The Old PlayStation Thread | *NEW THREAD IS UP*

Battlefront isn't as bad as people are making it out to be.

It's just that the lack of depth comes from the fact that the missing content is being sold in the form of the $50 season pass.

The game itself is fun to play.
Again a stand alone game, just shares the main game name but we off this topic

[h1]Beyond: Two Souls releases digitally on PS4 26th November[/h1]

And The Heavy Rain & Beyond: Two Souls Collection dated for 2nd March
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Beyond: Two Souls Coming to PS4 on Nov. 24th, Heavy Rain Out Next Year
beyond two souls? i already played heavy rain on ps3 so the mystery is ruined for me, but i always wanted to play beyond 2 souls. AWESOME! it better not be full price tho.
only here to say destiny is trash.

the original halo for xbox had more re-play-ability
blasphemy. before TDB even dropped, people had well over 300hours poured into this game.
Black Ops 3 had one of the most convoluted, stupidest, and pointless stories in a campaign in recent memory.
How's the co-op? You play on the new difficulty?
Co-op is fun, however to beat it on realistic, I think you may have to do it in co-op.

I have beaten every COD since 3 on veteran. My first run through on this was on hardened (step below veteran) and I died 38 times on the last level. I cant even fathom realistic on that level.
lol yet Fast and Furious FH2 achievements are not under FH2. I don't open FH2 to play F&F. Stand alone game.

lol yet Fast and Furious FH2 achievements are not under FH2. I don't open FH2 to play F&F. Stand alone game.

ur arguing semantics. the average person doesnt look at F&F or ISS: First Light as standalone titles. They group it all into DLC... because, its downloadable content. example

"At E3 2014, the DLC package Infamous First Light was announced and was released on August 26, 2014 in North America and August 27, 2014 in Europe. In First Light, the player controls Fetch. It is a Standalone expansion pack and Second Son is not required to play the game, but ownership of Second Son grants players access to exclusive content.[sup][49]"[/sup]

[sup]just stop[/sup]I
Black Ops 3 had one of the most convoluted, stupidest, and pointless stories in a campaign in recent memory.
bro that join was terrible. beat it on veteran with a friend but the story was it all around bad.

you can't even wall run in the campaign b just once in the tutorial lol
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Really want to buy the new COD but I was so disappointed in ghosts and AW that I'm struggling to do it...

I just want them to remaster COD4 already, so much greatness :smokin
lol yet Fast and Furious FH2 achievements are not under FH2. I don't open FH2 to play F&F. Stand alone game.

Question was "Let me know what DLC is playable without the full game."

The FF stand alone dlc is the 10 cars.

The FF car pack is the 10 cars.

Therefore the dlc(10 FF cars) are playable without owning FH2.

Sidenote: the achievements are tacked on. You get like 100gs for doing 5 drifts in the FF stand alone game.
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havent played a story line in the COD line since COD4 Modern Warfare

I've actually played them all since MW... I always have fun with them too... But I wouldn't expect a good story... AW's campaign was fun as hell IMO...

Only played 2 levels on this one.. But I will get to it later.
lol yet Fast and Furious FH2 achievements are not under FH2. I don't open FH2 to play F&F. Stand alone game.

ur arguing semantics. the average person doesnt look at F&F or ISS: First Light as standalone titles. They group it all into DLC... because, its downloadable content. example

"At E3 2014, the DLC package Infamous First Light was announced and was released on August 26, 2014 in North America and August 27, 2014 in Europe. In First Light, the player controls Fetch. It is a Standalone expansion pack and Second Son is not required to play the game, but ownership of Second Son grants players access to exclusive content.[sup][49]"[/sup]

[sup]just stop[/sup]I
No. I dragged it out because instead of just Googling that simple thing if someone is really interested in the game It is now drawn out for a couple of hours

It was easier to type Bloodborne DLC instead of the original post to find out if the game was still required or not.

As gamers I never heard anyone say u got the First Light DLC or F&F DLC. We just downloaded and played it as standalone games. Yet when TTK or Halo drops maps we say, "you got the DLC with the maps?"  

