Avy update.

Though bringing the team to SF would be great, it would somehow get screwed up.
I like the Warriors in Oakland
I hate getting/going to that stadium. I don't mind it, but I wouldn't be opposed to the idea of having them back in SF. Depends on the area,definitely.
Aren't their market rules in the NBA that basically disallow the NBA from having the SJ market because it's considered Warrior's territory?Obviously I could be combining baseball here, but I thought there was something like that in place for the NBA.
[h1]San Jose officials pushing ahead on plans to lure NBA team[/h1]
By Tracy Seipel

[email protected]

Posted: 10/10/2009 12:00:00 AM PDT

With the South Bay already working to land major league baseball and football teams, San Jose officials now are formalizing a list of principles for negotiations to bring a professional basketball team to HP Pavilion.

On Friday, Greg Jamison, chief executive of Silicon Valley Sports & Entertainment, which manages the Pavilion and owns the San Jose Sharks hockey team, said his company has talked to "a number of teams'' over the last year about relocating to San Jose. But a source familiar with the situation said Jamison in recent months has met with the owners of the Sacramento Kings, who are looking for an alternative to aging Arco Arena.

Though it's far from certain that the Kings will ever play a game in San Jose, things have apparently moved far enough ahead that the San Jose City Council as early as month's end will vote on a "memorandum of understanding" that would guide negotiations with any National Basketball Association team.

And while he wouldn't confirm details, Jamison did allow that "this time, we are truly talking about what we can do to step up and be ready in the event a team would want to come here.''

Tim Frank, vice president of basketball communications for the NBA, said late Friday the league was not aware of a pending move by any team to San Jose.

But Paul Krutko, San Jose's chief development officer, said the city has an existing agreement with Jamison's group that "has always contemplated - or

talked about - a shared aspiration to attract an NBA team."
With the economy putting pressure on pro sports owners, "There may be several teams that want to look for greener pastures, you might say,'' said Krutko, who is working on the memorandum. "What this memorandum of understanding positions us to do is to respond to that opportunity if it presents itself in the next few years.''

HP Pavilion was designed to accommodate an NBA franchise. In fact, the arena hosted the Golden State Warriors for their 1996-97 season while their home facility in Oakland was being renovated.

Several buildings across the country host both NBA and NHL hockey teams. City officials believe San Jose and the surrounding area's upscale demographics and population could support a second major team in the arena - or even a third, if plans proceed to lure the Oakland A's to a site near the Pavilion.

If - and it's a big if - an NBA team were to land in San Jose, modifications to the pavilion would be required, said Krutko. Among other things, a new locker room and possibly offices would have to be built.

Krutko said any potential deal would likely involve a public/private partnership, along the lines of the one that has been proposed between the city and A's owner Lew Wolff. As part of that effort, San Jose last month released a set of negotiating principles that would frame any possible agreement with the A's.

Among other stipulations, the team must generate a "significant economic benefit'' to San Jose and have a positive impact on the city's general fund. Krutko said those would be "the same type of principles we are looking at in the negotiations'' with an NBA team. But Krutko stressed that the circumstances at this point are speculative until the council signs off on the memorandum a team actually offers to move here.

The city has been through this drill before. In 2006, Jamison's group teamed with Oracle Chief Executive Larry Ellison in an unsuccessful attempt to buy the Seattle SuperSonics, with the goal of moving the franchise to the South Bay; the team eventually moved to Oklahoma City.

And there are territorial rights to consider, much like those between A's and the San Francisco Giants, who are adamantly opposed to surrendering their rights to Santa Clara County. Any talk of an NBA franchise for San Jose is tempered by the fact that the Warriors play only 36 miles from HP Pavilion. A majority of the league's 30 owners would have to approve a move by the Kings to the South Bay, and strong opposition from the Warriors is a given.

The Warriors did not respond to a request for comment by deadline.

At least one sports economist questioned the benefits of an NBA team moving to the Pavilion.

Leo Kahane, an associate professor of economics at California State University-East Bay, predicted the Sharks and a basketball team might compete for fans, especially since their seasons largely overlap.

Kahane, who is co-editor of the Journal of Sports Economics, also said any refurbishing of the Pavilion might have to be picked up by taxpayers, as would the cost of traffic and security on game days. San Jose officials have already declared no tax money will go toward such expenses for a baseball stadium, although it's possible the city might contribute land or offer the A's a low-cost lease.

