The Old PlayStation Thread | *NEW THREAD IS UP*

Never played COD campaign for the story. I just like to shoot ****... Do they let you shoot ****? :nerd:
havent played a story line in the COD line since COD4 Modern Warfare

This is where things get interesting for developers. You continue to hear how bad the stories are in these games and you continue to hear that people don't even play the single player in comments or blog posts. Overwhelmingly, the research shows that FPS gamers view story as the lowest priority. Not surprising, but it also shows by the end of a players life cycle in an online shooter over 95% of time they spent playing the game is spent in multiplayer. In fact, I saw a recent report that less than 25% of players actually fully complete the single player campaign and barley even 70% make it past the first hour.

So publishers and developers take this data (which hasn't really had much deviation for the past 10 years) and have moved to models where the production cycle is heavily focused on multiplayer and/or the single player campaign is cut entirely. But then what happens? The public flips their **** saying that you're giving them an inferior product. Titanfall tried it and it totally backfired. They thought they were giving the public what they wanted and people felt slighted about no single player. COD gets **** on because it has a lot of modes but "none of them stand out".

People in this thread have commented about how Battlefront is a rip-off because of no single player. However, it's not like the team spent less hours on the game because it's lacking a campaign. The multiplayer, assets, and it's engine are better for the fact that every person on the team was focused on it. I can certainly agree with the point that Battlefront would have been a better experience if you had a single player campaign with great classic Star Wars set pieces to playthrough. However, Battlefront was only given the green-light when Lucas Arts was restructured and they were told that it had to be out right before The Force Awakens. Having that supreme hard deadline and a semi-short dev cycle certainly contributed to single player getting cut. I'm not saying that not having a single player, or having a weak single player is the main cause for these games not being AMAZEBALLS. But it's certainly one of the quickest things that gamers will complain about.

You just have to think about it this way, video game development is not full of infinite resources even if you are EA or Activision. If you spread time/people/money out across a whole bunch of modes whether that be multiplayer, single player, zombies, mini games, co-op, whatever, they're all going to suffer in overall quality because you have the same amount of people and resources split between five things instead of one or two things.
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Really want to buy the new COD but I was so disappointed in ghosts and AW that I'm struggling to do it...

I just want them to remaster COD4 already, so much greatness
In the short amount of time playing BO3, I can say it isn't too bad. I could care less with the wall running and double jump, but I already enjoy it more than Ghosts
No. I dragged it out because instead of just Googling that simple thing if someone is really interested in the game It is now drawn out for a couple of hours

It was easier to type Bloodborne DLC instead of the original post to find out if the game was still required or not.

As gamers I never heard anyone say u got the First Light DLC or F&F DLC. We just downloaded and played it as standalone games. Yet when TTK or Halo drops maps we say, "you got the DLC with the maps?"  

My bad for talking like a gamer, thought that's what we were.
*shottadru used table turn*

*tekthemaestro blocks* 

u still arguing semantics lol
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See Xbox getting BC wasnt too big of a deal for me because I still had a 360 and there was only a few games I wanted to replay. Same reason it didnt bother me that PS4 didnt support BC.

PS2 games with trophy support though :wow: backlog just increased quite a bit :lol:
I thought you couldn't either, but you need to equip the perk in your loadout in the hideout before a mission starts. 

Never explained anywhere, but I stumbled across it on the 4th mission.
Damn I never knew that :lol: I was confused too but you don't even need it since none of the levels are designed for its use so it didn't bother me. Just thought it was weird for them to have a little wall run in the start and never make use of it again
This is where things get interesting for developers. You continue to hear how bad the stories are in these games and you continue to hear that people don't even play the single player in comments or blog posts. Overwhelmingly, the research shows that FPS gamers view story as the lowest priority. Not surprising, but it also shows by the end of a players life cycle in an online shooter over 95% of time they spent playing the game is spent in multiplayer. In fact, I saw a recent report that less than 25% of players actually fully complete the single player campaign and barley even 70% make it past the first hour.

So publishers and developers take this data (which hasn't really had much deviation for the past 10 years) and have moved to models where the production cycle is heavily focused on multiplayer and/or the single player campaign is cut entirely. But then what happens? The public flips their **** saying that you're giving them an inferior product. Titanfall tried it and it totally backfired. They thought they were giving the public what they wanted and people felt slighted about no single player. COD gets **** on because it has a lot of modes but "none of them stand out".

