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You didn't want to finish FF VI :wow: the only reasonable explanation is that you didn't want that greatness to end. FF VI is the GGOAT
I didn't enjoy the World of Ruin. Up to that part was fun. But the World of Ruin just felt like a time sink.
World of Ruin is mostly optional quests that allow you to regain your entire party. You can get 3-4 party me members and go straight to Kefka but that would be a hard final dungeon :lol:
I hope you're right but I was under the impression I needed 3 parties of 4 members to do kefkas tower.

If I'm mistaken then I ruined the game for myself for no reason.
You guys ever play a game and it doesn't click with you but you still want to try and like/finish it? I've tried to get into the The Witcher 3 twice and it was just too dense for me but lately it's been on mind and I really want to play it. I just got a new group of Soldiers on Wednesday plus FF XV drops next month so it'll be a while before I try it again but I do want to beat it one day.
final fantasy 13 for me. I'm like 6 hr in, but i think i started it 1.5 years ago.
How long is the game? I may just try to plow through it quickly so I can create some hdd space. I rather play it than watch it.
It's 10hr, but there's 16 diff. Endings. That you may or may not want to see. If you play through heavy rain and don't like it, you'd be the first person i've heard of that didn't like it.
I hope you're right but I was under the impression I needed 3 parties of 4 members to do kefkas tower.

If I'm mistaken then I ruined the game for myself for no reason.
You can do 3 parties with one person each. It just makes it a lot harder because you have a few bosses that each party has to fight separately. Obvisouly if you only have one member in that party, you'll have to fight said boss with just that one character.
You guys ever play a game and it doesn't click with you but you still want to try and like/finish it? I've tried to get into the The Witcher 3 twice and it was just too dense for me but lately it's been on mind and I really want to play it. I just got a new group of Soldiers on Wednesday plus FF XV drops next month so it'll be a while before I try it again but I do want to beat it one day.
Kingdom Hearts
I loved the witcher 3 and have something around 40 hours into it but I completely fell off and havent touched it since. NO reasonable explanation :rofl:

You guys ever play a game and it doesn't click with you but you still want to try and like/finish it? I've tried to get into the The Witcher 3 twice and it was just too dense for me but lately it's been on mind and I really want to play it. I just got a new group of Soldiers on Wednesday plus FF XV drops next month so it'll be a while before I try it again but I do want to beat it one day.

Kingdom Hearts

This grinds my gears :smh:
I have about 210 hours logged in to TW3. For me, I was able to allow myself to be immersed into the game and its world. I feel that it's worth the play through as well as the expansions. With that being said, I really took my time with the game. I can understand how it being too dense could be a turn off though. I just really enjoyed traveling the world and exploring. Good times with Geralt and Roach :pimp:
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Played heavy rain some more. It's an intriguing story but not exactly the most captivating game. Guy is a terrible father.
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I played 30 hours of TW3..and then stopped playing..tried to restart but couldn't do it..when I first played I thought it was amazing..extremely easy..but great..then I went on vacation and never started it back up..I will eventually..but not right now
Heavy Rain is one of my favorite games of all time. There are a lot of gut wrenching moments, keep playing. It starts slow but gets intense in the middle to late chapters.
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