Originally Posted by What up

http:// [h3]Boos hurt Maggette[/h3]
9:43AM ET

[h5]Corey Maggette | Warriors[/h5]
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Corey Maggette says he feels hurt, confused and a bit angry that fans have been booing him lately during home games at Oracle Arena.

"It's not pleasant at all," Maggette told The Oakland Tribune. "I remember the time when Al Harrington was here, and he was getting booed and he was asking to be traded. And I saw it when Stephen Jackson was here, and he was asking to be traded. And now, I'm getting booed for wanting to be part of this team through all this nonsense."

I'd boo you for two reasons, Corey.

#1 - you suck for the amount of money you're making.
#2 - I think it was you who almost ran me over last Friday. Blad, black dude, pushing a black AMG Benz. Fits the description.
Any fool would take the money that Corey did. The team knew what they were getting when they signed him. With that being said, it does look likethe boos are doing good. When fans boo, he stops taking stupid jumpers and tries to attack the basket.
No one is saying they expected Maggette to walk away from the money. I don't know why you feel like you need to defend him for that.

The Warriors were probably expecting better production from him. His numbers with the Clippers were way better.

The boos are not working because he's still not producing like he's capable of.
if maggette doesn't wanna get booed he needs to play like he doesn't want to...simple as that.

headin back to the bay for a month, feels real good to go back home.
Delays suck. I got delayed on Wednesday at LAX for a hour, i was hella bored. Spent like $14 on a wack as sandwich n drink
Originally Posted by What up

No one is saying they expected Maggette to walk away from the money. I don't know why you feel like you need to defend him for that.

The Warriors were probably expecting better production from him. His numbers with the Clippers were way better.

The boos are not working because he's still not producing like he's capable of.

Maggette is what he is.
Originally Posted by daprescription

Originally Posted by What up

No one is saying they expected Maggette to walk away from the money. I don't know why you feel like you need to defend him for that.

The Warriors were probably expecting better production from him. His numbers with the Clippers were way better.

The boos are not working because he's still not producing like he's capable of.

Maggette is what he is.

People are realizing that, hence the booing.

Edit: not a minute passed and this numb skull just took a fading base line jumpshot with 8 seconds on the shot clock. I hope to God the booing continues andhe hates life here. What a waste.

Edit #2: this piece of #@#$ can't even grab the ball and throw it to Randolph on a fast break?
and maggette wonders why we boo him? he wasnt even being pressured and dude cant even make a simple pass.
Because those are far and few in between. You can't praise this lame - before you finish your sentence, he'll %%!* up again.
Man both teams are playing bad, im just hoping Rose can take over for us. But you guys are killing us with these threes
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