The Official Tennessee NT'er Post **Southern Takeover**

I def don't have to work but I def do have to be at my sis wedding again. the laos version this time. and I kno bernard has to work to lol. lets go fridayif possible
excuse me but does anyone know where Joe is/went? I've been trying to get a hold of him but he's never on AIM and i already emailed him. Thanks. Joe ifyou're reading this man whered you go? lol
well it's a personal business between him and I and we just havent spoken in a while so I'm getting a little nervous.
^Did my research (actually B did, but whatever). You are still bringing up that stuff from the past. Joe is a really good friend of mine, and I havent talkedto dude in like a week. He is grown, works two jobs, has two, kids, and is married. Thats responsibility you apparently dont understand yet. If I had all thaton my plate the last thing i would do is worry about some "Stan-like" kid hounding me about stuff. basically, when the man gets time to respond toyou he will. However, dont come in here trying to get us to locate dude. I read your stuff in that post and you seem very irrational, and annoying. I wouldnttalk to you either.

By the way, if it was "personal" like you stated above why air your laundry on NT???? Its beyond me fam.
damn kev you just ethered that dude. hahahha. down to bizzness we need to figure a date for this summit if its gonna go down. im be out of town aug 17-24 on acruise but i dont really care if i miss it. so if that weekend 22/23 works for everyone else lets book it, like i said im losing interest in kicks fast so idont care if i miss it. i just need to know so i can do a flier, and let pk know so he can try to get the sponsors. please reply slater
well i guess you really do not know what is going on between me and joe because after we had that sort of heated talk we cooled down. and we came to anagreement that he would keep me updated under the condition i did not bother him. and that was about 5 weeks ago when i last got a response from him. I am notnervous as in, "angry" or, "frustrated." I just would like to know Joe and I are still in touch. Besides, it's not like i was saying,"I demand to speak to him" or, "Let me know where he is ASAP." I just want to know where he went because he hasnt signed on in a while.Maybe he went on vacation and when he gets back and finally attempts to get in touch with me, I'll be gone to Japan for two weeks. I do not want him toreturn from a vacation and try to get at me and it seem like I'm avoiding him. I am not at all frustrated with Joe i know about his situation with hisfamily so do not speak to me like I'm some kid who doesn't understand the responsibilities of life. Of course I do not work two jobs, have two kids, orany of that I'm only 16. I do not want to bring this public and I never will because putting this out in the public is blowing this situation way out ofproportion. Even though we have gone through some rough patches Joe and I are still cool. Do not try to bring back those posts from before because that waswhen Joe and I did not speak for a while and things came to a boil. We spoke it out and since then I havent bothered him or anything of that sort. Especiallyafter that whole Lu scandal I know he had to work hard to reimburse all those sneakerheads. So please the only reason i posted that was to know if Joe was onvacation or not; I was not trying to call him out or anything of that sort. Do not get the wrong idea about how Joe and I go about our business because in allactuality you really don't know what is going on between us.
Originally Posted by jaysonisfly

well i guess you really do not know what is going on between me and joe because after we had that sort of heated talk we cooled down. and we came to an agreement that he would keep me updated under the condition i did not bother him. and that was about 5 weeks ago when i last got a response from him. I am not nervous as in, "angry" or, "frustrated." I just would like to know Joe and I are still in touch. Besides, it's not like i was saying, "I demand to speak to him" or, "Let me know where he is ASAP." I just want to know where he went because he hasnt signed on in a while. Maybe he went on vacation and when he gets back and finally attempts to get in touch with me, I'll be gone to Japan for two weeks. I do not want him to return from a vacation and try to get at me and it seem like I'm avoiding him. I am not at all frustrated with Joe i know about his situation with his family so do not speak to me like I'm some kid who doesn't understand the responsibilities of life. Of course I do not work two jobs, have two kids, or any of that I'm only 16. I do not want to bring this public and I never will because putting this out in the public is blowing this situation way out of proportion. Even though we have gone through some rough patches Joe and I are still cool. Do not try to bring back those posts from before because that was when Joe and I did not speak for a while and things came to a boil. We spoke it out and since then I havent bothered him or anything of that sort. Especially after that whole Lu scandal I know he had to work hard to reimburse all those sneakerheads. So please the only reason i posted that was to know if Joe was on vacation or not; I was not trying to call him out or anything of that sort. Do not get the wrong idea about how Joe and I go about our business because in all actuality you really don't know what is going on between us.

