The Official Write Your Own Bot/RSVP Thread - Asking to buy one = Restricted from thread

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I assume it's time to kill the thread then? I mean if you aren't helping others then what's the use?

That's what Yeezy season does to the mind and soul.    

i honestly feel like the last few months the thread has been a "lets talk about how our bots are doing" vs helping people out. thats now what this thread is about. if you guys (not speaking of anyone specifically) want a private forum then feel free to take your crew elsewhere that does provide that feature.

if someone asks a question, dont laugh at him. help him. i admit that some questions do deserve a read the first few pages response but the twitter, multiple keywords question was 100% valid in my book.

if you guys need me to update page 1 to help with a FAQ type of post then supply me with what i need so that you can direct members to page 1 when needed.
i honestly feel like the last few months the thread has been a "lets talk about how our bots are doing" vs helping people out. thats now what this thread is about. if you guys (not speaking of anyone specifically) want a private forum then feel free to take your crew elsewhere that does provide that feature.

if someone asks a question, dont laugh at him. help him. i admit that some questions do deserve a read the first few pages response but the twitter, multiple keywords question was 100% valid in my book.

if you guys need me to update page 1 to help with a FAQ type of post then supply me with what i need so that you can direct members to page 1 when needed.
I think that would be great, but again noone ever reads page 1, they barely read the current page, before asking questions. 

But I agree with you J, that would be a good start atleast. 
No way to create a secure thread on here that's invite only huh
i honestly feel like the last few months the thread has been a "lets talk about how our bots are doing" vs helping people out. thats now what this thread is about. if you guys (not speaking of anyone specifically) want a private forum then feel free to take your crew elsewhere that does provide that feature.

if someone asks a question, dont laugh at him. help him. i admit that some questions do deserve a read the first few pages response but the twitter, multiple keywords question was 100% valid in my book.

if you guys need me to update page 1 to help with a FAQ type of post then supply me with what i need so that you can direct members to page 1 when needed.
Should have locked this up a while back. Im barely in this thread but when i do come in here all i see is people asking for help and then theres ES posting "5 of 7 pairs shipped" LOL

people that know the answers dont wanna share them. When someone finally helps, that person turns around and tries to trade that bot for a footlocker one 
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nobody has helped anyone out in this thread in very long time.

this thread is basically for those who already have bots that are currently running.

not for people who want to get into botting or learn to program a bot.

the people who are running bots want to share experiences and find out how the others botters did in order to make their own attempts more successful.

if 1 botter has a problem with a release he can come here to see if anyone else had a similar experience.

if the same thing happened to multiple botters, that means its time get creative.

but the worst part about this thread really has to do with the pretentiousness of some members. i suppose that is only natural when you perceive yourself as being more successful than someone at something.
nobody has helped anyone out in this thread in very long time.
this thread is basically for those who already have bots that are currently running.
not for people who want to get into botting or learn to program a bot.
the people who are running bots want to share experiences and find out how the others botters did in order to make their own attempts more successful.
if 1 botter has a problem with a release he can come here to see if anyone else had a similar experience.
if the same thing happened to multiple botters, that means its time get creative.

but the worst part about this thread really has to do with the pretentiousness of some members. i suppose that is only natural when you perceive yourself as being more successful than someone at something.

sadly, i agree. ill leave it open for another day to get feedback. then ill evaluate and decide. the goal was to give members a place to help each other out. i definitely havent seen that in a long time.
prob the most ruthless thread on this board. picked up some knowledge earlier, but lately its just been a flexing show. oh well
This thread is helpful tho, the main people in here have helped numerous times... but new and new people come and dont read page 1 - 20 to get the same info thats asked over and over 
I DM the exact time delay for the gamma 11 (which I got) but today I missed all 4 DMs. So either it changed or something. I DM super quick for the gamma and got nothing. There's a delay for sure but their delay is not the same today.

I got my setup running on 5 different computers right now and will be testing delay speeds on todays rsvps. Will let you know what I come up with.
I for one have found this thread very helpful for the most part.  There are some that are on their high horse, but others that have gone above and beyond to be helpful.  I think that the FAQ on page one would be a great idea to avoid repeat questions.  For those that want to keep things a secret, we understand why but try not to be so harsh to the new people and perhaps offer a little bit of direction on where to start aside from the obvious.  The snide remarks are often unnecessary , we all had to start somewhere.  For the new people do a little bit of research before thinking that you can come here and receive a handout. I'm sure that we all won't admit it but, we have all learned a little something from this thread regardless of skill level. 
I think that would be great, but again noone ever reads page 1, they barely read the current page, before asking questions. 

But I agree with you J, that would be a good start atleast. 
what about a FAQ on the first page and update the title with "READ THE FAQ BEFORE ASKING QUESTIONS"

i know most lazya**** will still post but worth a shot?
I agree FAQ would be nice, if I go to a thread about how to mod my ps3 it is stickied on the home page, biggest problem with this thread is info is spread throughout 1550 pages 

Although creating a page like that is gonna take a lot of time and effort. Pretty sure it would ruffle some feathers.

