, Boston, Massachusetts

if we can travel as far north as salem, Bethesda could do some pretty interesting stuff with the salem witch trial history......

my body is not ready

If I can kill mutated versions of the Boston Bruins, I'll buy 10 copies.

Ghoul Marchand is toast.
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Fallout 4 to take place in The Hub of The Universe.  The one, the only, Boston, Massachusetts

if we can travel as far north as salem, Bethesda could do some pretty interesting stuff with the salem witch trial history......

my body is not ready
If I can kill mutated versions of the Boston Bruins, I'll buy 10 copies.

Ghoul Marchand is toast.
LMAO dont worry ull be able to further trash boston like u did vancouver not too long ago.....give it that special, nuanced  and oh so sophisticated canadian touch
IGN's review of Fall of Cybertron. Read the rest here:

Campaign co-op is definitely missed, but Fall's superior single-player mode goes a long way to make up for it. Escalation raises the bar on the now-requisite survival mode, and competitive matches—complemented by a strong character progression and customization system—do a fine job supplementing tried-and-true online melees with Transfomers-specifc gameplay and style. Fall of Cybertron doesn't pack the same “Oh my god, someone finally made a good Transformers game!” punch as its predecessor, but it's an entirely worthy successor no Optimus Prime fan should pass up.


Cybertron's still full of rusty metal, but it also sports plenty of variety and detail. The story, while sometimes sullied by campy voice acting, engages until the credits roll.

Aside from occasional hiccups during busy combat, the action runs super-smooth. Environments are richly rendered and characters' various moving parts look great, especially when transforming.

The score suits the action-movie vibe and ambient sounds, such as thundering footsteps and audio cues accompanying transformations, are especially immersive. Some weapons could pack more “pow!” though.

The third-person shooting is nicely balanced with varying objectives calling upon characters' specific strengths. The character-driven level design feels more linear, but makes for a more absorbing campaign.

Lasting Appeal
Replayability takes a hit thanks to the absence of campaign co-op, but the 10-12 hour story, competitive online and Escalation modes guarantee this one will keep players busy until the avalanche of holiday titles hits.
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And the city of Boston was nothing but class after last year's early exit? Joel Ward disagrees
SMH yeah man, the whole sports scene, anywhere, can get pretty pathetic if allowed to..... i will say this tho, thats part of the reason why fallout is my favorite game nuked all the new world BS and allowed for a reboot, if u will
Via Joystiq

Dust 514 beta available now to PS Plus members in North America, tomorrow in Europe

CCP's closed beta for its free-to-play shooter, Dust 514, is accessible to PlayStation Plus members right now in North America, with Europe joining the fight on Wednesday.

PlayStation Plus members also receive a 50 percent discount on the "Mercenary Pack," dropping the price to $10. The pack includes items and 4,000 AUR in-game currency, which is roughly equivalent to $20.
Anybody try this out yet?

Tokyo Jungle finds a nest in North America September 25

What on earth is going on :lol:
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Metal Gear Solid 5 ‘will launch Summer 2013 at the earliest’, says mo-cap actor

In an interview with Silent Haven, Bossic discussed his recent work with Kojima Productions, “My past motion capture session was for an upcoming Metal Gear game, I will be back with Kojima again in the fall, and maybe other sessions. This title is a long way off.”

When asked which Metal Gear project he was working on, Bossic added, “I am working on a future metal gear, not to be released until next year summer at the earliest, if not later then that. Im doing motion capture only.”

“I can 100% say my voice will not be involved in this. I dont even know what the title is, they are all very secretive and sometimes even the scenes I act out I dont even know the full story, because they want to keep it secret.2

“I suppose it is fine to mention I am working on it, everybody knows Kojima is making something now, and I posted the photo on my page here with him. The only thing is that I cant ever answer any questions about it or talk about, not for sometime.”
NO ******* WAY :wow:

PS3 will go out with a bang, since the PS4 is launching next fall.

Metal Gear Solid 5 ‘will launch Summer 2013 at the earliest’, says mo-cap actor
In an interview with Silent Haven, Bossic discussed his recent work with Kojima Productions, “My past motion capture session was for an upcoming Metal Gear game, I will be back with Kojima again in the fall, and maybe other sessions. This title is a long way off.”

When asked which Metal Gear project he was working on, Bossic added, “I am working on a future metal gear, not to be released until next year summer at the earliest, if not later then that. Im doing motion capture only.”

“I can 100% say my voice will not be involved in this. I dont even know what the title is, they are all very secretive and sometimes even the scenes I act out I dont even know the full story, because they want to keep it secret.2

“I suppose it is fine to mention I am working on it, everybody knows Kojima is making something now, and I posted the photo on my page here with him. The only thing is that I cant ever answer any questions about it or talk about, not for sometime.”
NO ******* WAY

PS3 will go out with a bang, since the PS4 is launching next fall.
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