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Finally put some time into BO3...Not bad. Although, I only have played TDM, I'm still trying to get familiar with the maps and see which places are good for sniping.
So I finally got a PS4 for Christmas with Black Ops, Battlefront and Destiny. What do you guys recommend picking up? MGS? Shovel Knight looks good from what I've seen.
rocket league , 2k if youre into basketball and MGS , dont need nothing else you already got that there black ops 3 which is awesome dont listen to the naysayer elitists 
Folks noob toobed for years, COD players have no morals Snipe away lol
the n00b tube 
I don't see too many snipers in BO3. Treyarch did a really good job with the spawning, jetpacks, and limits of the Ghost perk to deter camping.

Now if they could just do something about people picking Combine 24/7 :smh:
But people are complaining about snipers because they camp? That's what Snipers do, though.

No one really runs around with a .50 Cal to shoot with.
Maybe it's just my luck but the spawning is terrible imo. There have been times where I get killed, spawn and get killed by the same exact person before anyone else even gets a kill :smh:
Any word of what the DLC is going to be for SW:Battlefront?

Idk why, but I just realized Yoda isn't even in the game!
But people are complaining about snipers because they camp? That's what Snipers do, though.

No one really runs around with a .50 Cal to shoot with.

Say this all time

Think about it, if you were put in a place where every human being has a gun, would you run around?
heck no!!!
especially if some purge type stuff was happening.

Also the reason I never liked COD much and was always a socom/battlefield player
Rainbow Six: Siege >>>>>> any COD sans the MW series.

RB6 is a lotta fun. Vouch more tactical than COD and it requires communication and team work to win games.

went in to a pawn shop the other day, they had the first Socom with the headset to talk in to it there! almost bought it and a playstation just for nostalgia!
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