On another note how did RSVPs go today anybody get in manually? Delay times.......
prob the most ruthless thread on this board. picked up some knowledge earlier, but lately its just been a flexing show. oh well
i can see how it may seem like flexing.

but getting people to admit that they hit or missed that morning's release with their bot is necessary for us to make certain deductions. regardless if people's feelings get hurt.

if you ask the right questions, help can be sought.

i've had a lot of help from others here, not necessarily in finding or building a program. but sharing experiences and knowledge exponentially cuts down the trial/error time. having someone else independently confirm your assumptions or own experiences can be very helpful. just be careful of what you ask for.
The name of the thread should be changed to just the bot thread.  A lot of people that frequent the thread don't have any interest or ability to teach anyone how to code their own bot.  It seems like the "teachers" have abandoned the thread more likely due to all the begging for bots by new members or sudden surges of interest when they next "big shoe" is about to be released.

Since most threads bar bot talk this one or another one like it should be open so people can share bot experiences.  I don't think evilside, memphis, or anybody else that post numbers are doing it to flex, its to share if they were successful or not.  If anybody is catching feelings over that then they might be missing the point of the thread completely and must not understand that the point is to cop shoes.

The behavior thats kept people from helping is more of an issue than the regular posters.  Dudes that demand information rather than asking for it and the guys that have the nerve to take info/scripts that were given to them and try to charge/trade with people that don't know any better.
The name of the thread should be changed to just the bot thread.  A lot of people that frequent the thread don't have any interest or ability to teach anyone how to code their own bot.  It seems like the "teachers" have abandoned the thread more likely due to all the begging for bots by new members or sudden surges of interest when they next "big shoe" is about to be released.

Since most threads bar bot talk this one or another one like it should be open so people can share bot experiences.  I don't think evilside, memphis, or anybody else that post numbers are doing it to flex, its to share if they were successful or not.  If anybody is catching feelings over that then they might be missing the point of the thread completely and must not understand that the point is to cop shoes.

The behavior thats kept people from helping is more of an issue than the regular posters.  Dudes that demand information rather than asking for it and the guys that have the nerve to take info/scripts that were given to them and try to charge/trade with people that don't know any better.
i couldn't have said it any better.

There's more than enough info within the pages of this thread.
How does a script respond to the countdown pages. does it keep trying to add to cart until the size is available, or would u have to refresh/click a new link for it to work?

I'm just trying to get an idea of how they work.
How does a script respond to the countdown pages. does it keep trying to add to cart until the size is available, or would u have to refresh/click a new link for it to work?

I'm just trying to get an idea of how they work.
it will work fine. the only issue you'll have is the lag of your count down timer. due to a particular shoe being so hype up, if you refresh at 5 second, you'll hit the pack house page. if you let the count down go down on it's own, there's a chance you might already be late, because of time lag. FTL has gotten pretty back lately. it's pure luck on that site. bot or no script, the only thing a script can do is to save your mouse button. once your script error out and stop. you're done for, once you refresh, and hit the pack house page. you're not getting back in. 
I have a great bot i use for the new layout but its picking up old tweets for some reason, for example, nike tweeted out a reminder of the preludes tomorrow 4 hours ago or so and the bot is picking it up. Just curious why that would be happening. 
How does a script respond to the countdown pages. does it keep trying to add to cart until the size is available, or would u have to refresh/click a new link for it to work?

I'm just trying to get an idea of how they work.
it will work fine. the only issue you'll have is the lag of your count down timer. due to a particular shoe being so hype up, if you refresh at 5 second, you'll hit the pack house page. if you let the count down go down on it's own, there's a chance you might already be late, because of time lag. FTL has gotten pretty back lately. it's pure luck on that site. bot or no script, the only thing a script can do is to save your mouse button. once your script error out and stop. you're done for, once you refresh, and hit the pack house page. you're not getting back in. 
hmmm so it's basically luck/hit or miss.
The name of the thread should be changed to just the bot thread.  A lot of people that frequent the thread don't have any interest or ability to teach anyone how to code their own bot.  It seems like the "teachers" have abandoned the thread more likely due to all the begging for bots by new members or sudden surges of interest when they next "big shoe" is about to be released.

Since most threads bar bot talk this one or another one like it should be open so people can share bot experiences.  I don't think evilside, memphis, or anybody else that post numbers are doing it to flex, its to share if they were successful or not.  If anybody is catching feelings over that then they might be missing the point of the thread completely and must not understand that the point is to cop shoes.

The behavior thats kept people from helping is more of an issue than the regular posters.  Dudes that demand information rather than asking for it and the guys that have the nerve to take info/scripts that were given to them and try to charge/trade with people that don't know any better.

no intention for it to be just a "bot" thread. it was for teaching others and helping others.
i generally delete and remove people that want a bot just given to them or that try to troll the thread. you guys have to do your part in helping.

i just take issue when i see people that ask realistic questions and get clowned.

not 1 person has offered to help me update the FAQ on page 1. people kinda fell off on the bot talk in most threads because its nothing new anymore. the phenomena is gone. people know whats good.
so I've been engaging my extra time into a bot with the help of a fellow soldier in the intelligence comm sector in my brigade and just wondering how I can go after more than 1 release at a time like the preludes and the Air Jordan 1's Not looking for a hand out just some advice i've been reading this thread for over two months off and on now and would like to learn more that will help me get my 15 for my giant *** feet. Thanks and god bless.
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