The Old PlayStation Thread | *NEW THREAD IS UP*

Picked up NFS. Couldn't resist but can't even play at the moment

About to wrap up the last few misc. trophies in Uncharted 3. Having played all 3 back-to-back, I think Uncharted 3 is the best, it's definitely my favorite. Those chapters on the ship on Crushing difficulty :x



Same order for me too.
Yea the series topped itself each release.

I need to get Rise of the Tomb Raider and MGS myself.
I keep thinking Tomb Raider is out for ps4 since it keeps getting mentioned on here lol. Gonna be with family today so it's probably going to be nba 2k16 I'll until I get home.
Anyone know where I could still get that darth vader ps4? I'm assuming it's super sold out since the movie just dropped but you never know
Good looks iYen.

@bigj505 this is probably the best deal on PS+ for the foreseeable future.

Merry Christmas to the PS family; first Christmas for me as a PS4 owner.
can anybody tell me why when i try to sign in to the psn on my ps4 the please wait sign keeps going on and on and it wont sign me in? i tested my internet and its working it just cant get the sn to work
can anybody tell me why when i try to sign in to the psn on my ps4 the please wait sign keeps going on and on and it wont sign me in? i tested my internet and its working it just cant get the sn to work

From the ps twitter
We are aware that new PSN account notification and Password Reset emails are delayed
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Anybody have a 2day pass or something sitting around that they aren't using? I hate to ask... Didn't know my psn ends to day but I have a 1year coming that should be here Tuesday.
I have a $50 PSN, don't know what to spend it on.
I looked at the sale, but it seems average at best.
Maybe I'll hold on to it.
I have a $50 PSN, don't know what to spend it on.
I looked at the sale, but it seems average at best.
Maybe I'll hold on to it.
worh copping: mad max, batman arkham knight, dragon age 3. If you're alright with waiting 4-6 months for another sale, I'd reccomend waiting. Especially if the listed games don't entice you.
Yeah Mad Max is one I would've normally copped for that price but I'm gonna comtinue working on my backlog for now.

I played DA: Inquisition on X1 and didin't care for it too much but that GOTY edition at that price seems like a good deal for people who are fans if the series.
Happy Holidays everyone! Had a blast with family the last two days, but today's arctic weather gives me a reason to get that FF7 plat.
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