You contradicted yourself. By airing him out two months ago, and again posting in the TN thread IS bringing this public. For some reason I dont think youunderstand this. The cool thing about this Internet thing is that anyone can view it at any time...hence public. The infamous "Wow" post was blownway out of portion. I knew how old you were by you approach to the entire situation. I mean your grammar is good and all, but trying to expose someone on NTof all places is foolish/childish. Im not sticking up for Joe because he has 4000+ posts, he has sick shoes, or he is well know in the community. Im stickingup for him because he has been a great friend of mine since I moved here. In all actuality he took the biggest "L" because he had to payback allthat money, had his reputation drug through the mud, and has NOTHING to show for it. NOTHING. He cant keep those Frankenstein-joints man. Its like he isgiving you 1k for what? So you can feel good about not being taken advantage of? I say ya'll split the "L" and move on. I mean when I was 16 Iwasn't coppin' $1000 shoes. Maybe your parents should be more mad than you cause I'm sure you aint moving birds or whatever to pay for thesneakers. Right, wrong, or indifferent, "L's" were handed out by this Asian dude, an he is sitting pretty overseas without any worries. I wouldjust chalk it up, ad move on to the next hobby fam. Mom's and Dad will I'm sure foot the bill.

Recap for the noobs here basically some international shoe-clown had access to some avenues todoctor/alter legit shoes, found very respectable collectors (in this case Joe or Screech), and basically had them middle man this "exclusive" or fakestuff to other well know collectors. kid that is posting in our thread
what i wore the past 2 days btw...

Originally Posted by sekim2detcidda

Originally Posted by jaysonisfly

well i guess you really do not know what is going on between me and joe because after we had that sort of heated talk we cooled down. and we came to an agreement that he would keep me updated under the condition i did not bother him. and that was about 5 weeks ago when i last got a response from him. I am not nervous as in, "angry" or, "frustrated." I just would like to know Joe and I are still in touch. Besides, it's not like i was saying, "I demand to speak to him" or, "Let me know where he is ASAP." I just want to know where he went because he hasnt signed on in a while. Maybe he went on vacation and when he gets back and finally attempts to get in touch with me, I'll be gone to Japan for two weeks. I do not want him to return from a vacation and try to get at me and it seem like I'm avoiding him. I am not at all frustrated with Joe i know about his situation with his family so do not speak to me like I'm some kid who doesn't understand the responsibilities of life. Of course I do not work two jobs, have two kids, or any of that I'm only 16. I do not want to bring this public and I never will because putting this out in the public is blowing this situation way out of proportion. Even though we have gone through some rough patches Joe and I are still cool. Do not try to bring back those posts from before because that was when Joe and I did not speak for a while and things came to a boil. We spoke it out and since then I havent bothered him or anything of that sort. Especially after that whole Lu scandal I know he had to work hard to reimburse all those sneakerheads. So please the only reason i posted that was to know if Joe was on vacation or not; I was not trying to call him out or anything of that sort. Do not get the wrong idea about how Joe and I go about our business because in all actuality you really don't know what is going on between us.

You contradicted yourself. By airing him out two months ago, and again posting in the TN thread IS bringing this public. For some reason I dont think you understand this. The cool thing about this Internet thing is that anyone can view it at any time...hence public. The infamous "Wow" post was blown way out of portion. I knew how old you were by you approach to the entire situation. I mean your grammar is good and all, but trying to expose someone on NT of all places is foolish/childish. Im not sticking up for Joe because he has 4000+ posts, he has sick shoes, or he is well know in the community. Im sticking up for him because he has been a great friend of mine since I moved here. In all actuality he took the biggest "L" because he had to payback all that money, had his reputation drug through the mud, and has NOTHING to show for it. NOTHING. He cant keep those Frankenstein-joints man. Its like he is giving you 1k for what? So you can feel good about not being taken advantage of? I say ya'll split the "L" and move on. I mean when I was 16 I wasn't coppin' $1000 shoes. Maybe your parents should be more mad than you cause I'm sure you aint moving birds or whatever to pay for the sneakers. Right, wrong, or indifferent, "L's" were handed out by this Asian dude, an he is sitting pretty overseas without any worries. I would just chalk it up, ad move on to the next hobby fam. Mom's and Dad will I'm sure foot the bill.

