beans, watson & jack for bosh.


law/whoever the hell is left on this team

and just run with it.
I'd keep wright, exercise his option and see what you have. He hasn't played much so if anything, it's a low cost option to see if he can beparlayed into something else.
Originally Posted by LazyJ10

I'd keep wright, exercise his option and see what you have. He hasn't played much so if anything, it's a low cost option to see if he can be parlayed into something else.
if we do it without giving up randolph or curry (and not both monta and andris) i'm down 100%.

but knowing larry riley he's going to trade randolph.
yeah, he was suppose to be the best one in training camp until his recent injury.

IF he could only stay healthy...twin towers -- skinny version. or they can be called the chopsticks.
Why is everyone knocking Andris because of his offense? On this team, who gives a +#$! if he scores. We need rebounding, which he does fine in that department.
1) Foul trouble
2) He can't guard his position that well, mainly because of the others on the team but he's partial to blame to that
3) Son, he's making 11m, I want SOME offense, but more importantly I want him to stop playing for his #+!%@* National team and show blips of some DIFFERENToffensive growth.
Biedrins plays like he never touches a basketball outside of 7pm-10pm on game days. Its unfathomable how raw he still is and how uncomfortable he looks with aball in his hand.

By the way, Fitz was beyond annoying today to start the show. Rod Brooks was saying Jackson used that preseason game to show his displeasure and ... Idon't even remember Fitz's point but I wanted him to step infront of a speeding bus.
Originally Posted by What up

By the way, Fitz was beyond annoying today to start the show. Rod Brooks was saying Jackson used that preseason game to show his displeasure and ... I don't even remember Fitz's point but I wanted him to step infront of a speeding bus.
Let me start this off with

I'd be very open to the Warriors possible move to downtown San Francisco. Closer to my house, why not? As long as it's easy to get to with publictransportation, I'm good.

The Kings possible move to San Jose would be interesting to say the least.

Another Bosh rumor? Another trade with Toronto? We should have just made one big trade with the George/Belinelli trade. Could have saved us some damn headaches
. Again, just like the Amar'e Stoudemire nixed trade earlier this offseason, I'd want to be able to ink Bosh to a deal, preventing him from walkingin a year. So what if we get cap space? Isn't the feeling around the NBA that no one wants to sign with the Warriors? We'll probably just sign anotheroverrated big and most likely have to overpay just to get him here. We are the Warriors after all. That's what we do. Like I've said before, Idon't want to be left without a center after one year.

I know I've said before that I want cap space for Jackson. [joking] Yeah, I'm a hypocrite. [/joking] But really, I want Jackson gone so bad and I thinkwith trading an expendable SG/SF for cap space, since we have a lot of them, I want to believe that cap space would go to a position / a player we need. Butmanagement screws up everything so I wouldn't be expecting a lot. I just want to believe that management would get lucky and do something right for achange.
^stat would have been a good fit with his no defense mentality, but GS got lucky that they had no parts with him. i hope he doesnt go to NY either

with bosh, i think he would sign an extension. as long as the W's can contend (hopefully he can help you guys do that), i dont see a reason why he wouldntsign an extension. unless he wants to come to ny, which i would be down for
The Warriors are in no rush to trade Jackson, the San Jose Mercury News reports.


Jackson is attempting to talk and act his way out of the Bay Area -- his most recent behavior in Friday's exhibition game earned him a two-game team suspension for conduct detrimental to the team. The decision not to move him right away likely stems from several motivations. First and foremost, they need him in the lineup. Second, they are probably not getting the kind of value in proposals they feel a player of Jackson's talent is worth. And lastly, the Warriors need Jackson to improve his value on the market and that will only happen by him playing and contributing to the Warriors.

Just read this on ESPN.

So you can't trade him unless he play. While he plays, he hurts your team. Lose-lose situation - which the Warriors have obviously mastered.
Originally Posted by What up

The Warriors are in no rush to trade Jackson, the San Jose Mercury News reports.


Jackson is attempting to talk and act his way out of the Bay Area -- his most recent behavior in Friday's exhibition game earned him a two-game team suspension for conduct detrimental to the team. The decision not to move him right away likely stems from several motivations. First and foremost, they need him in the lineup. Second, they are probably not getting the kind of value in proposals they feel a player of Jackson's talent is worth. And lastly, the Warriors need Jackson to improve his value on the market and that will only happen by him playing and contributing to the Warriors.

so guys, how much is jackson's talent worth?
Clearly Jackson isn't dumb. He needs to realize that if he plays well, then a upper echelon team might want him. He needs to play the way he did in 08.
[h2]Warriors update: Details of the Stephen Jackson-Don Nelson on-court confrontation[/h2]
Posted by Tim Kawakami on October 12th, 2009 at 4:52 pm | Categorized as NBA, Warriors

* Stephen Jackson, Don Nelson and Larry Riley are supposedly meeting tomorrow, when the Warriors have their first practice at home after a long LA road trip. This will be interesting.

-According to a highly-placed NBA source, Stephen Jackson's two-game suspension was the result of a multi-stage confrontation with Don Nelson during Friday's game in Los Angeles.

First, as Jackson was in the process of picking up five fouls in about nine minutes guarding Kobe Bryant-and not getting pulled by Nelson-a seething Jackson screamed that he was sick and tired of receiving no support from the Warriors (or Nelson).

At this point, Jackson was presumably referring to Nelson not standing up for Jackson with the replacement referees, or not taking him out when he was in obvious foul trouble.

The source said that Jackson's fury was understood to include the bigger picture-that the Warriors weren't supporting him with promised player additions and maybe that Nelson wasn't supporting him, generally. (Of course, Jackson has publicly asked to be traded and has yet not been traded.)

That outburst, alone, would not have gotten Jackson suspended.

But, according to the source, the more serious incident occurred moments later, when Nelson was trying to calm Jackson down.

Nelson told Jackson to head back to the locker room, take a shower and cool down.

Nelson apparently also put his hand on Jackson at the same time, to settle the situation (he thought).

Jackson immediately roughly brushed off Nelson's hand, and, according to the source, told him loudly never to do that again and included many more angry words directed at Nelson.

Jackson went to the locker room and stayed there, apparently without further incident. But Warriors management apparently was concerned enough to keep Jackson away from Nelson for at least a few hours.
that randolph move was beautiful.
but i cant believe this game. its just random chucks, then running, and then more chucking
randolph will be guarding a lot of big guys this year so hopefully he learns to stay outta foul trouble. if you pick up two fouls against marcus camby,you're gonna have trouble playing against the duncans and the dirks.
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