The Official PlayStation 3 | ViTA Thread Vol. Plenty of Life Left

Originally Posted by SupremeApe

Originally Posted by sole vintage

Originally Posted by SupremeApe

Have you done the duplication trick? i was trying to figure it out but different websites have different methods (one with 1 player and the other with 2 players)

also do you use Parry and riposte alot?
yea i have done the dupe trick. to do it to you need evacuate a miracle and a talisman. there is a talisman in the shrine of storms in the beginning of the level on the right where the two archers are shooting at you above a door way.
when you have both go to stock pile Thomas withdraw green moongrass all of it, then drop all the moon grass except one. when you dupe you cant any of that item in stock pile Thomas's inventory and you can only have one on your person. after having one green moongrass have evacuate in one had and the talisman in the other walk up to the black smith next to Thomas. talk to him and pretend to buy anything from his first page inventory like the fresh spice pick it and when it asks would you like to purchase  hover over ok and walk away from him to Thomas. when standing next to Thomas use evacuate it will ask would you like to go to the nexus press start;  talk to Thomas and deposit the moon grass and while depositing  your character will do the the evacuate animation. walk away from Thomas   and walk back to him withdraw the moongrass and you will notice you have 1023

Need 7k more souls to buy evacuate, so ill try that later. How do you do this with souls?

with souls its the same but before you try it with a demon soul try with a human soul so you get the hand of it
Originally Posted by SupremeApe

Originally Posted by sole vintage

Originally Posted by SupremeApe

Have you done the duplication trick? i was trying to figure it out but different websites have different methods (one with 1 player and the other with 2 players)

also do you use Parry and riposte alot?
yea i have done the dupe trick. to do it to you need evacuate a miracle and a talisman. there is a talisman in the shrine of storms in the beginning of the level on the right where the two archers are shooting at you above a door way.
when you have both go to stock pile Thomas withdraw green moongrass all of it, then drop all the moon grass except one. when you dupe you cant any of that item in stock pile Thomas's inventory and you can only have one on your person. after having one green moongrass have evacuate in one had and the talisman in the other walk up to the black smith next to Thomas. talk to him and pretend to buy anything from his first page inventory like the fresh spice pick it and when it asks would you like to purchase  hover over ok and walk away from him to Thomas. when standing next to Thomas use evacuate it will ask would you like to go to the nexus press start;  talk to Thomas and deposit the moon grass and while depositing  your character will do the the evacuate animation. walk away from Thomas   and walk back to him withdraw the moongrass and you will notice you have 1023

Need 7k more souls to buy evacuate, so ill try that later. How do you do this with souls?

with souls its the same but before you try it with a demon soul try with a human soul so you get the hand of it
Originally Posted by sole vintage

Originally Posted by SupremeApe

Originally Posted by sole vintage

yea i have done the dupe trick. to do it to you need evacuate a miracle and a talisman. there is a talisman in the shrine of storms in the beginning of the level on the right where the two archers are shooting at you above a door way.
when you have both go to stock pile Thomas withdraw green moongrass all of it, then drop all the moon grass except one. when you dupe you cant any of that item in stock pile Thomas's inventory and you can only have one on your person. after having one green moongrass have evacuate in one had and the talisman in the other walk up to the black smith next to Thomas. talk to him and pretend to buy anything from his first page inventory like the fresh spice pick it and when it asks would you like to purchase  hover over ok and walk away from him to Thomas. when standing next to Thomas use evacuate it will ask would you like to go to the nexus press start;  talk to Thomas and deposit the moon grass and while depositing  your character will do the the evacuate animation. walk away from Thomas   and walk back to him withdraw the moongrass and you will notice you have 1023

Need 7k more souls to buy evacuate, so ill try that later. How do you do this with souls?

with souls its the same but before you try it with a demon soul try with a human soul so you get the hand of it

i dont think you can drop demon's souls though. at least I never could
Originally Posted by sole vintage

