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I've taken a few days to fully digest Rebirth, and for sure I am in the minority in this...but I think it was just ok. Not the masterpiece that many people have made it out to be.

Without spoiling much, I felt like a LOT of the side missions were a CHOOOORE, especially the minigames.

Unfortunately, being the completionist that I am, I have to grind out the last remaining trophies which include completing these damn minigames on hard.

Pray for me.

I mean 80% of them are optional.

for me personally, I dont think its fair to criticize a game for optional side missions.

If I did, a lot of games I consider "masterpieces" would be no more than a 7/10.
I mean 80% of them are optional.

for me personally, I dont think its fair to criticize a game for optional side missions.

If I did, a lot of games I consider "masterpieces" would be no more than a 7/10.

I prop The Witcher 3 up because of it having excellent side quests that trump some games’ main ones. I don’t think developers should get a pass for making bad/boring side quests. I haven’t played Rebirth so I can’t speak on that though.
I prop The Witcher 3 up because of it having excellent side quests that trump some games’ main ones. I don’t think developers should get a pass for making bad/boring side quests. I haven’t played Rebirth so I can’t speak on that though.

true. but the Witcher 3 combat is mediocre (some would argue god awful) compared to rebirth.

and unlike optional side missions, the combat is a core mechanic in Witcher 3 but people still say its a masterpiece.

I guess my take is that a game can still be a masterpiece even with flaws.

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