The Official PlayStation 3 | ViTA Thread Vol. Plenty of Life Left

Damn that Neogaf link is awesome. So much win
I gotta find some glossy paper and go to work sometime soon.
Damn that Neogaf link is awesome. So much win
I gotta find some glossy paper and go to work sometime soon.
Originally Posted by amel223

I really like that Red Dead Redemption game cover and I don't even know what that game is about

Wh... what?!
You havent really lived if you havent picked up RDR yet. Go buy that now. Not tomorrow or in the morning, NOW!

Also, this Heavy Rain cover is up there too

Originally Posted by amel223

I really like that Red Dead Redemption game cover and I don't even know what that game is about

Wh... what?!
You havent really lived if you havent picked up RDR yet. Go buy that now. Not tomorrow or in the morning, NOW!

Also, this Heavy Rain cover is up there too

Are those covers free?

If so, I'm going in.

Those RDR and MGS4 covers are ridiculous...
Are those covers free?

If so, I'm going in.

Those RDR and MGS4 covers are ridiculous...
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