Originally Posted by SupremeApe

Originally Posted by sole vintage

yea i have done the dupe trick. to do it to you need evacuate a miracle and a talisman. there is a talisman in the shrine of storms in the beginning of the level on the right where the two archers are shooting at you above a door way.
when you have both go to stock pile Thomas withdraw green moongrass all of it, then drop all the moon grass except one. when you dupe you cant any of that item in stock pile Thomas's inventory and you can only have one on your person. after having one green moongrass have evacuate in one had and the talisman in the other walk up to the black smith next to Thomas. talk to him and pretend to buy anything from his first page inventory like the fresh spice pick it and when it asks would you like to purchase  hover over ok and walk away from him to Thomas. when standing next to Thomas use evacuate it will ask would you like to go to the nexus press start;  talk to Thomas and deposit the moon grass and while depositing  your character will do the the evacuate animation. walk away from Thomas   and walk back to him withdraw the moongrass and you will notice you have 1023

Need 7k more souls to buy evacuate, so ill try that later. How do you do this with souls?

with souls its the same but before you try it with a demon soul try with a human soul so you get the hand of it

i dont think you can drop demon's souls though. at least I never could
Originally Posted by 2sappy

Originally Posted by sole vintage

Originally Posted by SupremeApe

Need 7k more souls to buy evacuate, so ill try that later. How do you do this with souls?

with souls its the same but before you try it with a demon soul try with a human soul so you get the hand of it

i dont think you can drop demon's souls though. at least I never could
when you get a demon soul you just have one, just leave it in your inventory and follow the steps where you go to the blacksmith.

after you dupe the demon souls you will have 2 in your inventory and 1023 in stockpile Thomas inventory. withdraw 97 out of thomas and you will have 99 in your inventory and 99 in stockpile inventory.

to do the glitch again make sure you have one on yourself and none in stockpiles inventory
Originally Posted by 2sappy

Originally Posted by sole vintage

Originally Posted by SupremeApe

Need 7k more souls to buy evacuate, so ill try that later. How do you do this with souls?

with souls its the same but before you try it with a demon soul try with a human soul so you get the hand of it

i dont think you can drop demon's souls though. at least I never could
when you get a demon soul you just have one, just leave it in your inventory and follow the steps where you go to the blacksmith.

after you dupe the demon souls you will have 2 in your inventory and 1023 in stockpile Thomas inventory. withdraw 97 out of thomas and you will have 99 in your inventory and 99 in stockpile inventory.

to do the glitch again make sure you have one on yourself and none in stockpiles inventory
Originally Posted by WitnessMyCalm21


i HATE the bruins... But u gettting it for the PS3 or 360
PS3. Might pick it up for 360 later as well. Have a bunch of friends that play on 360.
Originally Posted by WitnessMyCalm21


i HATE the bruins... But u gettting it for the PS3 or 360
PS3. Might pick it up for 360 later as well. Have a bunch of friends that play on 360.
Originally Posted by ddouble

^ I'm feeling the effects already.

When i do get money i might start using custom covers. Very tempting, after seeing these pics i can't even look at normal covers especially the platinum ones with stickers and labels everywhere.
More at the GAF







wow those are pretty nice. and am i the only one here that gets annoyed with all the wavy/wrinkled ps3 cover art.

i mean damn, you go to buy a new game and it looks like it's been left in someone's car in 110 degree weather, all

warped and $%**. i know it's not a big deal to most but i consider myself to be somewhat of a game collector and it just irks

me when i see that. i don't see that problem with 360 or wii games, it seems to be just the newer ps3 games.
Originally Posted by ddouble

^ I'm feeling the effects already.

When i do get money i might start using custom covers. Very tempting, after seeing these pics i can't even look at normal covers especially the platinum ones with stickers and labels everywhere.
More at the GAF







wow those are pretty nice. and am i the only one here that gets annoyed with all the wavy/wrinkled ps3 cover art.

i mean damn, you go to buy a new game and it looks like it's been left in someone's car in 110 degree weather, all

warped and $%**. i know it's not a big deal to most but i consider myself to be somewhat of a game collector and it just irks

me when i see that. i don't see that problem with 360 or wii games, it seems to be just the newer ps3 games.
I want NHL 12 so bad, I need to try and get to the Top 10.

I was ranked like 55 or something in NHL 09 and then CoD took over my life for 2 years.