People in this thread have commented about how Battlefront is a rip-off because of no single player. However, it's not like the team spent less hours on the game because it's lacking a campaign. The multiplayer, assets, and it's engine are better for the fact that every person on the team was focused on it. I can certainly agree with the point that Battlefront would have been a better experience if you had a single player campaign with great classic Star Wars set pieces to playthrough. However, Battlefront was only given the green-light when Lucas Arts was restructured and they were told that it had to be out right before The Force Awakens. Having that supreme hard deadline and a semi-short dev cycle certainly contributed to single player getting cut. I'm not saying that not having a single player, or having a weak single player is the main cause for these games not being AMAZEBALLS. But it's certainly one of the quickest things that gamers will complain about.

You just have to think about it this way, video game development is not full of infinite resources even if you are EA or Activision. If you spread time/people/money out across a whole bunch of modes whether that be multiplayer, single player, zombies, mini games, co-op, whatever, they're all going to suffer in overall quality because you have the same amount of people and resources split between five things instead of one or two things.
well said. i dont judge a game for what im not going to use it for. if i dont care for the story line campaign im not going to care about any bad reviews on that aspect or give a bad review on it for something i dont care for. this goes for technology too... get something that suits what your going to use it for. just my opinion though.
beyond two souls? i already played heavy rain on ps3 so the mystery is ruined for me, but i always wanted to play beyond 2 souls. AWESOME! it better not be full price tho.

blasphemy. before TDB even dropped, people had well over 300hours poured into this game.


people can't log 300 hours on a trash game? ok.

300 hours of doing the same 5 raids? LMAO with the same 3 guns (with different stats!) LMAO

i played up until mars and had more than enough destiny for the rest of my life.

game is dookie.

for a second time, the OG Halo is better than destiny.
Never played COD campaign for the story. I just like to shoot ****... Do they let you shoot ****?
havent played a story line in the COD line since COD4 Modern Warfare
This is where things get interesting for developers. You continue to hear how bad the stories are in these games and you continue to hear that people don't even play the single player in comments or blog posts. Overwhelmingly, the research shows that FPS gamers view story as the lowest priority. Not surprising, but it also shows by the end of a players life cycle in an online shooter over 95% of time they spent playing the game is spent in multiplayer. In fact, I saw a recent report that less than 25% of players actually fully complete the single player campaign and barley even 70% make it past the first hour.

So publishers and developers take this data (which hasn't really had much deviation for the past 10 years) and have moved to models where the production cycle is heavily focused on multiplayer and/or the single player campaign is cut entirely. But then what happens? The public flips their **** saying that you're giving them an inferior product. Titanfall tried it and it totally backfired. They thought they were giving the public what they wanted and people felt slighted about no single player. COD gets **** on because it has a lot of modes but "none of them stand out".

People in this thread have commented about how Battlefront is a rip-off because of no single player. However, it's not like the team spent less hours on the game because it's lacking a campaign. The multiplayer, assets, and it's engine are better for the fact that every person on the team was focused on it. I can certainly agree with the point that Battlefront would have been a better experience if you had a single player campaign with great classic Star Wars set pieces to playthrough. However, Battlefront was only given the green-light when Lucas Arts was restructured and they were told that it had to be out right before The Force Awakens. Having that supreme hard deadline and a semi-short dev cycle certainly contributed to single player getting cut. I'm not saying that not having a single player, or having a weak single player is the main cause for these games not being AMAZEBALLS. But it's certainly one of the quickest things that gamers will complain about.

You just have to think about it this way, video game development is not full of infinite resources even if you are EA or Activision. If you spread time/people/money out across a whole bunch of modes whether that be multiplayer, single player, zombies, mini games, co-op, whatever, they're all going to suffer in overall quality because you have the same amount of people and resources split between five things instead of one or two things.
I definitely see this point of view. However, I still don't think it excuses mediocre efforts. Where I can respect a developer coming out and saying "look, we wanted to focus on single player/multiplayer". Planetside 2 is MP only but owned that. Witcher 3 is SP only and owned that. Using Battlefront as an example, they cut 1 or 2 of those 5 features and STILL skrimped on the 3 or 4 they focused on!

EA announced Battlefront was online only and then came back and said, "Oh no no no, we have a BOTS mode! It's single player....basically!" Bots mode is a throw-away feature that several MP games have in standard, and here is EA touting it as their single player.
 They then proceed to cut features that were staples of the franchise over a decade ago. Now, I am not naive enough to believe advances in hardware equate to an easier development cycle; in fact in most cases it's proven to be the opposite. However, if you can't do the source material justice, why cling to it other than for sheer brand recognition to drive profits?

