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Arkham Knight


Best Buy price matches with free expedited shipping(depends).
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1hr into ni no kuni
got it as a gift 2 years ago.
finally un-dsing it.
:smokin so far
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There are some difficulty spikes (mainly due to the incompetent AI) but try to get through it. I definitely think NNK was one of PS3's top games. It's probably the best JRPG exclusive too

Red case :x
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Gran Turismo Franchise Over 76 Million Units, GT6 Sales Total 4.71 Million

A complete redesign of Polyphony Digital’s website went live earlier today, and with it, the company has updated us on the subject of sales for the second time in 2015. During GT Sport’s first unveiling in Paris, PD had snuck a quick mention of a rough series total into the game’s website. Over 75 million units had been sold  as of March 2015, while today’s newer tallies come from September of this year.

The first number most will take note of is Gran Turismo 6’s total. At 4.71 million worldwide, it narrowly beats 2009’s GT PSP, while remaining some way shy of the next-highest title in the series, GT5 Prologue. As GT6 just celebrated its second birthday, it’s unlikely – though not impossible – the game will sell the additional 640,000 or so copies (13.6% of its current total) needed to overtake Prologue. Despite the relatively low numbers versus the rest of the family, it should be noted that no other racing game released since GT6 has sold more, with exception to Mario Kart 8, at 5.87 million as of June 2015.

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Of further interest is Gran Turismo 5’s total. Despite the servers being taken offline long ago, the low list price for what is still a massive amount of content no doubt helped GT5 total just shy of 12 million units (11.94). This pushes the 2010 title into second place within the franchise, second only to GT3’s massive 14.89 million.

From a generational perspective, the PS3 titles now total 22 million. The PS2 leads the way with 29.61 million, and the first two games total 20.22 million for the first PlayStation.

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Surprising to see that GT5 has become the second best selling GT. Even GT6 coming out after the PS4 has done well since no other racing games has outsold it.
Good for GT sport.

New website looks good too.
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Just bought a PS4 w/Battlefront and COD and now looking to buy an additional game. Want to get something offline that can keep me preoccupied until I get a better internet provider. Leaning towards Witcher 3, DA:Inquisition, or FO4. Any other suggestions?
Grand Theft Auto 5

Borderlands Handsome Collection

Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls


Far Cry 4

Dying Light

Mad Max


All those games are in the 20-80hr range.

Almost every game requires a patch, regardless of whether it has online.
All those games are better and/or easier playing with other. GTA 5 story mode is pretty short after you beat it online is the way to go.
If you want something to keep you occupied for a potentially long time I would say Bloodborne would do the trick.
I'm on the last boss of Old Hunters. I was trying him last night. brah! I get him to a little more than a quarter health but he's OD fast and hits HARD. I think maybe I should rank up and get my defense up some more.
SMH @ Rusty that can't be true fellas, the dude is barely even in here and I think his last appearance he dropped gifs and that was it. 
Sadly, those Gran Turismo sales numbers won't push them to make a much better game, to the level of Forza. And no, I'm not an Xbox fanboy (I own a PS4 and not an Xbox One), I'm just stating the fact that Forza is definitely one game Microsoft has on Sony.
Sadly, those Gran Turismo sales numbers won't push them to make a much better game, to the level of Forza. And no, I'm not an Xbox fanboy (I own a PS4 and not an Xbox One), I'm just stating the fact that Forza is definitely one game Microsoft has on Sony.

It's sad too. they want GT to be too perfect therefore allowing it to miss out too much.

Like GT is better than Forza to me but Forza has been much more relevant because we can actually play it.

GT5 had stuff in it like weather and nighttime that Forza just introduced recently. Forza 5 didn't even have headlights for when you went into tunnels. We tend to overlook that stuff because GT just doesn't release like it's supposed to. Like man, we are 2 years in and no GT release in sight for the PS4 :smh:
Sadly, those Gran Turismo sales numbers won't push them to make a much better game, to the level of Forza. And no, I'm not an Xbox fanboy (I own a PS4 and not an Xbox One), I'm just stating the fact that Forza is definitely one game Microsoft has on Sony.

I won't go that far. Like bigj505 bigj505 said things like weather and day to night transitions just got added to Forza this gen while it was in GT5, 5 years ago. There are definitely things that GT does better than than Forza and vice versa.
Forza definitely has alot of mindshare in the press because of the annual release (even though it's not all been good lately with the microtransactions) but thats not enough to sway people in terms of sales.

As for Polyphony not making a better game, they already said they had problems with the PS3's architecture and one of the downsides to it was the bad sound, which is why they hired the previous Forza Sound Engineer so that the cars will sound better.
And off course GT Sport will be their first game on the PS4 so off course it would be better than the previous iterations in many ways.

With FIA involvement and PS VR integration as well, I think it's going to be big.

It's sad too. they want GT to be too perfect therefore allowing it to miss out too much.

Like GT is better than Forza to me but Forza has been much more relevant because we can actually play it.

GT5 had stuff in it like weather and nighttime that Forza just introduced recently. Forza 5 didn't even have headlights for when you went into tunnels. We tend to overlook that stuff because GT just doesn't release like it's supposed to. Like man, we are 2 years in and no GT release in sight for the PS4 :smh:

GT Sport is meant to release next year. The beta is planned for early next year.
IF it does come out next year then it would have been 3 years after GT6 which was 3 years after GT5.
^great game well worth the $20 beat it over the summer for free...
Still haven't finished it, was trying to 100% it. Might just knock out the rest of the story over Xmas holiday, I also have the DLC to play also, haven't touched the game in months. Def a steal however for $20
^word I'm trying to 100% it myself I'm like 65% of the way there...but with all these games in the log plus mp games its tough to make time
Ha you still going for it? Bruh them riddler trophies get annoying after a while its TOO MANY, It's not worth it at this point to me, like you said too many games. I finished Tomb Raider, I still have UC collection and Bloodborne to play on top of COD Halo and Gears
 I didn't even touch Fallout yet.
^if i get to it I'll get to it...I did a couple of those riddler trophies and they were so damb annoying like you said...I'll grab the DLC as soon as they have the sale on it... I have to finish Tomb Raider, MK, Dead Rising...haven't touched the Witcher, Jax and Daxter Collection, Ratchet and Clank collection, Heavy Rain, Hitman series...on top of COD,FIFA,2K,Madden
 couldnt get into fallout but I may give it another try when it gets cheaper
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