Recap for the noobs here basically some international shoe-clown had access to some avenues to doctor/alter legit shoes, found very respectable collectors (in this case Joe or Screech), and basically had them middle man this "exclusive" or fake stuff to other well know collectors. kid that is posting in our thread
Well I am bringing this public but you are the one blowing this thing way out of proportion. I posted saying i was nervous about his whereaboutsbecause I wanted to let him know if he wanted to get in touch with me, I'd be in Japan from the 3rd-16th. If he was on vacation and came back when I was inanother country and tried to contact me, I would not respond. Therefore, Joe himself would get frustrated because I've been trying to get in touch with himfor so long and when he finally tired to contact me, I would be in a different continent. Then you go ahead and bring up the post that barely isnt even checkedanymore. I agree I was irrational and somewhat of a total jerk but like I said, Joe and I had a conversation after that which I am 100% sure you have not read(or any of our other conversations for that matter). I am terribly sorry that we are going back and forth like this ;another fiasco would be the least thateither of us wants. But you make me sound like I am some childish fool who IMs Joe everyday asking angrily for some answer which I am not. Again I am sorry forbringing this in here but it clearly was not ME who brought up the stuff from the past. If you can recall I just said I needed some "personalbusiness" solved and you brought up the whole "Lu" scandal.
Well I am bringing this public but you are the one blowing this thing way out of proportion. I posted saying i was nervous about his whereabouts because I wanted to let him know if he wanted to get in touch with me, I'd be in Japan from the 3rd-16th. If he was on vacation and came back when I was in another country and tried to contact me, I would not respond. Therefore, Joe himself would get frustrated because I've been trying to get in touch with him for so long and when he finally tired to contact me, I would be in a different continent. Then you go ahead and bring up the post that barely isnt even checked anymore. [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I agree I was irrational and somewhat of a total jerk[/color] but like I said, Joe and I had a conversation after that which I am 100% sure you have not read (or any of our other conversations for that matter). I am terribly sorry that we are going back and forth like this ;another fiasco would be the least that either of us wants. But you make me sound like I am some childish fool who IMs Joe everyday asking angrily for some answer which I am not. Again I am sorry for bringing this in here but it clearly was not ME who brought up the stuff from the past. If you can recall I just said I needed some "personal business" solved and you brought up the whole "Lu" scandal.
Look, we can go back and forth all day long. However, when you post you are further proving my initial point (highlighted above). Regardless ofwhen it was you posted a PERSONAL matter on a PUBLIC thread. Adding fuel to what was an out of control fire at the time. Let me reiterate, Joe isnt mye-buddy. Our families are close friends. I know more about your situation than you think. What frustrates me most is before all of this stuff came outearlier this year, I remember being over his house chillin' and you AIM'ing him constantly on some old school "a/s/l/-typeish". I knew youwere annoying then. Im going to stop there because I'm already on my second SN. I'll leave it at this...L's were handed out. 1k is a lot ofmoney for anyone these days. He is doing the best he can to make ends meet at home. Paying you back, for something both of you could have done more homeworkon in the first place IMO, I'm sure is not the most important thing to him right now. Either way, don't come in our thread paging someone and notexpect the past to get brought up.
damn kev jus laid da law down…that was kinda funny tho…lettin lil buddy use his 10th grade vernacular on you homie im down 4 saturday…any 1 else?
WORK!But nonetheless wanted to check in.Nike lost our Hyperdunk order for this weekend.Was really looking forward to this shoe release!

Just got my internet at the new house so Im able to check more often.Me and the wifey have been moving slowly for about two weeks
and should finish up on Sunday.I will throw up some pics of the new crib.Its real nice,feel like its out of my league but
why not dream big.
Originally Posted by victorjames

WORK!But nonetheless wanted to check in.Nike lost our Hyperdunk order for this weekend.Was really looking forward to this shoe release!

Just got my internet at the new house so Im able to check more often.Me and the wifey have been moving slowly for about two weeks
and should finish up on Sunday.I will throw up some pics of the new crib.Its real nice,feel like its out of my league but
why not dream big.

look forward to the house pics, and what hyperdunks were they? the olympic pair?
work until eight on saturday.

sorry doggies, but if you want 30% off this weekend just hit me up.

i had a job interview today . . it went
^nike @ opry

...Slater, marcus, tom I can't make a trip to nashville today. My wife and I our going out for our anniv. since we couldn't on tuesday. My apologies.
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