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You guys ever play a game and it doesn't click with you but you still want to try and like/finish it? I've tried to get into the The Witcher 3 twice and it was just too dense for me but lately it's been on mind and I really want to play it. I just got a new group of Soldiers on Wednesday plus FF XV drops next month so it'll be a while before I try it again but I do want to beat it one day.
Kingdom Hearts
This grinds my gears
I honestly think Kingdom Hearts is one of the most overrated franchises. If I had it my way, SE would just cancel KH3 and begin early production on Final Fantasy XVI.
I did not like Heavy Rain at all.
Legit never seen these words typed in the same sentence till today. 

How do you like Fullmetal Alchemist, but not Heavy Rain?

Both franchises are character driven.
FMA and Heavy Rain
Ricky you better take that comment of yours back about KH3 or I'm really bouta see you with da hands
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Originally Posted by CenTex HOGG  

I honestly think Kingdom Hearts is one of the most overrated franchises. If I had it my way, SE would just cancel KH3 and begin early production on Final Fantasy XVI.
I honestly think Kingdom Hearts is one of the most overrated franchises. If I had it my way, SE would just cancel KH3 and begin early production on Final Fantasy XVI.
 FMA and Heavy Rain
With both franchises, lets say the characters don't gel well with you. If that happens, it's difficult to get through the character development arcs of both franchises. 

Almost all the characters of fma/hr become different towards the end.
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Legit never seen these words typed in the same sentence till today. 
How do you like Fullmetal Alchemist, but not Heavy Rain?
Both franchises are character driven.
apples to oranges pa while I like both I can see why some people don't like HR since the gameplay and graphics didn't age the best. Story is still really well done tho and worth playing through. I was lucky enough to get one of the better endings in the game
Stop playing.

That is like saying,

How is a person gonna not like Heavy Rain but like any anime, tv show, or movie.

The point I was trying to make is that I think Heavy Rain is wack :lol:

You are fam but you Yenning right now.
Stop playing.

That is like saying,

How is a person gonna not like Heavy Rain but like any anime, tv show, or movie.

The point I was trying to make is that I think Heavy Rain is wack

You are fam but you Yenning right now.
Regardless of the mediums, they're both character driven. 

That's why I drew the parallel.

I'm not saying since you like fma you have to like hr.

I'm just wondering why none of the hr characters hooked you.

If Heavy Rain's wack, you're not gonna play Detroit?

Do you think this will be wack?

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Heavy Rain was years ago though. It isn't that they can't make a game like that right it is just that HR was wack to me :lol:.
Found a planet with mountains of gold all over in No Man's Sky. Harvested like 5000 units so far 
Heavy Rain was years ago though. It isn't that they can't make a game like that right it is just that HR was wack to me
Maybe I'm biased. I copped HR before I had a ps3. And it was the 1st ps3 game I played to completion.

After the 1st hour, I was hooked.

Beyond 2 souls was wack to me too, but there were signs of greatness in some chapters.

QD is by no means infalliable.
Maybe I'm biased. I copped HR before I had a ps3. And it was the 1st ps3 game I played to completion.
After the 1st hour, I was hooked.

Beyond 2 souls was wack to me too, but there were signs of greatness in some chapters.
QD is by no means infalliable.
You're right about beyond 2 souls that part of the game with the homeless people was awesome wish there was more of them in the game
I have the same issue with KH. What makes KH great? For reference, i played that 2.8 edition on ps3 and was ready to [emoji]128564[/emoji].
They were cool when they CAME OUT.

Of course they are wack now. Like I told Ricki, some things need to be left in the past :lol:. Sometimes it is ok to be left with nothing but memories.

That doesn't mean that Kingdom Hearts 3 won't be fire though. Just saying.
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They gonna pull a Gran Turismo on us.

Have standard pixelated characters from KH2 mixed with premium looking characters with sounds bites from KH2 :x

Gran Tursimo is on some ole...

We need to draft a lawsuit y'all
Final Fantasy, Star Ocean, Dragon Quest, Tales of, Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, Eternal Sonata, Grandia, Wild ARMs, Legend of Dragoon, Bravely Default, Pokémon,  Super Mario RPG, Paper Mario, Nier, Vagrant Story, Infinite Undiscovery, The Last Remnant, Magna Carta  >>>>>>>> Kingdom Hearts >>>> Lair (PS3)
 just bring it
Final Fantasy, Star Ocean, Dragon Quest, Tales of, Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, Eternal Sonata, Grandia, Wild ARMs, Legend of Dragoon, Bravely Default, Pokémon,  Super Mario RPG, Paper Mario, Nier, Vagrant Story, Infinite Undiscovery, The Last Remnant, Magna Carta  >>>>>>>> Kingdom Hearts >>>> Lair (PS3)

:evil:  just bring it :evil:
Lost Odyssey and eternal sonata are not better than KH
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