[h2]Ellis/Warriors situation set to hit full boil at Thursday meeting: Trade inevitable?[/h2]
Posted by Tim Kawakami on November 17th, 2009 at 10:13 am | Categorized as NBA, Warriors

Multiple NBA sources have confirmed that Monta Ellis' status with the Warriors could be determined Thursday, when his agent is scheduled to meet with team management in Oakland.

Several sources indicate that Ellis' agent, Jeff Fried, already has discussed the possibility of the Warrriors giving Fried and Ellis permission to talk to other teams to quicken the pace of trade talks.

The Thursday meeting could formalize those general discussions. One source said that Fried tacitly has been given the go-ahead to try to come up with a trade, but that team president Robert Rowell may not yet have officially signed off on it.

(Al Harrington was given similar permission last year. It's believed Stephen Jackson received tacit approval earlier this year.)

Rowell and GM Larry Riley apparently will represent Warriors management in this meeting.

Another source

(UPDATED:smile: Multiple sources say that, apparently at Don Nelson's urging, the Warriors have been calling teams and offering to trade Ellis in recent days.

It is likely that their efforts will only intensify, barring some 11th-hour peace treaty. Ellis has four years and $44M owed to him after this season, but several sources say that he will be less difficult to trade than Stephen Jackson was.

And it seems inevitable that Ellis will be traded, presuming that Nelson remains in power, and every source I've talked to believes that Nelson will remain in power.

Ellis' grievances with the Warriors date to their handling of punishment for his scooter accident and to concerns about Nelson's commitment to him as a player and to Rowell's decisions as the team's No. 1 executive.

(Including personal promises made by Rowell to Ellis and Stephen Jackson at the end of last season that the Warriors would upgrade the roster significantly in order to make sure this year is not wasted.)

But the latest developments, reactions, and red-hot trade talk, stem from 2 recent events, one public, one not:

* Two sources say that Nelson embarrassed Ellis when Ellis tried to step into a leadership role in the aftermath of the 28-point home loss to the Clippers on Nov. 6.

The sources describe the scene in the post-game locker room: Ellis, as a co-captain, began loudly addressing to his teammates, telling them that this performance could not be tolerated.

But then Nelson came into the room and told Ellis to be quiet.

Speaking to reporters a few minutes later, Ellis was near-tears. A snippet…

-Q: Your coach said he was embarrassed by this game. Are you embarrassed?

-ELLIS: We all should be embarrassed. This is a terrible game, terrible performance. We looked like we didn't know what we were doing out there. We looked like a high school team. We didn't do nothing.

* The Clippers-game episode now sheds greater light on Ellis' cryptic comments during his public verbal altercation with Nelson after a practice in New York last week.

First, in front of reporters, Ellis accused Nelson of blaming him for everything. When Nelson denied it and then walked away, waving his hands, Ellis said:

"See, that's why I won't do it. I just won't do it."

What did that mean? My read: Ellis was saying that whenever he tries to lead the team, it's rendered meaningless because the coach and management disrupt everything.

Ellis has his own weaknesses and is far from a perfect player, but he is not wrong on this point.

When he sees how little Nelson cares about building a real team and sees the bumbling of Rowell & Co., Ellis is seeing the truth about the Warriors.

He's living it. He's not the ideal Nelson guard, and that has played out over a few years now. But Ellis is one of the more talented guards of his size in the NBA. However…

Like so many other players before him, he is realizing the hopelessness of life with Nelson, Rowell, Riley and Chris Cohan.

He wants out. Just like Stephen Jackson. Like Al Harrington. And, probably, like Anthony Randolph in a few months and Andris Biedrins and… well, you just name the good player. He wants out or soon will want out.

They all have an expiration date. It's the Warriors. The only ones who stay are the fools, the corrupt and those with no other choice.
Yeah I guess Bell is out for the's actually funny in some regards.

Monta & Wright for Boozer.
Warriors actively trading Monta
This is 95-96 all over again

Can't wait for our next home stand. Maybe Cohan & Rowell can hand out yellow "We Decieve" t-shirts while they're at it.
Originally Posted by KL9

Seems like I'm the only one that wants Monta to stay,

Incorrect. I am with you man. Year after year, this team tests my ability to be faithful. I am going to be absolutely livid if we trade Monta. Year after yearmanagement tells us this "plan" that they have, and year after year we make move after move that moves us further away from our "plan."

Its amazing to think that before the season we were thinking about a starting 5 that was Monta, Jack, Buike, Randolph and Amare and we might end up with astarting 5 that is Curry, Morrow, Radmanovic, Maggette and Mikki Moore.

Please sell the %##*!%+ team Cohan. This is starting to get unbearable.
Most of the blame goes to Nellie and Co. the reason this team sucks, who would want to stay here?
Originally Posted by KL9

Most ALL of the blame goes to Nellie and Co. the reason this team sucks, who would want to stay here?

