The Official PlayStation 3 | ViTA Thread Vol. Plenty of Life Left

for some reason I got the impression LBP karting was gonna be similar to mario kart... its def. not mario kart.

and for some reason I thought deus ex was gonna be similar to MGS... its def. not MGS.
Anyone else get invited to the FF XIV closed beta ?

As usual Square Enix made it a ***** to register and sign in for it.Then download for the game took over 2 hours. :smh: >:
Deus Ex is really good though. Really deep game. I am gonna enjoy playing Ucharted 3 again.
I barely started and its whatever so far... its not too too bad but yeah whatevers.

and yeah I'm ready to start U3... I wanna wait to play it with my girl this weekend.
Just finished TLoU, :frown:.

I want moar, DLC please.
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I haven't been but I wanted to go this year. I usually stream and that tournament is ENTERTAINING :lol:

What fighter do you play? I wanted to compete in Injustice and MK9.
would say marvel 3 but its way to cheesy for me and my rage broke it
skull girls
tekken revolution
3rd strike but im real basic
and mvc2

wanted to get injustice but the spamming discouraged me
I'm still kicking myself for not getting it when it was on sale for $10
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Ok cool. Yeah I get upset too :lol:. IGSA is so unbalanced and I loose my ****. Took a break from it actually and have never felt more free :lol:
Just finished TLoU, :frown:.

I want moar, DLC please.

how long did it take you

15.5 hours, I did a lot of exploring, though.

You can definitely beat it a lot faster than that.

The only thing I didn't like about the game was Listen Mode, which can be turned off so I guess its not that big of a deal.

I definitely recommend playing w/ it off, this isn't a damn Batman game, :lol:.
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