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Came in here to post hoping for that 1080P 60FPS update, maybe the team working on DCVR will spare a dev or two and pay them some overtime money to work the patch in.

One can hope but I doubt this. A lot of devs will always focus more on graphics than framerate.

At least the DC VR will be 60fps.

I don't play either of those games, but what do mods do?

It's short for modifications and yes a lot of people use it to make game characters naked :lol:

Here's an example on SFV.
Arguing Xbox One S is less powerful than PS4 is quibbling over semantics. Yes, technically it is. But what multiplatform games are you unable to play on an XB1S that a PS4 can play? What exactly does .4 of a Teraflop actually do? It doesn't negatively effect my experience.

VR is as much, if not more, and investment than a 4K TV, so those cancel one another out.

Microsoft console sales have lead NPD last two months... you don't find that to be an issue?

There is absolutely an argument to be made for the PS4. I just think right now, Sony did themselves absolutely no favors going into the holiday season.

True, XB1S power difference to PS4 is not much but if you don't have a 4K TV, then it's the same status quo as before which PS4 has been winning since this gen started .
You also have the chouce of VR in the future if that floats your boat.

If you do have a 4K TV then the pro is the better choice for gaming.

MS led the past two months because they had a fire sale on the OG Xbone before the Xbone S came out in July and the S came out in August which is why they led that month.
That is what normaly happens when a slim console releases. PS3 slim did the same in 2009 even though X360 was king in US back in the days.

Figures for August aren't out yet but even with the fire sale, Xbox only outsold the PS4 by 10K in July and the PS4 slim releases this month so that should see a spike too unless everyone is waiting for the pro.
also the xb1s performs 14% better than the normal xb1. so the power difference with the ps4 is actually shifted
They did a good job on the sound and power consumption.

also the xb1s performs 14% better than the normal xb1. so the power difference with the ps4 is actually shifted

Yea I put the change in.

Xbone is 1.3 TF and Xbone S is 1.4 TF
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PS4 Pro's 4K HDR Patches Could Cost Money

Publishers may decide to charge for upgrades, suggests Sony exec.

Notice a trend? When you are the industry leader it seems you think you know a bit too much about your customer base. When really you have no clue.

M$ tried this B.S. nickel and diming when it led. Nintendo basically rebranded its well outdated console with the success of the Wii... Sony is def following the pattern now.
Man, will Sony have to go into x-games mode so that all of these announcements won't backfire?

Seems like Sony is becoming like Microsoft in the the way they are confusing consumers with saying one thing and then having to 'flip the switch' to make things right again.
Overall this generation has been pretty ho-hum. Game delays being the big disappointment, quickly followed by games under-performing. This recent news, at least on Sony's side, doesn't do much to change it for me. Maybe VR will kick it up a notch.

I guess underwhelming best describes this gen so far for me. 
Seems like Sony is becoming like Microsoft in the the way they are confusing consumers with saying one thing and then having to 'flip the switch' to make things right again.

What did they flip?

The original article was a misinterpretation by Kotaku and then they reached out to Sony who corrected them.

They should have reached out to Sony first before posting the article.

They've not done a 180 on anything regarding PS4 pro but this being the first device of it's kind is what is confusing consumers, especially with the HDTV and 4K difference.

People would eventually get it.
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people getting worked up over a mistranslated article

let the sales/popularity burn inside
Notice a trend? When you are the industry leader it seems you think you know a bit too much about your customer base. When really you have no clue.

M$ tried this B.S. nickel and diming when it led. Nintendo basically rebranded its well outdated console with the success of the Wii... Sony is def following the pattern now.
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PS4 Pro's 4K HDR Patches Could Cost Money

Publishers may decide to charge for upgrades, suggests Sony exec.

Notice a trend? When you are the industry leader it seems you think you

know a bit too much about your customer base. When really you have no clue.

M$ tried this B.S. nickel and diming when it led. Nintendo basically rebranded its well outdated console with the success of the Wii... Sony is def following the pattern now.

MS didn't nickel and dime. They said buy our new system for $500 because we're including this accessory that you're totally gonna need...and then dropped it shortly thereafter.

Really not getting the freak out over the pro. It's a mid-gen console upgrade and considering this is a new thing in the industry, it's hard to say what's right and what's wrong at this point. Let's see how things play out.
PS4 -> Pro = iPhone 6 -> iPhone 6S

Not an entirely new system, just a few added kinks
No mods.
Increased price of PS+
399 USD
Actively blocking cross-play on rocket league.

Sonybros will defend this.
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Not gonna defend no mods, but don't care because I don't play bethesda games anyway. Maybe they'll work something out for future games.

Increased PS+ by less than a $1 a month. Yes, let's get all up in arms about that.

$399 is a perfectly fine price for the Pro.

Sony allowed Cross-play on Rocket League right from the start. They get slammed because MS is late to the party? Well of course MS is fine with cross-platform play now that they are way behind in sales. Then people could just buy an xbox to play with their ps4 owning friends. Notice how MS wasn't doing cross-play last gen when they were ahead of Sony?

Don't be dumb.
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