Kahane noted another pro team also would increase traffic congestion. But, he said, "on the plus side for the city, the facility is already there."
Originally Posted by LazyJ10

I hate getting/going to that stadium. I don't mind it, but I wouldn't be opposed to the idea of having them back in SF. Depends on the area, definitely.
in the article is says there would be a new stadium downtown
Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

Originally Posted by LazyJ10

I hate getting/going to that stadium. I don't mind it, but I wouldn't be opposed to the idea of having them back in SF. Depends on the area, definitely.
in the article is says there would be a new stadium downtown
Downtown can be twisted different ways. SoMA is downtown, so is the fidi, with the room they'd need, SoMa makes sense, but I'm not tryingto be past 5th street.
Originally Posted by daprescription

[h1]San Jose officials pushing ahead on plans to lure NBA team[/h1]
And there are territorial rights to consider, much like those between A's and the San Francisco Giants, who are adamantly opposed to surrendering their rights to Santa Clara County. Any talk of an NBA franchise for San Jose is tempered by the fact that the Warriors play only 36 miles from HP Pavilion. A majority of the league's 30 owners would have to approve a move by the Kings to the South Bay, and strong opposition from the Warriors is a given.

That's what I was thinking.
Well they'd have to amend that rule, but I'm not sure the process of how they would.
Think of it from opponents standpoints, they don't care if the Ws are lousy they reap the benefits.
I don't know what I would do if the Kings moved to SJ.

Like... I'm a Lakers fan but if a teams moves within 10 miles of my house... idk tho
Originally Posted by SoHi 23

I don't know what I would do if the Kings moved to SJ.

Like... I'm a Lakers fan but if a teams moves within 10 miles of my house... idk tho
dont tell me youre gonna start supporting the queens now
[h2]Raptors' Bosh could be headed to Golden State[/h2]
By Mark Miller

Toronto Raptors forward Chris Bosh(notes) is always mentioned as part of the four-headed soon-to-be-free-agent monster that will hit the NBA next summer. The other three heads, of course, belong to LeBron James(notes), Dwyane Wade(notes), and Amare' Stoudemire. The general consensus is that James and Wade will end up back on the Cleveland Cavaliers and Miami Heat, respectively. But Bosh and Stoudemire? Who knows?

Well, word is coming now that Bosh could be traded soon enough to the Golden State Warriors to play out this season before free agency. The Toronto Sun is reporting that four-time All-Star Bosh could be moving to California in exchange for Andris Biedrins(notes) and others.

Of course that doesn't mean Bosh won't be looking elsewhere once next summer rolls around.
Is this the same incompetent Mark Miller who got some other stuff completely mixed up before?

edit -
Why is there a pic of Gasol for this "article"?
The article is coming out of Toronto. There are others writing on the article also, so I don't know. This is how I feel about a trade though:
Renting Bosh for one season would be more productive than keeping Biedrins for 4.
Originally Posted by ady2glude707

Why trade for a player whos going to be gone after 1 season? Oh yea Warriors management thats why


although Beans fits in this system well because he doesnt need the ball to dominate, but his contract and lack of offensive scoring is an liability. granted,he does all those little things the box score doesnt show, the W's are better starting brand new. like i said in the other thread, a monta+beans+speedysinsured contract for bosh+filler would do miracles for this team.
I would do it only to clear space and build around AR and Curry. Honestly.

I'm so sick of watching the SAME offensive move (sweeping lefty hook) from Beans that it baffles me how team's haven't figured out (or I guessforget?) that he's left-handed with NO ability to go to the right.

And his hands have gotten increasingly WORSE, ironically, after inking a deal.
agreed, though i love beans.
he has no offense and the only good thing he ever does is board. a few blocks and assists here and there.

if somehow we can make sure we get a long term deal outta bosh, that'd be fun.
but yes, keep AR and Curry. turn the craptors into golden state 2.0 and ship jackson and ellis the %*#% outta here.
Originally Posted by NothingToL0se

please take sjax with you beanss

Yea hopefully if this happens we can create a longer contract for Bosh or Amare with the extra cap room.

Regardless, Jackson has got to go!
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