Might actually just buy that stupid EA Pass or w/e to get it 3 days early.

I'm FIENDING right now.
I want NHL 12 so bad, I need to try and get to the Top 10.

I was ranked like 55 or something in NHL 09 and then CoD took over my life for 2 years.

Might actually just buy that stupid EA Pass or w/e to get it 3 days early.

I'm FIENDING right now.
[h1]Persona 5 is in Development[/h1][h2]Series veterans are toiling away as we speak.[/h2][h2]August 30, 2011[/h2]

The newest issue of Famitsu is jam-packed with plenty of Persona-related news. And for those eagerly awaiting details about Persona 5, we have some good news. 

We haven't heard about the game rumored to be Persona 5 sinceback in 2010, but according to Japanese blog Andriasang,Atlus is indeed hard at work on the game. 

The only details that were revealed was that the series' director, character designer and composer have all returned, though little else is currently known, including platforms. With an edited version of Persona 4 coming to Vita, however, a safe bet for Persona 5 is a PlayStation platform, whether it be PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita or both. We'll update with any firm news, including platforms, as further information breaks.
[h1]Persona 5 is in Development[/h1][h2]Series veterans are toiling away as we speak.[/h2][h2]August 30, 2011[/h2]

The newest issue of Famitsu is jam-packed with plenty of Persona-related news. And for those eagerly awaiting details about Persona 5, we have some good news. 

We haven't heard about the game rumored to be Persona 5 sinceback in 2010, but according to Japanese blog Andriasang,Atlus is indeed hard at work on the game. 

The only details that were revealed was that the series' director, character designer and composer have all returned, though little else is currently known, including platforms. With an edited version of Persona 4 coming to Vita, however, a safe bet for Persona 5 is a PlayStation platform, whether it be PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita or both. We'll update with any firm news, including platforms, as further information breaks.
[h1]Persona 4 Coming to PlayStation Vita[/h1][h2]Enjoy an updated version of the PS2 classic in 2012.[/h2][h2]August 30, 2011[/h2]

Back in 2008, Persona 4 came to PlayStation 2. An extremely late release on Sony's last-generation console, Persona 4 was still enjoyed by a legion of hardcore fans. And now, according to Japanese blog Sinobi (and translated by our Japanese correspondent), Persona 4 will be coming to PlayStation Vita in 2012, per a report in the latest issue of Famitsu. 

The game is set to be called Persona 4: The Golden. And it will have plenty of updates and additions. There will be a new character named Mary, new animated movies, a new animated game intro, and "1.5 times the amount of voice acting" found in the original Persona 4. Additionally, this updated version of Persona 4 will use Vita's wireless functionality in unique ways, including a "rescue request system" where another gamer can come into your game to help you out. 

Persona 4: The Golden is currently only confirmed for a Japanese release, though we'll update if word of an American or European release breaks. 
[h1]Persona 4 Coming to PlayStation Vita[/h1][h2]Enjoy an updated version of the PS2 classic in 2012.[/h2][h2]August 30, 2011[/h2]

Back in 2008, Persona 4 came to PlayStation 2. An extremely late release on Sony's last-generation console, Persona 4 was still enjoyed by a legion of hardcore fans. And now, according to Japanese blog Sinobi (and translated by our Japanese correspondent), Persona 4 will be coming to PlayStation Vita in 2012, per a report in the latest issue of Famitsu. 

The game is set to be called Persona 4: The Golden. And it will have plenty of updates and additions. There will be a new character named Mary, new animated movies, a new animated game intro, and "1.5 times the amount of voice acting" found in the original Persona 4. Additionally, this updated version of Persona 4 will use Vita's wireless functionality in unique ways, including a "rescue request system" where another gamer can come into your game to help you out. 

Persona 4: The Golden is currently only confirmed for a Japanese release, though we'll update if word of an American or European release breaks. 
WOW @ the custom covers. These are beautiful. I'd pay an extra 5$ for games with these covers.





How much cooler would your game collection look with covers like these?
WOW @ the custom covers. These are beautiful. I'd pay an extra 5$ for games with these covers.





How much cooler would your game collection look with covers like these?
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