My bad for talking like a gamer, thought that's what we were.
Digital Foundry: Hands-on with PS4's PlayStation 2 emulation
Increased resolution, faster performance, trophy support.

As it happens, the PlayStation 4's PS2 emulator is now available, released with no fanfare whatsoever. A new PS4 Star Wars bundle has been released, including a package of four 'classic' franchise titles: Super Star Wars, Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter, Star Wars: Racer Revenge and Star Wars: Bounty Hunter. All four titles are supplied via a single PSN code, as opposed to a physical disc included with the hardware. You'll note that three of those titles hail from the PlayStation 2 era, and after we downloaded them, it became clear that all of them are running under emulation.
Original PlayStation 2 titles ran at a range of pixel counts, but 512x448 and 640x448 were commonplace (God of War 2 even let you choose between the two). It's still early days in our analysis, but first impressions suggest that the emulator resolves a native resolution of 1292x896. Two black lines are added top and bottom to the image, before receiving a final upscale up to full 1080p. In effect, we're looking at around 4x the pixel count - possibly higher, depending on the title. Texture filtering also looks improved, but on close inspection we think that the increased quality is probably down to the extra resolution alone.

Overall impressions are positive - there's little that can be done to improve the quality of 2D assets, but the improvements to the 3D side of things are welcome. It looks like some kind of post-process effect is in place mimicking anti-aliasing - edges are surprisingly smooth, and there's little in the way of shimmer. Oh, and there's one more addition worthy of note: trophy support is added to the emulator - something we can confirm having unlocked one while playing Racer Revenge. On the face of it, this may seem to rule out emulation (trophies were never in the original games) - but this patent explains how it is done. Essentially, it seems the emulator tracks certain 'trigger' conditions required for specific trophies to activate - we expect that it is tracking the game state as you play.

The arrival of PS2 emulation on the PlayStation 4 is a big deal - we reached out to Sony and await comment, but it is a little odd that a lovely piece of technology that's bound to excite a lot of interest has slipped out without any kind of fanfare. The PlayStation 2 is one of the classic pieces of console hardware, and the ability to access that back catalogue with enhanced visuals is a tantalising proposition. And with that in mind, it's actually a bit of a shame that the emulator has launched with a trio of mediocre titles, as opposed to a sparkling line-up of the console's greatest hits.

What a weird way to drop this but I guess we'll see more at PSX.

Trophy support is going to kill a lot of people :lol:
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If you liked BlackOps 2 get 3. It went back to the traditional ground style of play. There's no benefit to jumping and wall running leaves you vulnerable.

I'm speaking about multiplayer, I don't do campaigns at all.
If you liked BlackOps 2 get 3. It went back to the traditional ground style of play. There's no benefit to jumping and wall running leaves you vulnerable.

I'm speaking about multiplayer, I don't do campaigns at all.
depends on what you do with wall running and jumping. if you trying to get around the maps and flank they are great to use 
Black Ops 3 had one of the most convoluted, stupidest, and pointless stories in a campaign in recent memory.
bro that join was terrible. beat it on veteran with a friend but the story was it all around bad.

you can't even wall run in the campaign b just once in the tutorial lol
I thought you couldn't either, but you need to equip the perk in your loadout in the hideout before a mission starts. 

Never explained anywhere, but I stumbled across it on the 4th mission.
Digital Foundry: Hands-on with PS4's PlayStation 2 emulation
Increased resolution, faster performance, trophy support.

 Oh, and there's one more addition worthy of note: trophy support is added to the emulator - something we can confirm having unlocked one while playing Racer Revenge. On the face of it, this may seem to rule out emulation (trophies were never in the original games) - but this patent explains how it is done. Essentially, it seems the emulator tracks certain 'trigger' conditions required for specific trophies to activate - we expect that it is tracking the game state as you play.
Trophy support is going to kill a lot of people
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I agree to a degree. What I mean is if someone engages you while wall running, they'll more than likely kill you.

As for jumping, there's no combat benefit to using it when engaged, unlike AW where you could boost forward to duck around corners or pogo around to confused your opponent.
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