**The Official Ralph Lauren Polo Thread**

Just my opinion...The info posted here is a catch 22...everything posted here is with good intentions unfortunately there are a lot of wolves here that are here looking from the bushes to get info and then to resell. But obviously there are those who use that info to purchase for their own collection and to wear. I think it would be best if you guys would set up discreet chats amongst yourselves to share the info..that’s why a lot of us left and do not really post here heavily and formed #theRLlist...because we were tired of resellers taking our info just to line their pockets when others would lose out on getting an itee they wanted.

I know this may seem counterproductive to what the forum is about..but ironically it already has become that when enthusiasts can’t get anything.

Just my thoughts no disrespect to anyone..Because i honestly appreciate the info posted here but tired of seeing a lot of the bonafide members here missing out
Just my opinion...The info posted here is a catch 22...everything posted here is with good intentions unfortunately there are a lot of wolves here that are here looking from the bushes to get info and then to resell. But obviously there are those who use that info to purchase for their own collection and to wear. I think it would be best if you guys would set up discreet chats amongst yourselves to share the info..that’s why a lot of us left and do not really post here heavily and formed #theRLlist...because we were tired of resellers taking our info just to line their pockets when others would lose out on getting an itee they wanted.

I know this may seem counterproductive to what the forum is about..but ironically it already has become that when enthusiasts can’t get anything.

Just my thoughts no disrespect to anyone..Because i honestly appreciate the info posted here but tired of seeing a lot of the bonafide members here missing out
How do I get an invite to #theRLlist?...I can post only there from now on
Just my opinion...The info posted here is a catch 22...everything posted here is with good intentions unfortunately there are a lot of wolves here that are here looking from the bushes to get info and then to resell. But obviously there are those who use that info to purchase for their own collection and to wear. I think it would be best if you guys would set up discreet chats amongst yourselves to share the info..that’s why a lot of us left and do not really post here heavily and formed #theRLlist...because we were tired of resellers taking our info just to line their pockets when others would lose out on getting an itee they wanted.

I know this may seem counterproductive to what the forum is about..but ironically it already has become that when enthusiasts can’t get anything.

Just my thoughts no disrespect to anyone..Because i honestly appreciate the info posted here but tired of seeing a lot of the bonafide members here missing out

Sry i have to say this about the #RLlist But, this is a argument is complete canard! You have memebers part of #RLlist are resllers themselves (polostore) charging the high reseller prices you are currently railing against! This is the thing that really grinds my teeth, people always want to take shots at resellers then shack up with supposedly OG’s that do the exact samething. When you ask a reseller what they about they honestly say “i am about turning a quick buck” when you ask a supposed OG the complain about resellers till they are blue in the face all along they been doing the samething since jump.

People need to be more consistent with their grievances and stop sucking up when the opportunity presents itself. You can’t always be on both side of the fence. Grow a spine!
Sry i have to say this about the #RLlist But, this is a argument is complete canard! You have memebers part of #RLlist are resllers themselves (polostore) charging the high reseller prices you are currently railing against! This is the thing that really grinds my teeth, people always want to take shots at resellers then shack up with supposedly OG’s that do the exact samething. When you ask a reseller what they about they honestly say “i am about turning a quick buck” when you ask a supposed OG the complain about resellers till they are blue in the face all along they been doing the samething since jump.

People need to be more consistent with their grievances and stop sucking up when the opportunity presents itself. You can’t always be on both side of the fence. Grow a spine!

Speak on what you know!
Polostore is not part of the list, some of you new cats need to go back to that dead vga forum that you came from.
Sry i have to say this about the #RLlist But, this is a argument is complete canard! You have memebers part of #RLlist are resllers themselves (polostore) charging the high reseller prices you are currently railing against! This is the thing that really grinds my teeth, people always want to take shots at resellers then shack up with supposedly OG’s that do the exact samething. When you ask a reseller what they about they honestly say “i am about turning a quick buck” when you ask a supposed OG the complain about resellers till they are blue in the face all along they been doing the samething since jump.

People need to be more consistent with their grievances and stop sucking up when the opportunity presents itself. You can’t always be on both side of the fence. Grow a spine!

Lmao...speak on what you know..Andy is not part of the team ...and I don’t have any grievenaces because I still get what I need..I’m just stating that all I see on NT is a lot of long time members getting shafted ...trying to put the bug in their ear on why we decided to do our own thing .

But keep on speculating
So this other group doesn't have ANY resellers in it?

It’s a collective of around 30 individuals and with our resources we all try to buy as much as we can for each other...we have sizing info for everyone so we know what sizes to buy...whatever we have left over we sell and use the money for other future items ...and what we sell is usually locally and not rape prices...90% off the time is very little above retail...and that covers the time and money invested in getting and keeping these resources...u will see soon on our Ig what we will be doing to show that this isn’t about profit.
It’s a collective of around 30 individuals and with our resources we all try to buy as much as we can for each other...we have sizing info for everyone so we know what sizes to buy...whatever we have left over we sell and use the money for other future items ...and what we sell is usually locally and not rape prices...90% off the time is very little above retail...and that covers the time and money invested in getting and keeping these resources...u will see soon on our Ig what we will be doing to show that this isn’t about profit.
Thanks for clarifying. It sounds interesting
Lmao...speak on what you know..Andy is not part of the team ...and I don’t have any grievenaces because I still get what I need..I’m just stating that all I see on NT is a lot of long time members getting shafted ...trying to put the bug in their ear on why we decided to do our own thing .

But keep on speculating

Sure spin it that way, no one ever likes to be called out on truths! As i typed, complain about resellers, shack up with supposed og resellers
Am I the only one who doesn't find that hi tech collection appealing I have at least 6 og hi tech items which include fleeces and vest and none of them have a huge hi tech logo I just think it looks kinda ridiculous alot of those items just look like less could have been added instead of let's throw a logo wherever we have some space left I'm happy everyone likes it so now I have a chance of getting the rugby inspired stuff I want at a discount eventually
I like this piece simple functional and pretty close to what the original line was
Not here to argue or go back and forth but Polostore is NOT apart of #theRLlist. We get items most time in exactly what is needed and other members on NT have been reached out to if there's an extra for retail. It's just not in front of everyone because we send a pm.
I like this piece simple functional and pretty close to what the original line was

this is pretty nice... dig the hood style, with the portion in front... not sure what that's called when the hood has a large collar that goes all the way around the front, but have been hoping polo would do some stuff with that for a while.
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