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Picking up my PSVR tomorrow. Picked up several games already via download, but the one I'm most excited about is Eve Valkyrie. Any PSVR owners on here play it yet?
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It's aight. I don't usually mess wit paying full price for a game that also offers pay2win tho

That's upsetting to hear: It seems to be pretty good, but anything that monkeys with the competitive balance is a huge negative.

I also wish it had support for a HOTAS flight stick. I feel like that would up the immersion. If they don't add it, I'm hoping that Ace Combat 7 will support it, whenever it drops.
Heard EVE was good but not worth the full price.

The demo was too short for me to make a decision on that game. I'll just wait for it to get cheaper.
The beginning of BF1 was pretty deep.

I have no idea when I will be able to play MP though

word the beginning took me by surprise. i was playing a bit this weekend and had a good time and the MP is smooth too no bugs I've seen or lag. EA finally learning from their mistakes 
word the beginning took me by surprise. i was playing a bit this weekend and had a good time and the MP is smooth too no bugs I've seen or lag. EA finally learning from their mistakes 
Other than experiencing the chat box flickering, the game has been smooth.

MP is fun and really enjoy sniping. Graphics are great too. 

Need to put some time in story mode. The soundtrack for the game is really good.
But DICE is just as terrible, so they kind of do...
and also to be fair, no one should be playing a game like battlefield for the campaign
Are you serious? You defend them by saying a mode that they put in the game should be free from criticism because, "no one should be playing it"? Come on, man.

And the campaign wasn't the worst part about Battlefield 4. It was the post-release 4 month Beta test they called multiplayer.

Everyone is most likely sick of my DICE hate so I will leave it at that, but EA and DICE have both become poster children for avoiding pre-orders. 
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I wouldn't mind copping Watch Dogs 2. I never got around to trying the first game tho.
Are you serious? You defend them by saying a mode that they put in the game should be free from criticism because, "no one should be playing it"? Come on, man.

And the campaign wasn't the worst part about Battlefield 4. It was the post-release 4 month Beta test they called multiplayer.

Everyone is most likely sick of my DICE hate so I will leave it at that, but EA and DICE have both become poster children for avoiding pre-orders. 
I've always pointed more blame towards EA than the devs since DICE isn't the only dev that suffers from bug problems in their games and having them pushed out the gate too soon. only thing i wish is that they would change up their DLC plans since other multiplayer titles have started giving out maps and MP content for free
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