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It's not one of the free games this month it was like 2 years ago

You'd have to buy it to play it but it's worth the purchase imo
what? when a game is free and u have ps+ if u dont download it that month, its no longer free anymore? u sure about that?
It's not one of the free games this month it was like 2 years ago

You'd have to buy it to play it but it's worth the purchase imo
what? when a game is free and u have ps+ if u dont download it that month, its no longer free anymore? u sure about that?
If u download it that month then even if you delete it you can redownload it for free. But if you don't download it that month it's not free the next.
Got the PS4 Batman bundle for Christmas. Which game Yall suggest I cop first? I'm debating between GTA 5 or Black Ops 3...
black ops, mad max, or dying light.
Probably not a good analogy, but this kinda goes with the iPhone vs Android argument. iPhones work and work well out of the box, while Androids are customizable and may require some tinkering to get it to your liking. I'm a tinkerer and don't mind putting in the hours for a custom rig, so that might be why I'm leaning towards just getting a PC.....but then again, since I already have a PS4 I might as well ride it out...
Daaaaaaaaaaamn. Can you actually run any games at 1440p @ 144hz? Must be beautiful.
I completely understand. I'm not a tinkerer.

^Nice Specs. Aren't you good with that setup for a while and are you getting 4k monitors?

Any of you guys seriously looking into dropping consoles and building a PC gaming rig? Seems like everything is available on steam these days and for cheaper than PS/Xbone versions.

I might just make the leap once Nvidia releases Pascal cards. Not really sure what the benefit of a console is anymore outside of some exclusives

If it makes sense personally then it's a good decision but having both is probably the best way to go.

I'll miss out on too many exclusives if I went PC Only and I hate the delays/uncertainty for some multi-platform releases too.
True. Might get the day one edition of GTA. I'm just kinda bummed oh bout having to level up and make all that cash all over again cuz i was a level 245 with 5 mil on the 360 lol...any xp glitches?

By the way my PSN is JulesMPD237 if anyone wants to add me

All of your progress transfers over as long as you're linked to social club
You can start here.

Budget your build, break done of each component.!/

Full proof guide to make sure all your parts are compatible with each other.

Intel/AMD Build

Windows Installation

The videos above I highly recommend. They go through a step-by-step process of the build order. I've showed this video to a few friends and they were able to build their PC just by following along with the video itself. To put things into perspective, you're basically playing with Lego pieces and placing them in their predetermined spaces within the case itself.
Just played through most of the order, pretty dope game and easy trophy list
any others for ps4? Kinda late on the ps4 so wanna bang a few easy ones out. Black ops 3 came with the system but not even gonna try for it, that list is a little crazy

all the telltale games are easy plats, some require two playthroughs, but less than 5-6 hours for plat
all the telltale games are easy plats, some require two playthroughs, but less than 5-6 hours for plat
yea I played through a lot of em on PS3 but will check em out for ps4. Also will buy heavy rain for ps4 since the PS3 version kept freezing on me at a certain point in the story
Another fellow trophy hunter :nerd:

A lot of the PS+ games decent plats, LEGO and remaster games too.
Another fellow trophy hunter

A lot of the PS+ games decent plats, LEGO and remaster games too.
yea I got 32 plats or something like that, lvl 17. How about you?
Nice! A few of us in this thread.

Some easy plats that were fun on PS4 for me would have been:

Infamous Second Son

Infamous First Light

Final Fantasy VII

The Order 1886

Metro Last Light

Metro 2033

Rocket League

Lvl 20, 26 plats. The Order had a very easy plat but the game was garbage. Infamous SS has the next easiest plat and it was enjoyable.
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Nice! A few of us in this thread.

Some easy plats that were fun on PS4 for me would have been:

Infamous Second Son
Infamous First Light
Final Fantasy VII
The Order 1886
Metro Last Light
Metro 2033
Rocket League
Cool thanks. Will pass on infamous since the first one gave me a headache on PS3 but always liked the concept of metro, will look into those

Lvl 20, 26 plats. The Order had a very easy plat but the game was garbage. Infamous SS has the next easiest plat and it was enjoyable.
i disagree, the order has an interesting story line to it, but nothing spectacular in terms of gameplay.
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