No one does. Yet for some reason, people scrutinize our players who want out. Baffles me.
this team is pure comedy. GSW is like everyone's talent pool. everyone knows GSW will get a high pick and waste the talent. ripe for the picking.
Originally Posted by KL9

Seems like I'm the only one that wants Monta to stay,

Naw you aint' the only one. I like Monta too, but not in this CORRUPT +!+ NWO system Nellie/Rowell is running.
I don't want nothing in return for him, but clearly he's not going to be a leader or an elite player, so I'm fine with shopping him.

We're screwed either way, so might as well do something.

If I had a preference, Nellie would be the one know, like every other team does
^thats where i think you're wrong.
who doesnt like ripping this management off in deals? no pun intended.
My underlying point is, no one on this team is good enough to have a "no trade" tag on them.

Diminish the value of the team, lower that price Cohan, Mr. Money Bags Ellison has the loot.
[h2]Sources: Ellis' agent, team to meet[/h2]

Comment Email Print By Chris Broussard
ESPN The Magazine

Although the dysfunction level of the Golden State Warriors no doubt declined with Monday's trade of disgruntled veteran Stephen Jackson, sources close to the team say it certainly did not disappear.

Leading scorer Monta Ellis now replaces Jackson as the most irritated Warrior, and according to league sources, Ellis' agent, Jeff Fried, will meet with Golden State management Thursday to discuss his future (or lack thereof) with the club.

[h4]NBA Rumor Central[/h4]

ESPN Insider has the updated buzz from the National Basketball Association rumor mill.

Fried could not be reached for comment, and it's not clear whether he will ask the Warriors to trade his client. But sources said Ellis has been telling teammates on a regular basis that he wants out of Golden State, and he believes general manager Larry Riley has spoken to several teams about potential trades involving him.

Riley said he is aware of Fried's visit to the Bay Area, but he would not confirm a scheduled meeting. Sources say team owner Chris Cohan and president Robert Rowell also may meet with Fried.

Riley said there is no situation, regarding Ellis or any other player, that approaches the seriousness of the Jackson controversy, but he did not deny that the Warriors may pursue other trades.

"I don't have anything going right now in regards to trading people," Riley said in a telephone conversation Tuesday afternoon. "I will be working to improve our team throughout the rest of this year, and that process will be started quickly. I felt we had to get the first thing out of the way first. Are we in a position to not do anything? We're 3-6. I can't afford not to be talking to people. We're 3-6 and we need to continue to evaluate our roster."

Meetings with supposedly peeved employees are becoming a regular part of Riley's job description this season. Less than two weeks ago, representatives for Anthony Randolph met with Riley to discuss the second-year player's growing discontent.

Randolph, whom many of the league's coaches and executives view as one of the top young talents in the league, is upset about the lack of consistency regarding his position and role on the team, according to sources.

Riley, however, denied that Randolph is angry.

"Anthony is happy," Riley said. "Things are fine. He's getting a lot of playing time right now and continuing to grow. He fits into our future."

Despite Riley's pronouncements, though, coach Don Nelson's roller-coaster use of Randolph continues. For instance, after averaging 20 points and 10 rebounds in games against Minnesota and Indiana last week, Randolph played only six minutes in the next game, against the Knicks.

The lanky 6-10, 210-pound forward is also unhappy about being moved to the center position, according to sources close to the team.

The acquisition of Vladimir Radmanovic, who joined the Warriors as part of the Jackson trade, also concerns Randolph, who expects his minutes to drop with Radmanovic aboard.

Ellis, who averages 19.3 points per game, is angry for some of the same reasons Jackson had. Sources say that during the summer, Warriors management told both players they planned to build around them and that they would trade the No. 7 pick in last summer's draft for a veteran who would put the club in immediate playoff contention.

When the Warriors instead selected Stephen Curry with the seventh pick, Jackson and Ellis felt betrayed, believing the team had lied to them and was now going in the direction of rebuilding with youth.

"The players are really questioning whether they can trust the organization," a person with knowledge of the situation said. "They're tired of Nellie's mind games. They think all he cares about is winning 21 more games, even if it means going 21-61. The environment there is terrible."

Nelson, who has 1,312 regular-season victories, needs 21 more wins to surpass Lenny Wilkens as the winningest regular-season coach in NBA history.
Haha this is getting more funny
Originally Posted by KL9

Seems like I'm the only one that wants Monta to stay,
Nah. Like some others said it's Nellie and Co.'s fault. I'm with Monta on this one. I wanted him to step up and be a leader, which heshould have done last season if not for the accident. Then he tries this season and gets shot down. Not sure what else he should do. I thought the Warriorsshould have kept Ellis over Maggette and let him lead the young guys as long as Jackson was gone.
He tries to be a leader?

For real?

Cite some examples.

I'm definitely willing to state Nellie need to be the one on the exit because he's becoming the common element...

But any time that Monta's been in the position to lead, he has failed.
I guess he's a leader because he yells at Curry and Randolph all the time. You can't have an above average team with Monta Ellis being one of yourstarters.
And he's clearly not a guy you want to lead by example.

And yes, he hasn't gotten anything out of Nellie either.
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