Ok, so EA and DICE decide to go Multiplayer-centric with the game. Isolated, that is a bummer, but not a huge issue. You then start seeing reports of the previous mentioned features cut that existed in the last iterations, the lack of content (which I understand is subjective, but hard to argue), the throttling of players when their engine can hold twice as many, and the blatant portioning of DLC rather than include it with the original title.

To top that off, then they release a $60 ($80 in Canada) multiplayer game that DOESN'T WORK when it releases. 

At the end of the day, I am not going to start to temper my expectations of releases simply because it has become more difficult for a developer or publisher to bring a product to market, their focus groups have dictated their product doesn't need certain features, or release cycles have become shortened to maximize profit. EA isn't exactly a first-timer when it comes to this type of business model, and I'll be damned if I feel sorry for them because they're flawed business model isn't working out like they'd hoped. 

The developer is in a hard place, for sure. However, DICE already stumbled on their last release, so EA decides to throw them a bigger franchise (arguably) with less time to work on it and probably close to zero re-usable assets? Again, sucks for the developer, but I'm not parting with my hard earned cash out of pity. 

I'll say right now, I will buy another EA game, I will buy another DICE game. When they show they at least remotely care what the consumer wants. Until then, I'll continue to pass on their titles. 

Sorry @HybridSoldier23  this isn't directed at you at all, just another opinion on the matter. I know you have a unique perspective on this stuff and I absolutely respect that. 
So beyond: two souls and heavy rain goes together?

Only Europe gets the two games in one package.

Beyond two souls is out digitally in 5 days while Heavy Rain is out in March.


people can't log 300 hours on a trash game? ok.

300 hours of doing the same 5 raids? LMAO with the same 3 guns (with different stats!) LMAO

i played up until mars and had more than enough destiny for the rest of my life.

game is dookie.

for a second time, the OG Halo is better than destiny.

Oh Lord,

Another trash talker on our hands.
sorry, i was under the impression this was a debate and i was addressed, specifically, and was specifically responding to that.

my bad.

i'm generally just "talking trash"

carry on.


don't let me stop you from the monontamy of your glorious destiny.
Only Europe gets the two games in one package.

Beyond two souls is out digitally in 5 days while Heavy Rain is out in March.
Oh Lord,

Another trash talker on our hands.
im not even going to entertain the stupidity. to even INSINUATE that theres a better multiplayer experience out than destiny is asinine. and truth be told,  he probably didnt log 300+ hours into halo 1. but who knows n who cares. someone who only played a fraction of the story talking down about the game lol. i dont even play it anymore but u gotta call a spade a spade
sorry, i was under the impression this was a debate and i was addressed, specifically, and was specifically responding to that.

my bad.

i'm generally just "talking trash"

carry on.


don't let me stop you from the monontamy of your glorious destiny.

I'm just quoting the fact you're saying "trash" like our other resident troll.

I haven't played Destiny so you can carry on with your debate.
I'm just quoting the fact you're saying "trash" like our other resident troll.

I haven't played Destiny so you can carry on with your debate.
a year ago.... i woulda told u ur missing out lol. now... i cant make enough time to go to gamestop and return that ****
I've put more hours into Halo 1 than probably any other game. When cats were playing 3 I was still playing 1.

I might have put more hours in than anyone in this thread or the xbox thread. I love that game.

Destiny is infuriating and I haven't played in months due to a variety of factors.

I wouldn't use the term love to describe how I feel about it at all.

With that being said, Halo 1 is NOT a better multiplayer experience than Destiny. Not even close. I don't even consider it worth debating.
I've put more hours into Halo 1 than probably any other game. When cats were playing 3 I was still playing 1.

I might have put more hours in than anyone in this thread or the xbox thread. I love that game.

Destiny is infuriating and I haven't played in months due to a variety of factors.

I wouldn't use the term love to describe how I feel about it at all.

With that being said, Halo 1 is NOT a better multiplayer experience than Destiny. Not even close. I don't even consider it worth debating.
lmao u already KNOW what time it was with me for destiny. aint been back since. but this fallout tho? SHEEEEEESSSSHHHHHHHH
Apparently Resident Evil 6 was rated for PS4/Xbox One. I know a lot of people didnt like it but I'd cop for the low just to co-op with my brother.
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Apparently Resident Evil 6 was rated for PS4/Xbox One. I know a lot of people didnt like it but I'd cop for the low just to co-op with my brother.
resident evil 5 is one of my fav. games.

resident evil 6 was 4/5 to me.

Ada's campaign was horrible though.

Will cop the remaster, if it's res 5/6 collection.

Or unless they become bc with xb1.
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