The Official Write Your Own Bot/RSVP Thread - Asking to buy one = Restricted from thread

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you wanted me to stop talking like its a fact.. but i believe it a fact that there is a delay.
we're not doubting you. im just trying to help figure out what the exact time you send that got you the rsvp. couldn't you go back to your log and find out the exact time delay? if you can at least get the exact second that would help a lot. 
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it may or may not be a delay, but its definitely not excepting responses under a sec.. my bot sends in sub 1 sec.. havent won since,, i also try manually, and have been succesful, i cant give an accurate time for my manual response's.. 8-15 sec i would say.. hope that helps.. 

i believe there is a delay of some sort, (no data to back that up)... just cant find the sweet spot
My point is that you have no data to show the correlation between the store posting the #RSVP open tweet, you sending your DMs, and the DMs that were successful. 
you wanted me to stop talking like its a fact.. but i believe it a fact that there is a delay.
Sneakahead is correct, there is a delay.  Everything before a certain response time gets thrown out.

I've had this same conversation with kennyisdead before also, as far as I know it started with the DB5 rsvp.
it may or may not be a delay, but its definitely not excepting responses under a sec.. my bot sends in sub 1 sec.. havent won since,, i also try manually, and have been succesful, i cant give an accurate time for my manual response's.. 8-15 sec i would say.. hope that helps.. 

i believe there is a delay of some sort, (no data to back that up)... just cant find the sweet spot
It's not random.

It is almost certainly a delay. I say this because I have bots running sending instant DM's around 53ms consistently yet for the same size I can get it manually? (happened to me on a few releases including limited releases like the DB5's)?

They are almost certainly eliminating responses under a certain time period. I am trying to use whatever evidence you guys have to try and find that threshold. Don't believe everything the RSVP guys are telling you regarding speed. They are just trying to throw you all off so that their bots success rates are higher. I remember one guys say "Speed is always king!" or something to that extent. IMO they are red herrings. Have any of you won in the past 2-3 releases using an instant DM? (sub 1 second?)

EDIT: It used to be pure speed but not anymore.
Obviously it's not first come first serve if DM's that are coming in first aren't working. Hence this sounds more like random selection if a person it getting through with manual DM
Obviously it's not first come first serve if DM's that are coming in first aren't working. Hence this sounds more like random selection if a person it getting through with manual DM

Sorry but you're Wrong. If its random then RSVP site can't have hundred of orders.
NT fam with their own RSVP bots do you use tesseract or OpenCV? Gonna try and throw one together when I have free time.
Unfortunately no one is going to share the delay time, with yeezys and DBS releasing no one wants to lessen their chances by sharing that vital information. As iFrost mentioned I set up multiple bots each with different delays an found the sweet spot for Roosevelt Field. Was successful with the 3lab5, bel airs and steel grey 10s. Since nikenyc took over Roosevelt I tried the same delay and came up empty.
Unfortunately no one is going to share the delay time, with yeezys and DBS releasing no one wants to lessen their chances by sharing that vital information. As iFrost mentioned I set up multiple bots each with different delays an found the sweet spot for Roosevelt Field. Was successful with the 3lab5, bel airs and steel grey 10s. Since nikenyc took over Roosevelt I tried the same delay and came up empty.

This. I know this thread is about helping others. But no one is going to just give a hand out. You got to put in some sort of work, plus think of all the lurkers. I don't have the delay but I can't blame anyone for not sharing it.
Yeap. The average time in seconds to type one word can be determined from the GWAM.  You can vary your delay from there +/- some change. 
I've been tryin different time frames with NikeDC and seems the DM speed is a non factor. The hunt continues!!
the US average for words per minute is 35-40 for professional adults.

seeing how the hashtags are just 1 word i don't see much of a difference between GWAM and WPM. (with mistakes vs without)

so 1.5 seconds?
the US average for words per minute is 35-40 for professional adults.

seeing how the hashtags are just 1 word i don't see much of a difference between GWAM and WPM. (with mistakes vs without)

so 1.5 seconds?
60 secs divided by 40  words = wps x number of words in DM = delayed time?
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